- Java 1.8
- Spring boot 2.0.3 RELEASE
- Spring cloud Finchley.RELEASE
- Maven-docker-plugin 1.0.0
- Kubernetes 1.13
- Kube-dns
- Docker 18.06.1-ce
- eureka-server
- service-zuul
- service-api
- service-tp
- config-server
mvn clean package docker:build
docker push xxxxx
kubectl create/apply -f deploy-file/<xxx>.yaml
kubectl get/delete deploy,pod,svc --all-namespaces/-n default
kubectl describe pod POD_ID
kubectl logs -f POD_ID
kubectl exec -it busybox sh
nslookup eureka-server
Check the other services whether join in eureka-server and make sure the config-server runs well.
eureka-server portal test : http://IP:Port
config-server and client test : http://IP:Port/custom-config/dev