A doubly linked list implementation that stores elements of type T
and supports bidirectional traversal.
import { DoublyLinkedList } from 'jsr:@mskr/data-structures';
const list = new DoublyLinkedList<number>();
size: number
- Number of elements in the listisEmpty(): boolean
- Whether the list is empty
// Add to end - O(1)
// Add to start - O(1)
// Insert at index - O(n)
list.insertAt(2, 1);
// Remove from start - O(1)
const first = list.removeFirst();
// Remove from end - O(1)
const last = list.removeLast();
// Remove at index - O(n)
const element = list.removeAt(1);
// Remove by value - O(n)
const removed = list.remove(1);
// Get element at index - O(min(n/2, k))
const element = list.get(0);
// Find index of element - O(n)
const index = list.indexOf(1);
// Check if element exists - O(n)
const exists = list.contains(1);
// Forward iteration
for (const value of list) {
// Reverse iteration
for (const value of list.reverseIterator()) {
// Remove all elements - O(1)
// Convert to array - O(n)
const array = list.toArray();
const list = new DoublyLinkedList<number>();
// Add elements
// Forward traversal
console.log('Forward:', [...list]); // [1, 2, 3]
// Reverse traversal
console.log('Reverse:', [...list.reverseIterator()]); // [3, 2, 1]
const list = new DoublyLinkedList<string>();
// Add at both ends
// Remove from both ends
const first = list.removeFirst();
const last = list.removeLast();
try {
const empty = new DoublyLinkedList<number>();
empty.removeLast(); // Throws EmptyStructureError
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof EmptyStructureError) {
console.log('List is empty!');
Key advantages over LinkedList:
- O(1) removals from both ends
- More efficient element access for indices closer to the tail
- Bidirectional traversal support
- Simplified removal of arbitrary nodes