N.B. For gentx, please use the binary available here: https://github.com/ingenuity-build/testnets/releases/download/v0.10.5/quicksilverd-v0.10.8-amd64
v1.0.0 will be released in the coming days, once auditors have signed off on the release.
Init chain and start your node
> quicksilverd init <moniker-name> --chain-id=quicksilver-1
Create a local key pair Note: we recommend only using Ledger for mainnet! Key security is important!
> ## create a new key: > quicksilverd keys add <key-name> > ## or use a ledger: > quicksilverd key add <key-name> --ledger > ## or import an old key: > quicksilverd keys show <key-name> -a
Add genesis account
> quicksilverd add-genesis-account <key-name> 51000000uqck
- Create gentx file Use the flags here to set commission rate, self bonds and descriptions and so on.
> quicksilverd gentx <key> 50000000uqck --moniker <moniker> --chain-id quicksilver-1 --security-contact security@validator.com
**N.B. If your gentx does not contain a security contact, it will not be included in the genesis file.
- Upload gentx.json
Copy the contents of the above command into a commit at
in thegentx
folder. Name the file with your validator moniker (figment.json, witval.json, etc.) so we can contact you in the event of a problem. If your gentx is invalid and your file is not appropriately named you may miss out on genesis!
Check to see if there has been a later release. If we have had to push any last minute tweaks, ensure you have the latest version of the codebase. Any changes will be communicated about on Discord.
Download genesis Fetch genesis.json into quicksilverd's config directory (default:
). It shall be released 48h before the network starts.
> curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ingenuity-build/mainnet/main/genesis/genesis.tar.gz > genesis.tar.gz
> tar -C ~/.quicksilverd/config/ -xvf genesis.tar.gz
- Check genesis
> shasum -a 256 ~/.quicksilverd/config/genesis.json
XXX /home/<user>/.quicksilverd/config/genesis.json
- Start your node and get ready to play!