Macartan Humphreys, Raul Sanchez de la Sierra, Peter van der Windt 07 August, 2019
- Preliminaries
- Table 2: Results on Public Fund Allocation
- Table 3: Results on Democratic Practices
- Table 4: Tuungane Balance Table
- Table 5: Summary Statistics
- Tables 6 and 7: Spillovers
- Table 8: Social Desirability
- Table 9: Robustness
- Table 10: Heterogeneous Effects by Initial Institutions
- Figure 1: Map Tuungane Treatment and Control
- Figure 2: Timeline
- Figure 3: Main Results
- Figure 4: Spillovers
- Figure 6: Minimal Detectable Effects
- Figure 5: Information for Consort Chart
- Additional statistics
This file replicates the core analysis as well as additional results of Humphreys, M., de la Sierra, R. S., & Van der Windt, P. (2019). Exporting democratic practices: Evidence from a village governance intervention in Eastern Congo. Journal of Development Economics.
Data for this analysis is available on Dataverse and can be sourced directly from the Dataverse server with the option below (
local_data <- FALSE
) or locally from folder “Data”. -
Supporting code including this page is available on Github. The code outputs tables and figures into the folder “Output”, which are then sourced in from the LaTeX file of the manuscript.
Options can be set to use data from data folder or directly from
dataverse. Note that if you ar e using this from public repositories
then you have access to all code and almost all data but you do not have
access to fine grained GPS data and so with_GPS
should be set to
. All analysis will still run although (a) spillover analysis
will be implemented using summary data without GPS codes (b) maps will
not be produced.
# load data locally (TRUE) or from dataverse (FALSE)
local_data <- FALSE
local_datapath = "Data"
# save figure and tables to output folder
saving <- TRUE
output_folder <- "Output"
# Set number simulatons used for calculating propensities and for the randomization inference p-values
spilloversims <- 5000 #5000 takes a long time, consider lowering for speediness
# Reproduce outputs requiring GPS data (usually set to `FALSE` since precise gps not publicly available)
with_GPS <- FALSE
# Save geodeidentified data, if geo data available (usually set to `FALSE` since precise gps not publicly available)
save_geodeidentified_data <- FALSE
if(!with_GPS) save_geodeidentified_data <- FALSE
# List indicators of main outcome (capture)
capture_var_names <- c(
"Financial Irregularities",
"Embezzlement (direct)",
"Embezzlement (list experiment)",
"Inequality of (Private) Benefits",
"Dominance of Chief's Preferences")
# List indicators of mechanisms (participation, accountability, transparency)
mech_var_names = c(
"Meeting Attendance",
"Interventions in Meeting",
"Dominance of Men in Discussion",
"Participatory Selection Methods",
"Committee Composition",
"Accountability Mechanisms",
"Private Complaints",
"Knowledge of Project Amount",
"Willingness to Seek Information",
"Quality of Accounting"
varnames <- c(capture_var_names, mech_var_names)
varnames2 <- paste(rbind(varnames, rep("",length(varnames))))
Script to create helper functions that will be used in the remainder of the replication.
source("Code/0 HelperFunctions.R")
abd_vill <- load_file("DRC2012_ABD_VILL_v2.dta")
abd_ind <- load_file("DRC2012_ABD_INDIV_v2.dta")
tuungane <- load_file("TUUNGANE_v2.dta")
irc_tuungane <- load_file("irc_tuungane.dta")
audit <- load_file("DRC2012_D_AUDIT_v2.dta")
abd_disc <- load_file("DRC2012_A_DISC_v2.dta")
roster <- load_file("DRC2012_D_ROSTER_v2.dta")
cdcdata <- load_file("gps/IDV_WEIGHTS_201203.dta")
D <- load_file("Dates_medians.dta")
idv_dists <- load_file("idv_distances.dta")
Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "")
f <- function(filename, extension = ".tab"){
g <- get_file(paste0(filename, extension), "doi:10.7910/DVN/BSASJR")
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".dta")
writeBin(as.vector(g), tmp)
abd_vill <- f("DRC2012_ABD_VILL_v2") # Village data
abd_ind <- f("DRC2012_ABD_INDIV_v2") # Indiv data
tuungane <- f("TUUNGANE_v2") # Attitudes data for non-Tuungane subset
irc_tuungane <- f("irc_tuungane") # IRC Tuungane
audit <- f("DRC2012_D_AUDIT_v2") # Audit data
abd_disc <- f("DRC2012_A_DISC_v2") # Discussion data
roster <- f("DRC2012_D_ROSTER_v2") # Roster
cdcdata <- f("IDV_WEIGHTS_201203") # CDC Data
D <- f("Dates_medians") # Dates
idv_dists <- f("idv_distances") # Adjacency matrix
Fine grain gps data is not publicly available following privacy protocols. These can be loaded here if available, otherwise summary data is used for replication.
# Raw GPS if available
X <- load_file("20140211indirect_5000sims_5km.dta")
X20 <- load_file("20140211indirect_5000sims_20km.dta")
GPS <- load_file("gps/gps_tuungane.dta") <- readShapePoly(paste0(local_datapath, "/shapefiles/COD_adm2"))
col <- readOGR(dsn = paste0(local_datapath, "/shapefiles"), "collectivite")
Script prepares data and variables for analysis.
