A Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache implementation that provides efficient O(1) operations for both accessing and storing elements, with automatic eviction of least recently used items when capacity is reached.
import { LRUCache } from 'jsr:@mskr/data-structures';
const cache = new LRUCache<string, number>({ capacity: 3 });
interface LRUCacheOptions {
capacity: number; // Required: Maximum number of items the cache can hold
ttl?: number; // Optional: Time-to-live in milliseconds for cache entries
size: number
- Current number of elements in the cache
// Get value by key - O(1)
const value = cache.get('key');
// Check if key exists - O(1)
const exists = cache.has('key');
// Add or update an item - O(1)
cache.put('key', value);
// Remove specific item - O(1)
const removed = cache.delete('key');
// Remove all items - O(1)
// Get all entries (most to least recently used)
const entries = cache.entries();
// Iterate over cache entries
for (const [key, value] of cache) {
console.log(key, value);
const cache = new LRUCache<string, number>({ capacity: 3 });
// Add some items
cache.put('a', 1);
cache.put('b', 2);
cache.put('c', 3);
console.log(cache.get('a')); // 1
console.log(cache.size); // 3
// Adding a new item when at capacity
cache.put('d', 4); // Evicts "b" as it's the least recently used
console.log(cache.has('b')); // false
console.log([...cache]); // [["d", 4], ["c", 3], ["a", 1]]
const cache = new LRUCache<string, object>({
capacity: 100,
ttl: 60000, // Items expire after 60 seconds
cache.put('key', { data: 'value' });
// After 61 seconds...
console.log(cache.get('key')); // undefined (expired)
const cache = new LRUCache<string, number>({ capacity: 3 });
cache.put('a', 1);
cache.put('b', 2);
cache.put('c', 3);
cache.get('a'); // Marks "a" as most recently used
// Entries are returned in order of most to least recently used
for (const [key, value] of cache) {
console.log(key, value);
// Output:
// "a" 1
// "c" 3
// "b" 2
try {
const cache = new LRUCache<string, number>({ capacity: -1 });
} catch (error) {
console.log('Invalid capacity!'); // Throws Error for invalid capacity
Key features and performance characteristics:
O(1) time complexity for all basic operations:
- Get operations
- Put operations
- Delete operations
- Size queries
Memory usage:
- Stores up to specified capacity
- Additional overhead for internal data structures
- Optional timestamp storage for TTL feature
Automatic eviction:
- Removes least recently used items when capacity is reached
- Optional time-based expiration of items
Type Safety:
- Full TypeScript support with generics
- Separate key and value types