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Nagios Plugin check_iowait

Davide Madrisan edited this page Dec 18, 2016 · 1 revision

check_iowait - monitor the I/O wait bottlenecks

command[check_iowait]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_iowait -m -w 20% -c 30%
Example of output
iowait OK - cpu iowait 0.1% | cpu_user=0.4% cpu_system=0.0% cpu_idle=99.5% cpu_iowait=0.1% cpu_steal=0.0%
Usage note
This plugin checks I/O wait bottlenecks
Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Davide Madrisan <>

  check_iowait [-v] [-m] [-p] [-w PERC] [-c PERC] [delay [count]]
  check_iowait --cpuinfo

  -m, --no-cpu-model  do not display the CPU model in the output message
  -p, --per-cpu   display the utilization of each CPU
  -w, --warning PERCENT   warning threshold
  -c, --critical PERCENT   critical threshold
  -v, --verbose   show details for command-line debugging (Nagios may truncate output)
  -i, --cpuinfo   show the CPU characteristics (for debugging)
  -h, --help      display this help and exit
  -V, --version   output version information and exit
  delay is the delay between updates in seconds (default: 1sec)
  count is the number of updates (default: 2)
        1 means the percentages of total CPU time from boottime.

  check_iowait -m -p -w 85% -c 95%
  check_iowait -w 85% -c 95% 1 2
  check_iowait --cpuinfo
Performance data

cpu_user cpu_system cpu_idle cpu_iowait cpu_steal