# Merge subgroup data, treatment info, lottery info, etc. to the datasets
source("Code/1 PrepDatasets.R")
Here we prepare data for spillovers analysis. Alongside the gps database we use:
- a database of possible direct assignments (dir)
- a database of possible indirect assignments at 5k (ind05) and 20k (ind20)
- database of inverse propensity weights – these are different depending on each assignment becuase they report the probability of being assigned to the condition you are assigned to
These datasets are generated here if gps data is available, otherwise they are imported.
source("Code/2.1 PrepSpillovers_village_data.R")
if(with_GPS) source("Code/2.2 PrepSpillovers_rerandomize.R")
if(!with_GPS) source("Code/2.3 PrepSpillovers_import.R")
Script presents the result on public funds allocation.
dvs <- c("da109_not_verifiable",
main_results <- list(
fin_irregul = lm_robust(da109_not_verifiable ~ TUUNGANE ,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
embezzl_dir = lm_robust(qr026i_fund_misuse ~ TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN) ,
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
embezzl_list = lm_robust(
qr2830_list_experiment ~ TUUNGANE + RB + RB*TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
ineq_benef = lm_robust(stdev_benefits ~ TUUNGANE ,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT ),
chief_domin = lm_robust(
Correct_B_projet ~ TUUNGANE + CHIEF + CHIEF*TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN) ,
data = ind,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT))
main_table_pre <- mapply(function(x, name) {
tidy = tidy(x); rownames(tidy) = tidy$term;
if( name == "embezzl_list" )
round(c(Control = tidy["RB", "estimate"],
Control_se = tidy["RB", "std.error"],
Effect = tidy["TUUNGANE:RB", "estimate"],
std_error = tidy["TUUNGANE:RB", "std.error"],
N = x$N), 3)
else if(name == "chief_domin")
round(c(Control = tidy["CHIEFTRUE", "estimate"],
Control_se = tidy["CHIEFTRUE", "std.error"],
Effect = tidy["TUUNGANE:CHIEFTRUE", "estimate"],
std_error = tidy["TUUNGANE:CHIEFTRUE", "std.error"],
N = x$N), 3)
round(c(Control = tidy["(Intercept)", "estimate"],
Control_se = tidy["(Intercept)", "std.error"],
Effect = tidy["TUUNGANE", "estimate"],
std_error = tidy["TUUNGANE", "std.error"],
N = x$N ),3)
}, main_results, names(main_results))
add_cols <- mapply(function(d, dv){
d <- d %>% arrange(LOTT_BIN)
N_cluster <- ifelse(length(unique(d$IDV_CDCCODE[![[dv]])])) > 0,
#block weights in the data
d$dv <- d[[dv]][]
#block average for control
ave_ctrl_blocks <- d %>%
subset(TUUNGANE == 0) %>%
group_by(LOTT_BIN) %>%
summarize(block_n = sum(!,
ave = mean(dv, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% ungroup() %>%
mutate(block_w = block_n/nrow(.))
#weighted average of block averages
w_ave_ctrl_blocks <- weighted.mean(ave_ctrl_blocks$ave, ave_ctrl_blocks$block_w, na.rm = TRUE)
#weighted sd of block averages
w_sd_ctrl_blocks <- sd(d$dv, na.rm = TRUE)
return(round(rbind(w_ave_ctrl_blocks, w_sd_ctrl_blocks, N_cluster), 3))
}, d = list(vill, ind, ind, vill, ind), dv = dvs) %>% t()
main_table <- cbind(control.mean = add_cols[,1], = add_cols[,2], t(main_table_pre)[,-c(1:2)], N_cluster = add_cols[,3])
#maintain beta1 coefficient and standard error instead of control mean for "embezzl_dir", "chief_domin"
keep_beta1 <- rownames(main_table) %in% c("embezzl_list", "chief_domin")
main_table[keep_beta1, "control.mean"] <- t(main_table_pre)[keep_beta1, "Control"]
main_table[keep_beta1, ""] <- t(main_table_pre)[keep_beta1, "Control_se"]
control.mean | | Effect | std_error | N | N_cluster | |
fin_irregul | 0.147 | 0.212 | -0.006 | 0.020 | 394 | 394 |
embezzl_dir | 0.147 | 0.353 | -0.001 | 0.018 | 3623 | 411 |
embezzl_list | 0.462 | 0.049 | -0.012 | 0.066 | 3676 | 411 |
ineq_benef | 2.602 | 5.888 | 0.163 | 0.495 | 409 | 409 |
chief_domin | 0.095 | 0.027 | -0.019 | 0.039 | 2446 | 441 |
Script presents the result on democratic practices.
mechanisms <- list(
part = lm_robust(PART_A1 ~ TUUNGANE ,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
inter = lm_robust(N_INTERV ~ TUUNGANE ,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
male_d = lm_robust(MALE_DOM ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
sel = lm_robust(MFI_SELECTION ~ TUUNGANE ,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compos = lm_robust(MFI_COMPOSITION ~ TUUNGANE,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
mech = lm_robust(MFI_MECHANISMS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compl = lm_robust(MFI_COMPLAINTS ~ TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
corr = lm_robust(qr002CORRECT ~ TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
accep = lm_robust(qi003_accept ~ TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accoun = lm_robust(MFI_ACCOUNTING ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT)
mechanisms_table <- mapply(function(x, name){
tidy = tidy(x); rownames(tidy) = tidy$term;
round(c(Control = tidy["(Intercept)", "estimate"],
Effect = tidy["TUUNGANE", "estimate"],
std_error = tidy["TUUNGANE", "std.error"],
N = x$N ),3)
}, mechanisms, names(mechanisms))
add_cols <- mapply(function(d, dv){
d <- d %>% arrange(LOTT_BIN)
N_cluster <- ifelse(length(unique(d$IDV_CDCCODE[![[dv]])])) > 0,
#block weights in the data
d$dv <- d[[dv]][]
#block average for control
ave_ctrl_blocks <- d %>%
subset(TUUNGANE == 0) %>%
group_by(LOTT_BIN) %>%
summarize(block_n = sum(!,
ave = mean(dv, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% ungroup() %>%
mutate(block_w = block_n/nrow(.))
