A generic singly linked list implementation that provides a standard linked list data structure with efficient operations for adding, removing, and accessing elements.
- O(1) insertions at the beginning and end
- O(n) access to arbitrary elements
- Iterator support for use in for...of loops
- Type-safe implementation using TypeScript generics
- Zero dependencies
const list = new LinkedList<T>();
size: number
- Returns the number of elements in the list
append(value: T): void
- Adds an element to the end (O(1))prepend(value: T): void
- Adds an element to the start (O(1))insertAt(value: T, index: number): void
- Inserts at specific position (O(n))get(index: number): T
- Returns element at position (O(n))
removeFirst(): T
- Removes and returns first element (O(1))removeAt(index: number): T
- Removes element at position (O(n))remove(value: T): boolean
- Removes first occurrence of value (O(n))
isEmpty(): boolean
- Checks if list is empty (O(1))indexOf(value: T): number
- Finds position of element (O(n))contains(value: T): boolean
- Checks if element exists (O(n))toArray(): T[]
- Converts list to array (O(n))clear(): void
- Removes all elements (O(1))
const list = new LinkedList<number>();
console.log(list.toArray()); // [0, 1, 2]
const list = new LinkedList<string>();
for (const value of list) {
console.log(value); // "a", "b"
const list = new LinkedList<number>();
try {
list.removeFirst(); // Throws EmptyStructureError
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof EmptyStructureError) {
console.log('List is empty');
- Uses a singly linked node structure
- Maintains both head and tail pointers
- Each node contains a value and next pointer
- Insertions at ends: O(1)
- Insertions at position: O(n)
- Removals from start: O(1)
- Removals from position: O(n)
- Search operations: O(n)
- Space complexity: O(n)
- Additional space per node: 1 reference
- When frequent insertions/deletions at the beginning are needed
- When memory overhead of doubly linked list isn't justified
- When forward-only traversal is sufficient
- When random access is frequent (use Array instead)
- When bidirectional traversal is needed (use DoublyLinkedList)
- When memory is extremely constrained
- DoublyLinkedList - When bidirectional traversal is needed