Site isn't functional anymore. I was switching over to AWS, then other life priorities came up. 1 year later (and after some requests) I'm redoing this project :)
Check out the live website, we have mobile support (well... kinda), at
Dal Schedule Builder is a web app built for Dalhousie students registering for classes. As a student myself, registering for classes was a pain, I'd hand draw a table and fill in classes. When I came upon a conflict, I would need to erase the classes from my table. This, as well as having to record all current CRN's, left me with a messy page. Hopefully this helps some people.
I'm web scrapping Dal TimeTable for the information. I'll have my web scrapper run aprox. once per day to check for changes.
I thought this might be interesting for some to see how many users were using it so far...
- Make Email functional
- View all classes page
- Click on CRN to view course information
- Add clear all selected classes button
- Make winter/fall selection functional
- Handle conflicting time classes (and offer suggestions)
- Update DB with winter information
- Figure out how to handle classes with C/D time (maybe make popup saying "We can't add classes with C/D at this time, however here is CLASS_NAME's CRN.")