This project is a research project when I created a tuner app for violin for iOS.
TuningEye is a iOS app written in Objective-c. It's draw input data from microphones, stored PCM files, and sin waves generated in code by OpenGL ES.
2.Open TuningEye.xcodeproj with Xcode.
3.Chenge TARGET->GENERAL->Signing->Team to yours.
input select
Mic: Microphone input.
File: Load data from file.
Sin: Ganarate sin wave and show.
line: Draw with the OpenGL draw line.
particle: Draw with the OpenGL draw particle.
data offset at draw
Data offset to get data from input buffer for draw. The movement of the graph in relation to the AudioUnit sampling rate and the GLKView update rate.
Reset Reset "data offset at draw" to default.
Line width.