#weighted average of block averages
w_ave_ctrl_blocks <- weighted.mean(ave_ctrl_blocks$ave, ave_ctrl_blocks$block_w, na.rm = TRUE)
#weighted sd of block averages
w_sd_ctrl_blocks <- sd(d$dv, na.rm = TRUE)
return(round(rbind(w_ave_ctrl_blocks, w_sd_ctrl_blocks, N_cluster), 3))
}, d = list(vill, vill, vill, vill, vill, vill, ind, ind, ind, vill), dv = dvs_mech) %>% t()
mechanisms_table <- cbind(control.mean = add_cols[,1], = add_cols[,2], t(mechanisms_table)[,-1], N_cluster = add_cols[,3])
control.mean | | Effect | std_error | N | N_cluster | |
part | 132.394 | 79.683 | -1.199 | 6.297 | 455 | 455 |
inter | 14.697 | 5.524 | -0.267 | 0.483 | 457 | 457 |
male_d | 70.255 | 15.018 | 0.161 | 1.360 | 442 | 442 |
sel | 0.015 | 0.987 | 0.072 | 0.073 | 451 | 451 |
compos | 0.033 | 0.963 | 0.099 | 0.078 | 452 | 452 |
mech | 0.007 | 1.021 | -0.036 | 0.094 | 414 | 413 |
compl | 0.015 | 1.019 | -0.010 | 0.052 | 3658 | 411 |
corr | 37.965 | 48.568 | 0.697 | 2.384 | 3699 | 411 |
accep | 39.161 | 49.025 | 2.399 | 2.335 | 1407 | 411 |
accoun | -0.026 | 1.056 | 0.011 | 0.084 | 399 | 399 |
Script to output result tables to .tex files.
source("Code/3.2 Output_MainResults.R")
sink(paste0(output_folder, "/Table2_Capture.tex"))
sink(paste0(output_folder, "/Table3_Practice.tex"))
Create Tuungane balance table.
# Balance variables
BALANCE_VARS <- c(DIST = "distance",
VILL = "dist_mine",
VILL = "mineral_index",
PUBLIC = "public2006",
VILL = "former_chief_elec",
MIG = "mig2006",
STATS = "age"
# Balance datasets
BALANCE <- list(vill, vill, vill, vill, vill, vill,
# Balance table
balance.table <- sapply(1:length(BALANCE), function(i){
data <- BALANCE[[i]]
balance_function(data[,Y, drop = TRUE],
data[,"TUUNGANE", drop = TRUE],
data[,"VILL_WEIGHT", drop = TRUE])}) %>%
round(., 2) %>%
Control | Tuungane | d-stat | N | |
Distance from major urban center | 9.27 | 8.96 | -0.02 | 802 |
Distance to village mine | 5.75 | 6.09 | 0.02 | 470 |
Mineral composition | 0.84 | 0.78 | -0.06 | 617 |
Presence infrastructure in 2006 | 7.67 | 7.01 | -0.09 | 722 |
Former chief popular choice | 0.18 | 0.16 | -0.05 | 653 |
In-migration in 2006 | 8.46 | 8.22 | -0.01 | 607 |
Age | 39.77 | 39.30 | -0.03 | 5411 |
Create RAPID balance table.
# Balance table
balance.table.RAPID <- sapply(1:length(BALANCE), function(i){
data <- BALANCE[[i]]
data[,"IPW_RAPID"][])}) %>%
round(., 2) %>%
Control | RAPID | d-stat | N | |
Distance from major urban center | 8.46 | 8.00 | -0.04 | 802 |
Distance to village mine | 8.54 | 3.23 | -0.21 | 470 |
Mineral composition | 1.07 | 0.73 | -0.25 | 617 |
Presence infrastructure in 2006 | 7.20 | 7.92 | 0.11 | 722 |
Former chief popular choice | 0.12 | 0.14 | 0.05 | 653 |
In-migration in 2006 | 7.65 | 12.39 | 0.17 | 607 |
Age | 40.01 | 38.60 | -0.10 | 5411 |
Script to output tables to .tex files.
source("Code/3.1 Output_BalanceTables.R")
sink(paste0(output_folder, "/Table4_Balance_TUUNGANE.tex"))
sink(paste0(output_folder, "/Table4_Balance_RAPID.tex"))
outcomes <- c("RAPID", "TUUNGANE", "da109_not_verifiable", "qr026i_fund_misuse",
"qr2830_list_experiment","stdev_benefits", "Correct_B_projet",
"MFI_MECHANISMS","MFI_COMPLAINTS", "qr002CORRECT", "qi003_accept",
datasets <- list(cdcdata, cdcdata, vill,
ind, vill, vill, vill,
vill, vill, vill,ind,
ind, ind, vill)
sumStats <- mapply(function(y, d){
IDVs <- cdcdata[,"IDV"]
if(y == "qr2830_list_experiment" | y == "Correct_B_projet"){
# subset interactions
if(y == "qr2830_list_experiment") {i0 <- d$RB == 0;i1 <- d$RB == 1}
if(y == "Correct_B_projet") {i0 <- d$CHIEF == 0; i1 <- d$CHIEF == 1}
# compute subsetted villmeans
villmean_0 <- aggregate(d[i0,c("IDV",y)], by= list(d$IDV[i0]), FUN="mean", na.rm=TRUE) %>%
select(IDV, X_0 = y)
villmean_1 <- aggregate(d[i1,c("IDV",y)], by= list(d$IDV[i1]), FUN="mean", na.rm=TRUE)%>%
select(IDV, X_1 = y)
# Clean up interactions -- Impute means where one side has data present
villmean <- merge(IDVs, villmean_0, by = "IDV", all.x = TRUE) %>%
merge(villmean_1 ,by = "IDV", all.x = TRUE) %>%
mutate(X_1 = ifelse( !, mean(X_1, na.rm = TRUE), X_1),
X_0 = ifelse(!!, mean(X_0, na.rm = TRUE), X_0),
X = X_1 - X_0)
} else {
