Change Log
v0.1.0 (2020-10-07)
Merged pull requests:
- staging => prod #139 (@rmulhol)
- Update go version to 1.15 #138 (@rmulhol)
- Run go mod tidy #137 (@rmulhol)
- (VDB-1614) Update Geth dep #136 (@rmulhol)
- VDB-1629 - Have CheckedHeadersRepository use the plugin schema specified #135 (@paytonrules)
- VDB 1627 - Only reference public schema #134 (@paytonrules)
- Don't return error when nothing to backfill #133 (@rmulhol)
- Add header repository to log extractor initializer #132 (@rmulhol)
- Vdb 1528 decouple diff transforming #131 (@elizabethengelman)
- (VDB-1623) No error when no backfill #129 (@rmulhol)
- VDB-1420: add storage diff statuses #128 (@elizabethengelman)
- (VDB-1082) Update primary keys for large tables to bigint #127 (@rmulhol)
- Vdb 1539 created updated columns #126 (@yaoandrew)
- Chunk headers in backfill events process #125 (@rmulhol)
- Chunk headers in backfill events process #124 (@rmulhol)
- Add header repository to log extractor initializer #123 (@rmulhol)
- Add eth_node_id to storage_diffs table #122 (@paytonrules)
- Vdb 1424 remove hashed addresses #121 (@yaoandrew)
- Vdb 1425 remove hashed keys #120 (@elizabethengelman)
- VDB-1368: add new geth patch as diff source #119 (@elizabethengelman)
- (VDB-1338) Numerically indexed migrations #118 (@rmulhol)
- (VDB-1532) Isolate beta env #117 (@rmulhol)
- (VDB-1438) Use "=" instead of "is" in partial indexes #116 (@rmulhol)
- staging => prod #107 (@rmulhol)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator