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Repository files navigation


  • Clone this repository

  • Run the site using Docker (thanks to Starefossen):

      docker run -t --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -p "4000:4000" starefossen/github-pages

Add a new meetup

  • Edit the title in
  • Create the new meetup in _meetups/ with these fields:
    • meetup_number: number of the meetup
    • meetup_date: date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
    • meetup_city: city of the meetup
    • subtitle (optional): title of the meetup
    • done [yes|no]: whether the meetup is completed
    • agenda (optional): array with the agenda items. put items in single quotes and use Markdown or HTML
    • gallery (optional): array with relative paths to images
    • registrations (optional): a hash containing one of these keys and the URL of the registration page as the value:
      • facebook
      • xing
      • meetup
    • the body of the file contains the main text of the meetup

Steps after a meetup is done

  • Open the file in _meetups/ and set done: to yes
  • Create a new meetup