villmean <- aggregate(d[,c("IDV",y)], by= list(d$IDV), FUN="mean", na.rm=TRUE) %>%
select(IDV, X = y)
c( N = sum(!, mean = mean(X, na.rm = T), sd = sd(X, na.rm = T) , min = min(X, na.rm = T), max =max(X, na.rm = T)))
},y = outcomes, datasets)
kable(t(sumStats ), digits = 2 )
N | mean | sd | min | max | |
RAPID | 1120 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
TUUNGANE | 1120 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
da109_not_verifiable | 394 | 0.15 | 0.21 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
qr026i_fund_misuse | 412 | 0.15 | 0.22 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
qr2830_list_experiment | 408 | 0.46 | 0.60 | -1.21 | 2.79 |
stdev_benefits | 409 | 2.74 | 5.89 | 0.00 | 35.84 |
Correct_B_projet | 435 | 0.09 | 0.48 | -0.26 | 0.74 |
PART_A1 | 455 | 131.13 | 79.68 | 20.00 | 508.00 |
N_INTERV | 457 | 14.54 | 5.52 | 1.00 | 60.00 |
MALE_DOM | 442 | 70.71 | 15.02 | 0.00 | 100.00 |
MFI_SELECTION | 451 | 0.06 | 0.99 | -1.49 | 1.24 |
MFI_COMPOSITION | 452 | 0.07 | 0.96 | -2.67 | 2.07 |
MFI_MECHANISMS | 414 | -0.01 | 1.02 | -2.11 | 3.03 |
MFI_COMPLAINTS | 412 | 0.02 | 0.68 | -0.85 | 2.20 |
qr002CORRECT | 411 | 38.48 | 28.07 | 0.00 | 100.00 |
qi003_accept | 779 | 38.81 | 39.48 | 0.00 | 100.00 |
MFI_ACCOUNTING | 399 | -0.03 | 1.06 | -3.40 | 1.58 |
Script to output table to .tex files.
source("Code/3.4 Output_SumStats.R")
# Note: Blocks are not used in the calculation of estimates but blocks are taken into account in the randomization inference procedure
# spillover at 5km threshold
analysis05 <- sapply(gpsvars, function(j)
ri.analysis(gps[j][[1]], IND = gps$indirect05, indirects=ind05, weight = gps$gps_weight05, weight_matrix = w05, spilloversims = spilloversims)
CONTENT05 <- round(t(analysis05),2)
# spillover at 20km threshold
analysis20 <- sapply(gpsvars, function(j)
ri.analysis(gps[j][[1]], IND = gps$indirect20, indirects=ind20, weight = gps$gps_weight20, weight_matrix = w20, spilloversims = spilloversims)
CONTENT20 <- round(t(analysis20),2)
kable(CONTENT05, title = "Spillovers at 5km")
d | se_d | in | se_in | RMSE | p | N | |
da109_not_verifiable | 0.07 | 0.04 | -0.04 | 0.04 | 0.43 | 0.94 | 156 |
qr026i_fund_misuse | 0.11 | 0.04 | -0.04 | 0.03 | 0.42 | 0.83 | 163 |
LIST_RA | 0.10 | 0.11 | 0.10 | 0.11 | 1.27 | 0.52 | 163 |
stdev_benefits | 0.89 | 0.70 | 0.41 | 0.68 | 8.22 | 0.22 | 163 |
Right1 | -0.05 | 0.07 | 0.09 | 0.07 | 0.79 | 0.50 | 157 |
PART_A1 | -14.65 | 11.49 | 1.07 | 11.25 | 138.85 | 0.77 | 171 |
N_INTERV | 0.28 | 0.78 | 0.45 | 0.76 | 9.45 | 0.40 | 172 |
MALE_DOM | 1.17 | 2.46 | 0.23 | 2.40 | 29.41 | 0.80 | 169 |
MFI_SELECTION | 0.26 | 0.16 | 0.16 | 0.16 | 2.00 | 0.73 | 170 |
MFI_COMPOSITION | 0.23 | 0.15 | -0.16 | 0.15 | 1.85 | 0.54 | 170 |
MFI_MECHANISMS | -0.02 | 0.17 | -0.06 | 0.16 | 1.95 | 0.81 | 164 |
MFI_COMPLAINTS | 0.34 | 0.12 | -0.03 | 0.12 | 1.41 | 0.89 | 163 |
qr002CORRECT | -2.28 | 4.43 | 2.63 | 4.33 | 52.02 | 0.92 | 163 |
qi003_accept | 7.10 | 4.81 | -6.43 | 4.74 | 81.60 | 0.94 | 301 |
MFI_ACCOUNTING | -0.22 | 0.18 | -0.13 | 0.17 | 2.03 | 0.59 | 157 |
kable(CONTENT20, title = "Spillovers at 20km")
d | se_d | in | se_in | RMSE | p | N | |
da109_not_verifiable | -0.02 | 0.03 | 0.01 | 0.03 | 0.29 | 0.24 | 119 |
qr026i_fund_misuse | 0.03 | 0.04 | 0.03 | 0.03 | 0.32 | 0.54 | 126 |
LIST_RA | -0.02 | 0.11 | -0.16 | 0.10 | 1.01 | 0.49 | 126 |
stdev_benefits | -0.16 | 0.68 | -0.55 | 0.61 | 5.99 | 0.89 | 126 |
Right1 | 0.12 | 0.09 | -0.03 | 0.08 | 0.74 | 0.57 | 120 |
PART_A1 | 6.53 | 15.86 | -42.05 | 13.90 | 146.56 | 0.98 | 141 |
N_INTERV | -0.22 | 1.03 | 0.79 | 0.90 | 9.54 | 0.61 | 141 |
MALE_DOM | 0.28 | 3.30 | 0.84 | 2.95 | 29.67 | 0.91 | 133 |
MFI_SELECTION | -0.12 | 0.18 | -0.01 | 0.16 | 1.69 | 0.73 | 141 |
MFI_COMPOSITION | 0.41 | 0.16 | 0.34 | 0.14 | 1.48 | 0.53 | 142 |
MFI_MECHANISMS | -0.10 | 0.20 | -0.42 | 0.18 | 1.77 | 0.49 | 126 |
MFI_COMPLAINTS | 0.02 | 0.10 | 0.00 | 0.09 | 0.84 | 0.50 | 126 |
qr002CORRECT | -4.46 | 4.75 | -1.30 | 4.24 | 41.61 | 0.38 | 126 |
qi003_accept | -2.14 | 5.51 | 11.36 | 4.99 | 68.11 | 0.20 | 241 |
MFI_ACCOUNTING | 0.06 | 0.15 | -0.14 | 0.14 | 1.33 | 0.30 | 120 |
Script to output tables to .tex files.
source("Code/3.5 Output_Spillovers.R")
sink(paste0(output_folder, "/Table6_spill05.tex"))
weights = VILL_WEIGHT, data = ind, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE)
weights = VILL_WEIGHT, data = ind,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE)
## Call:
## lm_robust(formula = FIRST_ANSWER ~ TUUNGANE + IDS_TUUNGANE_POS +
## POS_PROMPT, data = ind, weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE)
## Weighted, Standard error type: CR2
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) CI Lower CI Upper
## (Intercept) 0.642491 0.01755 36.6121 6.593e-82 0.60785 0.67714
## TUUNGANE 0.007066 0.02459 0.2873 7.740e-01 -0.04130 0.05543
## IDS_TUUNGANE_POS 0.008741 0.02906 0.3007 7.638e-01 -0.04843 0.06591
## POS_PROMPT 0.200852 0.01999 10.0464 5.770e-19 0.16139 0.24032
## DF
## (Intercept) 167.7
## TUUNGANE 332.8
## POS_PROMPT 171.5
## Multiple R-squared: 0.05624 , Adjusted R-squared: 0.05549
## F-statistic: 66.62 on 3 and 417 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
## Call:
## lm_robust(formula = FIRST_ANSWER ~ TUUNGANE + IDS_TUUNGANE_NEG +
## NEG_PROMPT, data = ind, weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE)
## Weighted, Standard error type: CR2
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) CI Lower CI Upper
## (Intercept) 0.843344 0.01314 64.1606 1.605e-115 0.81738 0.86930
## TUUNGANE 0.015807 0.01850 0.8543 3.935e-01 -0.02059 0.05220
## IDS_TUUNGANE_NEG 0.008741 0.02906 0.3007 7.638e-01 -0.04843 0.06591
## NEG_PROMPT -0.209593 0.02110 -9.9352 1.097e-18 -0.25123 -0.16795
## DF
## (Intercept) 158.9
## TUUNGANE 325.9
## NEG_PROMPT 172.9
## Multiple R-squared: 0.05624 , Adjusted R-squared: 0.05549
## F-statistic: 66.62 on 3 and 417 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Positive prompt | Negative prompt | Difference | (se) | |
Control | 0.642 | 0.843 | 0.201 | 0.02 |
Tuungane | 0.65 | 0.859 | 0.21 | 0.021 |
Difference | 0.007 | 0.016 | 0.009 | |
(se) | 0.025 | 0.019 | 0.029 |
## 1: Alternative treatment
robust_alt_treatment <- list(
fin_irregul = lm_robust(da109_not_verifiable ~ IRC_TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
embezzl_dir = lm_robust(qr026i_fund_misuse ~ IRC_TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
embezzl_list = lm_robust(
qr2830_list_experiment ~ IRC_TUUNGANE + RB + RB*IRC_TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
ineq_benef = lm_robust(stdev_benefits ~ IRC_TUUNGANE,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT ),
chief_domin = lm_robust(
Correct_B_projet ~ IRC_TUUNGANE + CHIEF + CHIEF*IRC_TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
part = lm_robust(PART_A1 ~ IRC_TUUNGANE ,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
inter = lm_robust(N_INTERV ~ IRC_TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
male_d = lm_robust(MALE_DOM ~ IRC_TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compos = lm_robust(MFI_COMPOSITION ~ IRC_TUUNGANE,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compl = lm_robust(MFI_COMPLAINTS ~ IRC_TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
corr = lm_robust(qr002CORRECT ~ IRC_TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accep = lm_robust(qi003_accept ~ IRC_TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN),
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
accoun = lm_robust(MFI_ACCOUNTING ~ IRC_TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
fixed_effects = LOTT_BIN,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT)
robust_alt_treatment <- mapply(tidy_results, robust_alt_treatment, names(robust_alt_treatment), alt_treat = TRUE) %>% t()
robust_alt_treatment[,3] <- paste0("(", robust_alt_treatment[,3], ")")
robust_alt_treatment <- splice_sds(robust_alt_treatment[,2:3])
# 2: Village level
robust_village_level <- list(
fin_irregul = lm_robust(da109_not_verifiable ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, # sampling weights don't apply
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
embezzl_dir = lm_robust(Y_weighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVillmeans("qr026i_fund_misuse", ind),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
embezzl_list = lm_robust(Y_weighted ~ TUUNGANE,
#removed interaction because genVilldiff() calculates outcome as difference
data = genVilldiff("qr2830_list_experiment", ind),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
ineq_benef = lm_robust(stdev_benefits ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
chief_domin = lm_robust(Y_weighted ~ TUUNGANE,
#removed interaction because genVilldiff() calculates outcome as difference
data = genVilldiff("Correct_B_projet", ind),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
part = lm_robust(PART_A1 ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
inter = lm_robust(N_INTERV ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
male_d = lm_robust(MALE_DOM ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
sel = lm_robust(MFI_SELECTION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compos = lm_robust(MFI_COMPOSITION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
mech = lm_robust(MFI_MECHANISMS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compl = lm_robust(Y_weighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVillmeans("MFI_COMPLAINTS", ind), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
corr = lm_robust(Y_weighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVillmeans("qr002CORRECT", ind), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
accep = lm_robust(Y_weighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVillmeans("qi003_accept", ind), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
