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mailhexu committed Jun 4, 2024
2 parents 13337e3 + 3115c89 commit 35b542f
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Showing 12 changed files with 837 additions and 15 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions TB2J/abacus/.gitignore
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@@ -1 +1,2 @@
319 changes: 319 additions & 0 deletions TB2J/abacus/
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@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
import numpy as np
from TB2J.abacus.abacus_wrapper import AbacusWrapper, AbacusParser
from TB2J.mathutils.rotate_spin import rotate_Matrix_from_z_to_axis
from TB2J.kpoints import monkhorst_pack
from TB2J.mathutils.fermi import fermi
from TB2J.mathutils.kR_convert import k_to_R, R_to_k
from scipy.linalg import eigh
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
from TB2J.abacus.occupations import Occupations

# TODO List:
# - [x] Add the class AbacusSplitSOCWrapper
# - [x] Add the function to rotate the XC part
# - [x] Compute the band energy at arbitrary

def get_occupation(evals, kweights, nel, width=0.1):
occ = Occupations(nel=nel, width=width, wk=kweights, nspin=2)
return occ.occupy(evals)

def get_density_matrix(evals=None, evecs=None, kweights=None, nel=None, width=0.1):
occ = get_occupation(evals, kweights, nel, width=width)
rho = np.einsum("kib, kb, kjb -> kij", evecs, occ, evecs.conj())
return rho

def spherical_to_cartesian(theta, phi, normalize=True):
Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian
x = np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
y = np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
z = np.cos(theta)
vec = np.array([x, y, z])
if normalize:
vec = vec / np.linalg.norm(vec)
return vec

class AbacusSplitSOCWrapper(AbacusWrapper):
Abacus wrapper with Hamiltonian split to SOC and non-SOC parts

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
HR_soc = kwargs.pop("HR_soc", None)
# nbasis = HR_soc.shape[1]
# kwargs["nbasis"] = nbasis
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._HR_copy = deepcopy(self._HR)
self.HR_soc = HR_soc
self.soc_lambda = 1.0
self.nel = 16
self.width = 0.1

def HR(self):
return self._HR + self.HR_soc * self.soc_lambda

def rotate_HR_xc(self, axis):
Rotate SOC part of Hamiltonian
for iR, R in enumerate(self.Rlist):
self._HR[iR] = rotate_Matrix_from_z_to_axis(self._HR_copy[iR], axis)

def rotate_Hk_xc(self, axis):
Rotate SOC part of Hamiltonian
for ik in range(len(self._Hk)):
self._Hk[ik] = rotate_Matrix_from_z_to_axis(self._Hk_copy[ik], axis)

def get_density_matrix(self, kpts, kweights=None):
rho = np.zeros((len(kpts), self.nbasis, self.nbasis), dtype=complex)
evals, evecs = self.solve_all(kpts)
occ = get_occupation(evals, kweights, self.nel, width=self.width)
rho = np.einsum(
"kib, kb, kjb -> kij", evecs, occ, evecs.conj()
) # should multiply S to the the real DM.
return rho

def rotate_DM(self, rho, axis):
Rotate the density matrix
for ik in range(len(rho)):
rho[ik] = rotate_Matrix_from_z_to_axis(rho[ik], axis)
return rho

class RotateHam:
def __init__(self, model, kmesh, gamma=True):
self.model = model
self.kpts = monkhorst_pack(kmesh, gamma_center=gamma)
self.kweights = np.ones(len(self.kpts), dtype=float) / len(self.kpts)

def get_band_energy2(self):
for ik, kpt in enumerate(self.kpts):
Hk, Sk = self.model.gen_ham(kpt)
evals, evecs = eigh(Hk, Sk)
rho = np.einsum(
"ib, b, jb -> ij",
fermi(evals, self.model.efermi, width=0.05),
eband1 = np.sum(evals * fermi(evals, self.model.efermi, width=0.05))
eband2 = np.trace(Hk @ rho)
print(eband1, eband2)

def get_band_energy(self, dm=False):
evals, evecs = self.model.solve_all(self.kpts)
occ = get_occupation(
evals, self.kweights, self.model.nel, width=self.model.width
eband = np.sum(evals * occ * self.kweights[:, np.newaxis])
# * fermi(evals, self.model.efermi, width=0.05)
if dm:
density_matrix = self.model.get_density_matrix(evecs)
return eband, density_matrix
return eband

