Azure IPs and Service Tags provided using static URLs, individual files per Service Tag and versioned files for use within KQL queries, etc.
The following file tracks the current version:
Each Service Tag is broken down into a number of individual files, containing:
- serviceTag.json: Full Service Tag json
- ips.json: A JSON array of all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses belonging to the Service Tag
- ipv4.json: A JSON array of just IPv4 addresses belonging to the Service Tag
- ipv6.json: A JSON array of just IPv6 addresses belonging to the Service Tag
Service-Tag-specific files are located in the serviceTags directory, with a sub-directory named after the Service Tag's ID:
- serviceTags
- <service-tag-id>
- ips.json
- ipv4.json
- ipv6.json
- <service-tag-id>
eg. files for the AzureCloud
are found under:
- serviceTags/AzureCloud/serviceTag.json
- serviceTags/AzureCloud/ips.json
- serviceTags/AzureCloud/ipv4.json
- serviceTags/AzureCloud/ipv6.json
let FrontDoorBackendIps = toscalar(
externaldata(IPs: dynamic)
with (format = 'raw')
| mv-expand IPs
| summarize make_list(IPs)
| extend SourceIp = tostring(split(CallerIpAddress,":")[0])
| extend IsFrontDoor = ipv4_is_in_any_range(SourceIp, FrontDoorBackendIps)