npm install
npm run serve
A full stack, fully-featured social media application using Vue, Firebase, Vuex, Express, and Vuetify.
This project covers things such as integration/interactive with REST API server built with Node.js and Express, user login and authentication, image uploads, notifications, cloud functions, and much more. Server of repository here. Inspired by hidjou
- Sign up and Auth State
- Vuex Setup
- Image upload
- Edit personal profile
- Add post scream
- Add a comment
- Like and Unlike scream
- Notifications
- Loading skeletons
- Creation of custom directives, mixins and custom filter
- LocalStorage, Authentication, token
- Single file components
- Use of vue router params, Navigations guards, meta RequiresAuth
- Vue
- Vuex
- Vue Router
- Vuetify 2.0
- Html5
- CSS - Sass
- Javascript
- Axios
- Material Icons
- Day.js
- Firebase Cloud
- jwt-decode
- Skeleton Screens
made with <3 @malbonm07