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Agents Assembly

Table of Contents

Type Annotation Definitions

{...} - One of the options from the brackets needs to be chosen, written as specified within the brackets.

[...] - Optional arguments.

Name - A unique sequence of alphanumeric characters which does not contain any forbidden symbols and does not begin with a number. Some instructions put further restrictions on Names.

Float - A floating-point number or variable.

MutFloat - A floating-point variable with the possibility of being modified.

Integer - An integer. If a Float is passed as an argument of this type, it will be rounded.

Enum - An enumerable that stores a state in the form of EnumVal.

EnumVal - A distinct enumerable state.

Message - A message defined using the MESSAGE instruction.

Jid - Agent identifier. Literals start and end with ". For example, "".

ACLPerformative - One of the FIPA-defined ACL performative types.

DistArgs - Arguments for a specified distribution. Mathematical constraints apply.


Preprocessor directives begin with %.


Makros can be used to reduce repetitive code or improve readability. When called, they expand in-place the definition by substituting makro arguments for call parameters.

Example usage:

%MAKRO add_if_greater_else val1, val2, flag
  SET flag, 0
  IGT val1, val2
    ADD val1, 1
    SET flag, 1
  ILTEQ val1, val2
    IEQ flag, 1
      ADD val2, 1

# ...omitted

ACTION hello, modify_self
  DECL flag, float 0
  add_if_greater_else param1, param2, flag


They are used to define globally set numbers. They can be used in all scopes (including agent and message params and network definition).

Example usage:

%CONST sim_size, 10000

# ...omitted

AGENT manager
  PRM alive, float, init, sim_size

Scope Modifiers


AGENT name: Name - Enters the scope for describing an agent.

EAGENT - Exists agent scope. It has to correspond to AGENT.

Example usage:

  # agent definition here


BEHAV name: Name, type: {setup, one_time, cyclic, msg_rcv} [, b_args] - Enters scope for describing a Behaviour of specified type. b_args depend on the specified type. The name is required to be unique within AGENT scope. It can only be used within AGENT scope.

Behavior types:

  • setup - Fires on setup, no additional arguments are used.
  • one_time (b_args is delay: Float) - Fires after delay seconds. delay must be greater than 0.
  • cyclic (b_args is period: Float) - Fires every period seconds. period must be greater than 0.
  • msg_rcv (b_args is msg_name: Name, msg_type: ACLPerformative) - Fires upon receiving message matching name msg_name and msg_type.

EBEHAV - Exists behavior scope. It has to correspond to BEHAV.

Example usage:

BEHAV read_message, msg_rcv, test_message, inform
  # behavior definition


ACTION name: Name, type: {modify_self, send_msg} - Enters scope for describing an Action of the specified type. The name is required to be unique within the BEHAV scope. It can only be used within the BEHAV scope.

EACTION - Exists action scope. It has to correspond to ACTION.

Example usage:

ACTION add_friend, modify_self
  # action definition


MESSAGE name: Name, performative: ACLPerformative - Enters the scope for describing a Message of the specified name and performative.

EMESSAGE - Exists message scope. It has to correspond to MESSAGE.

Example usage:

MESSAGE test_message, inform
  # message definition


GRAPH type: {statistical} - Enters the scope for creation of a graph of specified type.

EGRAPH - Exists graph scope. It has to correspond to GRAPH.

Example usage:

GRAPH statistical
  # graph definition

Agent Scope


PRM name: Name, type: {float, enum, list}, subtype: {init, dist, conn, msg} [, p_args] - Creates an agent parameter of specified type and subtype. Describes the initial state of an agent by passing arguments p_args.


  • float
    • init (p_args is val: Float) - Creates a float parameter. Value name is set to val during agent initiation.
    • dist (p_args is dist: {normal, uniform, exp}, dist_args: DistArgs) - Creates a float parameter. Value name is set to a value drawn from specified dist distribution.
  • enum (p_args is val1, val1%, ..., valn, valn%) - Creates an enum parameter. Value name is set to one of val1, ... ,valn. Corresponding vali% arguments specify the percentage of the total agent population to have a specific value set on startup.
  • list
    • conn - Creates a connection list parameter. List is empty on startup.
    • msg - Creates a message list parameter. List is empty on startup.

