This is startup project for dotnet core 6. Following features are ready -
- Request Handler using Mediator pattern.
- Unit Of Work pattern with Entity Framework Core.
- Repository pattern.
- Logic for managing multiple repositories.
- Linq queryable extension to make paging and sorting easy.
- Automapper for mapping DB models to contracts.
- Autofac for dependency injection.
Any request from a service (i.e., CoreSerivce - derived from ServiceBase) is handled by HandlerCaller. The HandlerCaller has the responsibility to process a request by finding a RequestHandler from the RequestHandlerFactory. The HandlerCaller then responses to that request from the ResponseFactory. Each RquestHandler creates a unitOfWork from the UnitOfWorkFactory to further process the request and interact with the database.
- Go to package manager console
- Set the core project as default
- Run
and provide a version name - Run