accoun = lm_robust(MFI_ACCOUNTING ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT)
robust_village_level <- mapply(tidy_results, robust_village_level, names(robust_village_level)) %>% t()
robust_village_level[,3] <- paste0("(", robust_village_level[,3], ")")
robust_village_level <- splice_sds(robust_village_level[,2:3])
# 3: NO Lott Bins
robust_lott_bins <- list(
fin_irregul = lm_robust(da109_not_verifiable ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
embezzl_dir = lm_robust(qr026i_fund_misuse ~ TUUNGANE,
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
embezzl_list = lm_robust(qr2830_list_experiment ~ TUUNGANE + RA + RA*TUUNGANE,
data = ind,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
ineq_benef = lm_robust(stdev_benefits ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT ),
chief_domin = lm_robust(Correct_B_projet ~ TUUNGANE + CHIEF + CHIEF*TUUNGANE,
data = ind,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
part = lm_robust(PART_A1 ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
inter = lm_robust(N_INTERV ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
male_d = lm_robust(MALE_DOM ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
sel = lm_robust(MFI_SELECTION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compos = lm_robust(MFI_COMPOSITION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
mech = lm_robust(MFI_MECHANISMS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compl = lm_robust(MFI_COMPLAINTS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = ind, weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
corr = lm_robust(qr002CORRECT ~ TUUNGANE,
data = ind, weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accep = lm_robust(qi003_accept ~ TUUNGANE,
data = ind, weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accoun = lm_robust(MFI_ACCOUNTING ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT)
robust_lott_bins <- mapply(tidy_results, robust_lott_bins, names(robust_lott_bins)) %>% t()
robust_lott_bins[,3] <- paste0("(", robust_lott_bins[,3], ")")
robust_lott_bins <- splice_sds(robust_lott_bins[,2:3])
# Results (at the village level) using propensity weights adjusted to assess village level sample average treatment effects
# rather than sate average treatment effects.
robust_prop_weight <- list(
fin_irregul = lm_robust(da109_not_verifiable ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
embezzl_dir = lm_robust(Y_unweighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVillmeans("qr026i_fund_misuse", ind),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
embezzl_list = lm_robust(Y_unweighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVilldiff("qr2830_list_experiment", ind),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
ineq_benef = lm_robust(stdev_benefits ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT ),
chief_domin = lm_robust(Y_unweighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVilldiff("Correct_B_projet", ind),
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
part = lm_robust(PART_A1 ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
inter = lm_robust(N_INTERV ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
male_d = lm_robust(MALE_DOM ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
sel = lm_robust(MFI_SELECTION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compos = lm_robust(MFI_COMPOSITION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
mech = lm_robust(MFI_MECHANISMS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compl = lm_robust(Y_unweighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVillmeans("MFI_COMPLAINTS", ind),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
corr = lm_robust(Y_unweighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVillmeans("qr002CORRECT", ind),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accep = lm_robust(Y_unweighted ~ TUUNGANE,
data = genVillmeans("qi003_accept", ind),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accoun = lm_robust(MFI_ACCOUNTING ~ TUUNGANE,
data = vill, weights = VILL_WEIGHT)
robust_prop_weight <- mapply(tidy_results, robust_prop_weight, names(robust_prop_weight)) %>% t()
robust_prop_weight[,3] <- paste0("(", robust_prop_weight[,3], ")")
robust_prop_weight <- splice_sds(robust_prop_weight[,2:3])
# Main results
robust_main_results <- mapply(tidy_results, main_results, names(main_results)) %>% t()
robust_main_results[,3] <- paste0("(", robust_main_results[,3], ")")
robust_main_results <- splice_sds(robust_main_results[,2:3])
# Mechanism results
robust_mechanisms <- mapply(tidy_results, mechanisms, names(mechanisms)) %>% t()
robust_mechanisms[,3] <- paste0("(", robust_mechanisms[,3], ")")
robust_mechanisms <- splice_sds(robust_mechanisms[,2:3])
robust_main_results <- rbind(robust_main_results, robust_mechanisms)
kable(cbind(varnames_, robust_main_results, robust_alt_treatment, robust_village_level, robust_lott_bins, robust_prop_weight), col.names = c("", "Base", "Alt. Treat", "Village (weighted)", "No block FE", "Village (unweighted)"))
Base | Alt. Treat | Village (weighted) | No block FE | Village (unweighted) | |
Financial Irregularities | -0.006 | 0.001 | -0.004 | -0.004 | -0.004 |
(0.02) | (0.02) | (0.021) | (0.021) | (0.021) | |
Embezzlement (direct) | -0.001 | -0.005 | 0.006 | -0.001 | 0.006 |
(0.018) | (0.019) | (0.01) | (0.021) | (0.022) | |
Embezzlement (list experiment) | -0.007 | -0.017 | 0.031 | 0.013 | 0.031 |
(0.054) | (0.055) | (0.023) | (0.06) | (0.022) | |
Inequality of (Private) Benefits | 0.163 | 0.182 | 0.206 | 0.206 | 0.206 |
(0.495) | (0.49) | (0.588) | (0.588) | (0.588) | |
