Gradle plugin for Yandex Cloud Functions
Full configuration example with comments
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'ru.mak_sim.ycf' version '0.5'
ycf {
// Required parameter
token = "${yc_oauth_token}" // OAuth token
function_id = "d4e1antsi3gvon0hn7kv" // ID of the function to create a version for
entrypoint = "ru.mak_sim.ya_func.Handler" // Entrypoint of the version.
// Parameters with default values
memory = 134217728 // Amount of memory available to the version, specified in bytes
runtime = "java11" // Runtime environment for the version
// Optional parameters with examples
execution_timeout = 30 // Timeout for the execution of the version, specified in seconds
environment = [key1: "1", key2: "2"] // Environment settings for the version
tags = ["iddqd","idkfa"] // Function version tags
– List yandex cloud functions, for all clouds available for specified OAuth token.ycfCreateVersion
- Create new yandex cloud function version.