Streampie is a tiny library for simple and parallel execution of job processing tasks. The project heavily draws both concepts and code from the awesome project by Anh Hai Trinh. However, it is a leaner, cleaner re-implementation with the addition of simple distributed computation.
You can streampie with:
pip install streampie
Here is an example where streampie becomes useful. For more information, visit our docs
from streampie import *
ints = [2498834631017, 14536621517459, 6528633441793, 1941760544137, 7311548077279,
8567757849149, 5012823744127, 806981130983, 15687248010773, 7750678781801,
2703878052163, 3581512537619, 12656415588017, 468180585877, 19268446801283,
5719647740869, 11493581481859, 366611086739]
def factor(n):
result = set()
for i in range(1, int(n ** 0.5) + 1):
div, mod = divmod(n, i)
if mod == 0:
result |= {i, div}
return sorted(list(result))[:-1]
def do_work(wid, items):
for i in items:
yield factor(i)
print ints >> ProcessPool(do_work, poolsize=8) >> list