MageVision Greek Regions Extension for Magento 2
The Greek Regions extension adds the Greek regions in English and Greek language. Useful for localization, shipping and tax calculation.
* List of Greek Regions
* In English and Greek language
* Useful for localization, shipping costs and tax calculation
* Developed by a Magento Certified Developer
* Meets Magento standard development practices
* Simple installation
* 100% open source
Magento Community Edition 2.4
* Backup your web directory and store database
* Download the extension
1. Sign in to your account
2. Navigate to menu My Account → My Downloads
3. Find the extension and click to download it
* Extract the downloaded ZIP file in a temporary directory
* Upload the extracted folders and files of the extension to base (root) Magento directory. Do not replace the whole folders, but merge them. If you have downloaded the extension from Magento Marketplace, then create the following folder path app/code/MageVision/GreekRegions and upload there the extracted folders and files.
* Connect via SSH to your Magento server as, or switch to, the Magento file system owner and run the following commands from the (root) Magento directory:
1. cd path_to_the_magento_root_directory
2. php bin/magento maintenance:enable
3. php bin/magento module:enable MageVision_GreekRegions --clear-static-content
4. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
5. php bin/magento setup:di:compile
6. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
7. php bin/magento maintenance:disable
* Log out from Magento admin and log in again
* Backup your web directory and store database
* Connect via SSH to your Magento server as, or switch to, the Magento file system owner and run the following commands from the (root) Magento directory:
1. cd path_to_the_magento_root_directory
2. php bin/magento maintenance:enable
3. composer require magevision/module-greek-regions
4. php bin/magento module:enable MageVision_GreekRegions --clear-static-content
5. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
6. php bin/magento setup:di:compile
7. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
8. php bin/magento maintenance:disable
If you need support or have any questions directly related to a MageVision extension, please contact us at