Codes for Tensor Factorization with Back-off and Aggregation.
install sktensor (
This package contains the following files:
- -- Used to generate tensors from the set of tuples.
- -- Joint tensor factorization.
- -- Constrained Clique mining.
$ python2.7 <tuples_file> <output_dir> </br>
--- Each line in the input file is a tab separated 4-tuple of the format
subject "\t" relation "\t" object "\t" other "\t" frequency. </br>
--- 3-tuples can also be provided in the same file along with 4-tuples, in which case use the string "<na>" for other. </br>
--- This script will create pkl files in the output directory. </br>
$ python2.7 <data_dir> <output_dir> [other options]</br>
--- Performs the factorization and store the latent factor matrices and core tensors in the <output_dir> directory. </br>
--- <data_dir> should be same as the <output_dir> of </br>
optional arguments: </br>
-h, --help show this help message and exit </br>
--minLambda MINLAMBDA [MINLAMBDA ...] </br>
** Enter the min lambda (list), default = 0.1 0.1 0.1 </br>
--maxLambda MAXLAMBDA [MAXLAMBDA ...] </br>
** Enter the max lambda (list), needed only for grid
search. If no grid search, provide only minLambda option.
--step STEP Enter the step size for grid search (default = 0.5) </br>
--maxIters MAXITERS Enter the maximum iterations (default = 10) </br>
--rank1 RANK1 Enter rank1 (default = 10) </br>
--rank2 RANK2 Enter rank2 (default = 10) </br>
--rank3 RANK3 Enter rank3 (default = 10) </br>
--fit FIT Y/N, default = N. Give Y for fit computation. </br>
--cores CORES Number of Threads </br>
$ python2.7 <data_dir> <output_dir> --rank r1 r2 r3 </br>
--- Performs constrained clique mining and stores the schemas in <output_dir> </br>
--- <data_dir> should be same as <data_dir> used to run
[1] Madhav Nimishakavi, Manish Gupta and Partha Talukdar. Relation Schema Induction using Tensor Factorization with Back-off and Aggregation. Proceedings of 2018 Conference on Association for Computaional Linguistics (ACL 2018).