Dominance of Chief’s Preferences | 0.024 | 0.034 | 0 | 0.017 | 0.008 |
(0.03) | (0.03) | (0) | (0.031) | (0.005) | |
Meeting Attendance | -1.199 | -1.482 | -1.983 | -1.983 | -1.983 |
(6.297) | (6.347) | (7.403) | (7.403) | (7.403) | |
Interventions in Meeting | -0.267 | -0.12 | -0.391 | -0.391 | -0.391 |
(0.483) | (0.494) | (0.508) | (0.508) | (0.508) | |
Dominance of Men in Discussion | 0.161 | -0.026 | 0.158 | 0.158 | 0.158 |
(1.36) | (1.375) | (1.49) | (1.49) | (1.49) | |
Participatory Selection Methods | 0.072 | 0.08 | 0.072 | 0.072 | 0.072 |
(0.073) | (0.073) | (0.094) | (0.094) | (0.094) | |
Committee Composition | 0.099 | 0.078 | 0.083 | 0.083 | 0.083 |
(0.078) | (0.079) | (0.096) | (0.096) | (0.096) | |
Accountability Mechanisms | -0.036 | -0.017 | -0.029 | -0.029 | -0.029 |
(0.094) | (0.096) | (0.1) | (0.1) | (0.1) | |
Private Complaints | -0.01 | -0.015 | 0.014 | -0.006 | 0.011 |
(0.052) | (0.054) | (0.028) | (0.066) | (0.067) | |
Knowledge of Project Amount | 0.697 | 0.06 | 0.646 | 0.414 | 1.436 |
(2.384) | (2.411) | (1.647) | (2.837) | (2.86) | |
Willingness to Seek Information | 2.399 | 1.579 | 1.964 | 2.846 | 3.661 |
(2.335) | (2.342) | (2.289) | (2.967) | (3.004) | |
Quality of Accounting | 0.011 | -0.01 | 0.013 | 0.013 | 0.013 |
(0.084) | (0.086) | (0.105) | (0.105) | (0.105) |
# schools
noschools <- list(
fin_irregul = lm_robust(da109_not_verifiable ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOSCHOOLS==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
embezzl_dir = lm_robust(qr026i_fund_misuse ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOSCHOOLS==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
embezzl_list = lm_robust(qr2830_list_experiment ~ TUUNGANE + RA + RA*TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOSCHOOLS==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
ineq_benef = lm_robust(stdev_benefits ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOSCHOOLS==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT ),
chief_domin = lm_robust(Correct_B_projet ~ TUUNGANE + CHIEF + CHIEF*TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOSCHOOLS==1),
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
part = lm_robust(PART_A1 ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
inter = lm_robust(N_INTERV ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
male_d = lm_robust(MALE_DOM ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
sel = lm_robust(MFI_SELECTION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compos = lm_robust(MFI_COMPOSITION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
mech = lm_robust(MFI_MECHANISMS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compl = lm_robust(MFI_COMPLAINTS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
corr = lm_robust(qr002CORRECT ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accep = lm_robust(qi003_accept ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accoun = lm_robust(MFI_ACCOUNTING ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOSCHOOLS==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT))
robust_noschools <- mapply(tidy_results, noschools, names(noschools)) %>% t()
robust_noschools[,3] <- paste0("(", robust_noschools[,3], ")")
robust_noschools <- splice_sds(robust_noschools[,2:3])
# inherited
inherited <- list(
fin_irregul = lm_robust(da109_not_verifiable ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, INHERITED==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
embezzl_dir = lm_robust(qr026i_fund_misuse ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, INHERITED==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
embezzl_list = lm_robust(qr2830_list_experiment ~ TUUNGANE + RA + RA*TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, INHERITED==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
ineq_benef = lm_robust(stdev_benefits ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, INHERITED==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT ),
chief_domin = lm_robust(Correct_B_projet ~ TUUNGANE + CHIEF + CHIEF*TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, INHERITED==1),
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
part = lm_robust(PART_A1 ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
inter = lm_robust(N_INTERV ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
male_d = lm_robust(MALE_DOM ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
sel = lm_robust(MFI_SELECTION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compos = lm_robust(MFI_COMPOSITION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
mech = lm_robust(MFI_MECHANISMS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compl = lm_robust(MFI_COMPLAINTS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
corr = lm_robust(qr002CORRECT ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accep = lm_robust(qi003_accept ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accoun = lm_robust(MFI_ACCOUNTING ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, INHERITED==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT))
robust_inherited <- mapply(tidy_results, inherited, names(inherited)) %>% t()
robust_inherited[,3] <- paste0("(", robust_inherited[,3], ")")
robust_inherited <- splice_sds(robust_inherited[,2:3])
# committees
nocommittee <- list(
fin_irregul = lm_robust(da109_not_verifiable ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOCOMMITTEE==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
embezzl_dir = lm_robust(qr026i_fund_misuse ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOCOMMITTEE==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