def calc_ref(self):
# calculate the Hk_ref, Sk_ref, Hk_soc_ref, and rho_ref
self.Sk_ref = R_to_k(self.kpts, self.model.Rlist, self.model.SR)
self.Hk_xc_ref = R_to_k(self.kpts, self.model.Rlist, self.model._HR_copy)
self.Hk_soc_ref = R_to_k(self.kpts, self.model.Rlist, self.model.HR_soc)
self.rho_ref = np.zeros(
(len(self.kpts), self.model.nbasis, self.model.nbasis), dtype=complex

evals = np.zeros((len(self.kpts), self.model.nbasis), dtype=float)
evecs = np.zeros(
(len(self.kpts), self.model.nbasis, self.model.nbasis), dtype=complex

for ik, kpt in enumerate(self.kpts):
# evals, evecs = eigh(self.Hk_xc_ref[ik]+self.Hk_soc_ref[ik], self.Sk_ref[ik])
evals[ik], evecs[ik] = eigh(self.Hk_xc_ref[ik], self.Sk_ref[ik])
occ = get_occupation(
evals, self.kweights, self.model.nel, width=self.model.width
# occ = fermi(evals, self.model.efermi, width=self.model.width)
self.rho_ref = np.einsum("kib, kb, kjb -> kij", evecs, occ, evecs.conj())

def get_band_energy_from_rho(self, axis):
This is wrong!! Should use second order perturbation theory to get the band energy instead.
eband = 0.0
for ik, k in enumerate(self.kpts):
rho = rotate_Matrix_from_z_to_axis(self.rho_ref[ik], axis)
Hk_xc = rotate_Matrix_from_z_to_axis(self.Hk_xc_ref[ik], axis)
Hk_soc = self.Hk_soc_ref[ik]
Htot = Hk_xc + Hk_soc * self.model.soc_lambda
Sk = self.Sk_ref[ik]
# evals, evecs = eigh(Htot, Sk)
# rho2= np.einsum("ib, b, jb -> ij", evecs, fermi(evals, self.model.efermi, width=0.05), evecs.conj())
if ik == 0 and False:
# eband1 = np.sum(evals * fermi(evals, self.model.efermi, width=0.05))
# eband2 = np.trace(Htot @ rho2).real
# eband3 = np.trace(Htot @ rho).real
# print(eband1, eband2, eband3)
e_soc = np.trace(Hk_soc @ rho) * self.kweights[ik] * self.model.soc_lambda
eband += e_soc
return eband

def get_band_energy_vs_angles(
es = []
# es2 = []
# e,rho = self.model.get_band_energy(dm=True)
# self.calc_ref()
thetas = np.linspace(*angle_range, npoints)
for i, theta, phi in thetas:
axis = spherical_to_cartesian(theta, phi)
# self.get_band_energy2()
e = self.get_band_energy()
# es2.append(e2)
return es

def get_model_energy(model, kmesh, gamma=True):
ham = RotateHam(model, kmesh, gamma=gamma)
return ham.get_band_energy()

class AbacusSplitSOCParser:
Abacus parser with Hamiltonian split to SOC and non-SOC parts

def __init__(self, outpath_nosoc=None, outpath_soc=None, binary=False):
self.outpath_nosoc = outpath_nosoc
self.outpath_soc = outpath_soc
self.binary = binary
self.parser_nosoc = AbacusParser(outpath=outpath_nosoc, binary=binary)
self.parser_soc = AbacusParser(outpath=outpath_soc, binary=binary)
spin1 = self.parser_nosoc.read_spin()
spin2 = self.parser_soc.read_spin()
if spin1 != "noncollinear" or spin2 != "noncollinear":
raise ValueError("Spin should be noncollinear")

def parse(self):
nbasis, Rlist, HR, SR = self.parser_nosoc.Read_HSR_noncollinear()
nbasis2, Rlist2, HR2, SR2 = self.parser_soc.Read_HSR_noncollinear()
# print(HR[0])
HR_soc = HR2 - HR
model = AbacusSplitSOCWrapper(HR, SR, Rlist, nbasis, nspin=2, HR_soc=HR_soc)
model.efermi = self.parser_soc.efermi
model.basis = self.parser_nosoc.basis
model.atoms = self.parser_nosoc.atoms
return model

