- Type Annotation Definitions
- Preprocessor
- Scope Modifiers
- Agent Scope
- Action Scope
- Message Scope
- Graph Scope
- One of the options from the brackets needs to be chosen, written as specified within the brackets.
- Optional arguments.
- A unique sequence of alphanumeric characters which does not contain any forbidden symbols and does not begin with a number. Some instructions put further restrictions on Name
- A floating-point number or variable.
- A floating-point variable with the possibility of being modified.
- An integer. If a Float
is passed as an argument of this type, it will be rounded.
- An enumerable that stores a state in the form of EnumVal
- A distinct enumerable state.
- A message defined using the MESSAGE
- Agent identifier. Literals start and end with "
. For example, "text@example.com"
- One of the FIPA-defined ACL performative types.
- Arguments for a specified distribution. Mathematical constraints apply.
Preprocessor directives begin with %
Makros can be used to reduce repetitive code or improve readability. When called, they expand in-place the definition by substituting makro arguments for call parameters.
Example usage:
%MAKRO add_if_greater_else val1, val2, flag
SET flag, 0
IGT val1, val2
ADD val1, 1
SET flag, 1
ILTEQ val1, val2
IEQ flag, 1
ADD val2, 1
# ...omitted
ACTION hello, modify_self
DECL flag, float 0
add_if_greater_else param1, param2, flag
They are used to define globally set numbers. They can be used in all scopes (including agent and message params and network definition).
Example usage:
%CONST sim_size, 10000
# ...omitted
AGENT manager
PRM alive, float, init, sim_size
AGENT name: Name
- Enters the scope for describing an agent.
- Exists agent scope. It has to correspond to AGENT
Example usage:
# agent definition here
BEHAV name: Name, type: {setup, one_time, cyclic, msg_rcv} [, b_args]
- Enters scope for describing a Behaviour of specified type
. b_args
depend on the specified type
. The name is required to be unique within AGENT
scope. It can only be used within AGENT
Behavior types:
- Fires on setup, no additional arguments are used.one_time
isdelay: Float
) - Fires afterdelay
must be greater than0
isperiod: Float
) - Fires everyperiod
must be greater than0
ismsg_name: Name, msg_type: ACLPerformative
) - Fires upon receiving message matching namemsg_name
- Exists behavior scope. It has to correspond to BEHAV
Example usage:
BEHAV read_message, msg_rcv, test_message, inform
# behavior definition
ACTION name: Name, type: {modify_self, send_msg}
- Enters scope for describing an Action of the specified type
. The name is required to be unique within the BEHAV
scope. It can only be used within the BEHAV
- Exists action scope. It has to correspond to ACTION
Example usage:
ACTION add_friend, modify_self
# action definition
MESSAGE name: Name, performative: ACLPerformative
- Enters the scope for describing a Message of the specified name and performative.
- Exists message scope. It has to correspond to MESSAGE
Example usage:
MESSAGE test_message, inform
# message definition
GRAPH type: {statistical}
- Enters the scope for creation of a graph of specified type
- Exists graph scope. It has to correspond to GRAPH
Example usage:
GRAPH statistical
# graph definition
PRM name: Name, type: {float, enum, list}, subtype: {init, dist, conn, msg} [, p_args]
- Creates an agent parameter of specified type and subtype. Describes the initial state of an agent by passing arguments p_args
isval: Float
) - Creates a float parameter. Valuename
is set toval
during agent initiation.dist
isdist: {normal, uniform, exp}, dist_args: DistArgs
) - Creates a float parameter. Valuename
is set to a value drawn from specifieddist
isval1, val1%, ..., valn, valn%
) - Creates an enum parameter. Valuename
is set to one ofval1, ... ,valn
. Correspondingvali%
arguments specify the percentage of the total agent population to have a specific value set on startup.list
- Creates a connection list parameter. List is empty on startup.msg
- Creates a message list parameter. List is empty on startup.
DECL name: Name, type: {float, conn} value: Float/Jid
- Creates a variable of specified type
with name
and value
. The new variable can only be used in given action's scope.
