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Gadget Heaven is a dynamic React-based project that showcases a range of gadgets through interactive cards, filtered by category for easy browsing. Users can view detailed information on each item, add products to their cart or wishlist, and sort cart items by price in descending order. A purchase button resets the total cost upon successful checkout, along with a confirmation modal. The platform also includes a bar chart with gadget statistics and a dedicated comparison page to analyze two products side by side, offering a streamlined experience for gadget enthusiasts.
- Context API
- React-Toastify.
- useState Hook.
- useEffect Hook with Fetch API
- React Router DOM
- Array Methods (map, filter, find etc.)
- Storing Cart and Wishlist Items
- Handling Adding and Removing Items From Cart And Wishlist
- Showing Total Price Of Cart Items
- Category Filtering - Easily filter gadget cards by specific categories.
- Detailed View - View comprehensive details of each gadget.
- Cart & Wishlist Management - Add gadgets to the cart or wishlist and sort cart items by descending price.
- Purchase Modal - Reset total cost upon purchase with a confirmation modal.
- Product Comparison - Compare two gadgets side by side for informed decisions.