def abacus_get_MAE(
path_nosoc, path_soc, kmesh, thetas, psis, gamma=True, outfile="MAE.txt"
"""Get MAE from Abacus with magnetic force theorem. Two calculations are needed. First we do an calculation with SOC but the soc_lambda is set to 0. Save the density. The next calculatin we start with the density from the first calculation and set the SOC prefactor to 1. With the information from the two calcualtions, we can get the band energy with magnetic moments in the direction, specified in two list, thetas, and phis."""
parser = AbacusSplitSOCParser(
outpath_nosoc=path_nosoc, outpath_soc=path_soc, binary=False
model = parser.parse()
ham = RotateHam(model, kmesh, gamma=gamma)
es = []
for theta, psi in zip(thetas, psis):
axis = spherical_to_cartesian(theta, psi)
e = ham.get_band_energy()
if outfile:
with open(outfile, "w") as f:
f.write("theta, psi, energy\n")
for theta, psi, e in zip(thetas, psis, es):
f.write(f"{theta}, {psi}, {e}\n")
return es

def test_AbacusSplitSOCWrapper():
# path = Path("~/projects/2D_Fe").expanduser()
path = Path("~/projects/TB2Jflows/examples/2D_Fe/Fe_z").expanduser()
outpath_nosoc = f"{path}/soc0/OUT.ABACUS"
outpath_soc = f"{path}/soc1/OUT.ABACUS"
parser = AbacusSplitSOCParser(
outpath_nosoc=outpath_nosoc, outpath_soc=outpath_soc, binary=False
model = parser.parse()
kmesh = [6, 6, 1]

r = RotateHam(model, kmesh)
# thetas, es = r.get_band_energy_vs_theta(angle_range=(0, np.pi*2), rotation_axis="z", initial_direction=(1,0,0), npoints=21)
thetas, es, es2 = r.get_band_energy_vs_theta(
angle_range=(0, np.pi * 2),
initial_direction=(0, 0, 1),
# print the table of thetas and es, es2
print("theta, e, e2")
for theta, e, e2 in zip(thetas, es, es2):
print(f"{theta=}, {e=}, {e2=}")

plt.plot(thetas / np.pi, es - es[0], marker="o")
plt.plot(thetas / np.pi, es2 - es2[0], marker=".")

def abacus_get_MAE_cli():
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Get MAE from Abacus with magnetic force theorem. Two calculations are needed. First we do an calculation with SOC but the soc_lambda is set to 0. Save the density. The next calculatin we start with the density from the first calculation and set the SOC prefactor to 1. With the information from the two calcualtions, we can get the band energy with magnetic moments in the direction, specified in two list, thetas, and phis. "
parser.add_argument("path_nosoc", type=str, help="Path to the calculation with ")
parser.add_argument("path_soc", type=str, help="Path to the SOC calculation")
parser.add_argument("thetas", type=float, nargs="+", help="Thetas")
parser.add_argument("psis", type=float, nargs="+", help="Phis")
parser.add_argument("kmesh", type=int, nargs=3, help="K-mesh")
"--gamma", action="store_true", help="Use Gamma centered kpoints"
help="The angles and the energey will be saved in this file.",
args = parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == "__main__":
22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions TB2J/abacus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,17 +16,25 @@

class AbacusWrapper(AbstractTB):
def __init__(self, HR, SR, Rlist, nbasis, nspin=1):
self.R2kfactor = -2j * np.pi
self.R2kfactor = 2j * np.pi
self.is_orthogonal = False
self._name = "ABACUS"
self.HR = HR
self._HR = HR
self.SR = SR
self.Rlist = Rlist
self.nbasis = nbasis
self.nspin = nspin
self.norb = nbasis * nspin

def HR(self):
return self._HR

def set_HR(self, HR):
self._HR = HR

def _build_Rdict(self):
if hasattr(self, "Rdict"):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,6 +70,8 @@ def gen_ham(self, k, convention=2):
S = self.SR[iR] * phase
# Sk += S + S.conjugate().T
Sk += S
# Hk = (Hk + Hk.conj().T)/2
# Sk = (Sk + Sk.conj().T)/2
elif convention == 1:
# TODO: implement the first convention (the r convention)
raise NotImplementedError("convention 1 is not implemented yet.")
Expand All @@ -74,6 +84,14 @@ def solve(self, k, convention=2):
Hk, Sk = self.gen_ham(k, convention=convention)
return eigh(Hk, Sk)

def solve_all(self, kpts, convention=2):
nk = len(kpts)
evals = np.zeros((nk, self.nbasis), dtype=float)
evecs = np.zeros((nk, self.nbasis, self.nbasis), dtype=complex)
for ik, k in enumerate(kpts):
evals[ik], evecs[ik] = self.solve(k, convention=convention)
return evals, evecs

def HSE_k(self, kpt, convention=2):
H, S = self.gen_ham(tuple(kpt), convention=convention)
evals, evecs = eigh(H, S)
Expand Down

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