SET dst: MutFloat/Enum, value: Float/EnumVal
- Sets value of dst
to value
SUBS dst: List, src: List, num: Integer
- Chooses num
elements from src
and sets dst
to them.
ADD dst: MutFloat, arg: Float
- Adds arg
to dst
and stores result in dst
MULT dst: MutFloat, arg: Float
- Multiplies arg
by dst
and stores result in dst
SUBT dst: MutFloat, arg: Float
- Subtracts arg
from dst
and stores result in dst
DIV dst: MutFloat, arg: Float
- Divides arg
by dst
and stores result in dst
. If arg
is 0
then the ACTION
will finish early.
SIN dst: MutFloat, arg: Float
- Calculates the sine of arg
radians and stores it in dst
COS dst: MutFloat, arg: Float
- Calculates the cosine of arg
radians and stores it in dst
POW dst: MutFloat, base: Float, arg: Float
- Calculates base
raised to arg
power and stores the result in dst
LOG dst: MutFloat, base: Float, arg: Float
- Calculcates base
logarithm of arg
and stores the result in dst
MOD dst: MutFloat, dividend: Float, divisor: Float
- Calculcates dividend
mod divisor
and stores the result in dst
IEQ a: Float/Enum, b: Float/EnumVal
- Begins conditional block if a
is equal to b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
INEQ a: Float/Enum, b: Float/EnumVal
- Begins conditional block if a
is not equal to b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
ILT a: Float, b: Float
- Begins conditional block if a
is less than b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
IGT a: Float, b: Float
- Begins conditional block if a
is greater than b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
ILTEQ a: Float, b: Float
- Begins conditional block if a
is less or equal b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
IGTEQ a: Float, b: Float
- Begins conditional block if a
is greater or equal b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
WEQ a: Float/Enum, b: Float/EnumVal
- Begins loop block if a
is equal to b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
WNEQ a: Float/Enum, b: Float/EnumVal
- Begins loop block if a
is not equal to b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
WLT a: Float, b: Float
- Begins loop block if a
is less than b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
WGT a: Float, b: Float
- Begins loop block if a
is greater than b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
WLTEQ a: Float, b: Float
- Begins loop block if a
is less or equal b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
WGTEQ a: Float, b: Float
- Begins loop block if a
is greater or equal b
. Needs matching EBLOCK
ADDE list: List, value: Message/Jid
- Adds value
to list
REME list: List, value: Message/Jid
- Removes value
from list
. If value
is not in the list, does nothing.
REMEN list: List, num, Integer
- Removes num
random elements from list
. If list
is too short, it clears it.
LEN result: MutFlost, list: List
- Saves length of list
in result
CLR list: List
- Clears contents of list
IN list: List, value: Message/Jid
- Begins conditional block if val
is in list
. Needs matching EBLOCK
NIN list: List, value: Message/Jid
- Begins conditional block if val
is not in list
. Needs matching EBLOCK
SUBS dst: List, src: List, num: Float
- Takes num
randomly selected elements of src
and stores them in dst
LW dst: List, val: Float/Jid, idx: Float
- Writes val
at index idx
of dst
LR dst: Float/Jid, src: List, idx: Float
- Reads value from list src
at index idx
and stores it in dst
- Ends current conditional or loop block.
SEND rcv: ConnList/Jid
- Sends message to rcv
. Can only be used inside send_msg
RAND result: MutFloat, cast: {float, int}, dist: {uniform, normal, exp}, dist_args: DistArgs
- Stores a value drawn from specified dist
distribution, casts it to cast
type and stores it in result
) - Allows to access the value of prm
from msg
PRM name: Name, type: {float, conn}
- Creates a new message parameter of specified type. name
cannot be "sender", "type", or "performative".
SIZE value: Integer
- Sets the size of the graph.
DEFG agent_type: Name, amount: Float[%], connections: {Float, dist_normal, dist_uniform, dist_exp} [, DistArgs]
- Creates a new agent type with specified amount
of agents and number connections
. If the amount
ends with %
, then the percent refers to the size of the graph; else, it does not respect the size of the graph. The number of connections can be specified as a number or distribution. In the case of a fixed number, each agent will have the same number of connections. In the case of a distribution, each agent will have the number of connections drawn from the distribution.