Algorithms for GeeksForGeeks, HackerRank.
Weekly Challenges and Practice problems for HackerRank. SRM's for TopCoder. (Practicing)
Leetcode - Best OJ for interviews. Did 25/177 problems.
Note: Some of these solutions are not the ones I came up with. These are taken from editorials or solutions given on the respective websites.
Progres --
- Comfortable with Most Div2 250pt problems.
- Can do some of Div2 500pt problems, but not most.
- Good topics - Sorting, String Manipulation, String Parsing, Greedy.
- Bad topics - Search, Dynamic programming, Graph theory.
Do more- Search, Recursion, Dynamic. Do more Machine Learning from Hackering.
Interviews Factual - Failed. Eddi - Meeting on friday...27th. Hoozu - Part Time Palantir - On Campus - Preparartion is hard itself. - :( - Went Well....but didn't get a callback. :( - V Sad feeling. Intuit - Online first , Karat Test - Medium. Facebook - Wed - March 2/3!! - Prep - Amazing and fun! Twitter - Really hard! - Mobile Dev. Pint & Eddi - Email