Action Scope


DECL name: Name, type: {float, conn} value: Float/Jid - Creates a variable of specified type with name and value. The new variable can only be used in given action's scope.

SET dst: MutFloat/Enum, value: Float/EnumVal - Sets value of dst to value.

SUBS dst: List, src: List, num: Integer - Chooses num elements from src and sets dst to them.

Math Expressions

ADD dst: MutFloat, arg: Float - Adds arg to dst and stores result in dst.

MULT dst: MutFloat, arg: Float - Multiplies arg by dst and stores result in dst.

SUBT dst: MutFloat, arg: Float - Subtracts arg from dst and stores result in dst.

DIV dst: MutFloat, arg: Float - Divides arg by dst and stores result in dst. If arg is 0 then the ACTION will finish early.

SIN dst: MutFloat, arg: Float - Calculates the sine of arg radians and stores it in dst.

COS dst: MutFloat, arg: Float - Calculates the cosine of arg radians and stores it in dst.

POW dst: MutFloat, base: Float, arg: Float - Calculates base raised to arg power and stores the result in dst.

LOG dst: MutFloat, base: Float, arg: Float - Calculcates base logarithm of arg and stores the result in dst.

MOD dst: MutFloat, dividend: Float, divisor: Float - Calculcates dividend mod divisor and stores the result in dst.

Conditional Statements

IEQ a: Float/Enum, b: Float/EnumVal - Begins conditional block if a is equal to b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

INEQ a: Float/Enum, b: Float/EnumVal - Begins conditional block if a is not equal to b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

ILT a: Float, b: Float - Begins conditional block if a is less than b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

IGT a: Float, b: Float - Begins conditional block if a is greater than b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

ILTEQ a: Float, b: Float - Begins conditional block if a is less or equal b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

IGTEQ a: Float, b: Float - Begins conditional block if a is greater or equal b. Needs matching EBLOCK.


WEQ a: Float/Enum, b: Float/EnumVal - Begins loop block if a is equal to b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

WNEQ a: Float/Enum, b: Float/EnumVal - Begins loop block if a is not equal to b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

WLT a: Float, b: Float - Begins loop block if a is less than b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

WGT a: Float, b: Float - Begins loop block if a is greater than b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

WLTEQ a: Float, b: Float - Begins loop block if a is less or equal b. Needs matching EBLOCK.

WGTEQ a: Float, b: Float - Begins loop block if a is greater or equal b. Needs matching EBLOCK.


ADDE list: List, value: Message/Jid - Adds value to list.

REME list: List, value: Message/Jid - Removes value from list. If value is not in the list, does nothing.

REMEN list: List, num, Integer - Removes num random elements from list. If list is too short, it clears it.

LEN result: MutFlost, list: List - Saves length of list in result.

CLR list: List - Clears contents of list.

IN list: List, value: Message/Jid - Begins conditional block if val is in list. Needs matching EBLOCK.

NIN list: List, value: Message/Jid - Begins conditional block if val is not in list. Needs matching EBLOCK.

SUBS dst: List, src: List, num: Float - Takes num randomly selected elements of src and stores them in dst.

LW dst: List, val: Float/Jid, idx: Float - Writes val at index idx of dst.

LR dst: Float/Jid, src: List, idx: Float - Reads value from list src at index idx and stores it in dst.


EBLOCK - Ends current conditional or loop block.

SEND rcv: ConnList/Jid - Sends message to rcv. Can only be used inside send_msg actions.

RAND result: MutFloat, cast: {float, int}, dist: {uniform, normal, exp}, dist_args: DistArgs - Stores a value drawn from specified dist distribution, casts it to cast type and stores it in result.

. (msg.prm) - Allows to access the value of prm from msg.

Message Scope


PRM name: Name, type: {float, conn} - Creates a new message parameter of specified type. name cannot be "sender", "type", or "performative".

Graph Scope


SIZE value: Integer - Sets the size of the graph.

DEFG agent_type: Name, amount: Float[%], connections: {Float, dist_normal, dist_uniform, dist_exp} [, DistArgs] - Creates a new agent type with specified amount of agents and number connections. If the amount ends with %, then the percent refers to the size of the graph; else, it does not respect the size of the graph. The number of connections can be specified as a number or distribution. In the case of a fixed number, each agent will have the same number of connections. In the case of a distribution, each agent will have the number of connections drawn from the distribution.