embezzl_list = lm_robust(qr2830_list_experiment ~ TUUNGANE + RA + RA*TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOCOMMITTEE==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT,
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE),
ineq_benef = lm_robust(stdev_benefits ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOCOMMITTEE==1),
weights = VILL_WEIGHT ),
chief_domin = lm_robust(Correct_B_projet ~ TUUNGANE + CHIEF + CHIEF*TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOCOMMITTEE==1),
clusters = IDS_CDCCODE,
weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
part = lm_robust(PART_A1 ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
inter = lm_robust(N_INTERV ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
male_d = lm_robust(MALE_DOM ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
sel = lm_robust(MFI_SELECTION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compos = lm_robust(MFI_COMPOSITION ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
mech = lm_robust(MFI_MECHANISMS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT),
compl = lm_robust(MFI_COMPLAINTS ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
corr = lm_robust(qr002CORRECT ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accep = lm_robust(qi003_accept ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(ind, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT, clusters = IDS_CDCCODE ),
accoun = lm_robust(MFI_ACCOUNTING ~ TUUNGANE,
data = subset(vill, NOCOMMITTEE==1), weights = VILL_WEIGHT))
robust_nocommittee <- mapply(tidy_results, nocommittee, names(nocommittee)) %>% t()
robust_nocommittee[,3] <- paste0("(", robust_nocommittee[,3], ")")
robust_nocommittee <- splice_sds(robust_nocommittee[,2:3])
kable( cbind(varnames_, robust_main_results, robust_noschools, robust_nocommittee, robust_inherited),
col.names = c("", "Base", "No School", "Inherited", "No Committee"))
Base | No School | Inherited | No Committee | |
Financial Irregularities | -0.006 | 0.006 | -0.047 | 0.004 |
(0.02) | (0.031) | (0.035) | (0.042) | |
Embezzlement (direct) | -0.001 | -0.009 | -0.02 | -0.004 |
(0.018) | (0.03) | (0.029) | (0.035) | |
Embezzlement (list experiment) | -0.007 | -0.046 | -0.092 | -0.052 |
(0.054) | (0.092) | (0.097) | (0.103) | |
Inequality of (Private) Benefits | 0.163 | 1.526 | 1.596 | -0.379 |
(0.495) | (0.961) | (0.855) | (1.139) | |
Dominance of Chief’s Preferences | 0.024 | -0.032 | 0.007 | -0.036 |
(0.03) | (0.047) | (0.05) | (0.063) | |
Meeting Attendance | -1.199 | -4.547 | -1.248 | -9.803 |
(6.297) | (10.954) | (13.175) | (15.321) | |
Interventions in Meeting | -0.267 | -1.046 | -0.358 | -1.233 |
(0.483) | (0.939) | (0.903) | (1.125) | |
Dominance of Men in Discussion | 0.161 | -2.196 | -1.131 | 0.749 |
(1.36) | (2.566) | (2.433) | (2.956) | |
Participatory Selection Methods | 0.072 | 0.328 | 0.389 | 0.106 |
(0.073) | (0.157) | (0.163) | (0.169) | |
Committee Composition | 0.099 | 0.091 | -0.006 | -0.161 |
(0.078) | (0.166) | (0.17) | (0.199) | |
Accountability Mechanisms | -0.036 | -0.267 | -0.015 | -0.251 |
(0.094) | (0.15) | (0.159) | (0.18) | |
Private Complaints | -0.01 | 0.086 | 0.098 | -0.105 |
(0.052) | (0.097) | (0.094) | (0.115) | |
Knowledge of Project Amount | 0.697 | -0.1 | -1.266 | 2.334 |
(2.384) | (4.318) | (4.566) | (5.543) | |
Willingness to Seek Information | 2.399 | 6.958 | 1.207 | 0.791 |
(2.335) | (4.453) | (4.354) | (5.265) | |
Quality of Accounting | 0.011 | -0.071 | -0.075 | 0.174 |
(0.084) | (0.17) | (0.187) | (0.194) |
Script to output tables to .tex files.
source("Code/3.3 Output_Robustness.R")
sink(paste0(output_folder, "/Table9_Robust.tex"))
sink(paste0(output_folder, "/Table10_Hetero.tex"))
This figure requires aceess to GPS data and is only generated if
with_GPS = TRUE
gps2 <- GPS
gps2 <- left_join(gps2, vill[,c("IDV", "IDV_RAPID")])
coordinates(gps2) <- gps2[,c("longitude","latitude")]
proj4string(gps2) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
col <- spTransform(col, CRSobj = CRS(proj4string(gps2)))
#generate plot
xlim <- gps2@bbox[1,] + c(3, 0)
ylim <- gps2@bbox[2,] + c(-1, 1)
map_tuungane <- function(){
par(mar = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
plot(col, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, lwd = .1)
plot(gps2, add=TRUE, #pch = 21,
pch = c(21, 24)[factor(gps2$IDV_RAPID)],
bg = alpha(c("white", "black")[factor(gps2$TUUNGANE)], .6), cex = .4, lwd = .7)
text(x=c(26.7, 28.5, 28, 26.4), y = c(-3.8,-3.7, -6.8, -9), labels = c("Maniema", "South Kivu", "Tanganyika", "Haut Katanga"), cex = .8)
scalebar(200, xy = c(29.6, -11.5), type = "bar", below = "km",
lwd = 3, divs = 3, cex = .6)
legend(29, -8.7, legend=c("Tuungane and RAPID", "Tuungane only", "RAPID only", "None"),
pch = c(24, 21, 24, 21), = alpha(c("black","black","white","white"), .6), bty = "n",
cex = .6, pt.cex = .8, text.width = 1.5, y.intersp = 1, x.intersp = .8,
#output map to .pdf
pdf(paste0(output_folder, "/Fig1_TuunganeMap.pdf"), width = 3, height = 5)
DIS = unique(D$DISTRICT)
fig_timeline <- function(){
T1a = as.Date(D$lottery_date_med, origin="1960-01-01")
T1b = as.Date(D$T1_end_cdv_med, origin="1960-01-01")
T1c = as.Date(D$T1_end_cdc_med, origin="1960-01-01")
Ra = as.Date(D$stepA, origin="1960-01-01")
Rb = as.Date(D$stepD, origin="1960-01-01")
up = .2
# lshift = 320
lshift = 800
RANGE=c(min(T1a), max(Rb,T1c))
RANGE2 = as.Date(seq(RANGE[1], RANGE[2], 60))
for(j in 1:length(DIS)){
CH = unique(CHEF[DISTRICT == DIS[j]])
DI = DIS[j]
o = rank(T1a[DISTRICT == DIS[j]])
plot(RANGE, RANGE, main=DI, ylim = c(0, length(CH)+1), xlim=c(min(RANGE)-lshift, max(RANGE)), axes=F, xlab="", ylab = "", cex.main=2)
axis(1, at=RANGE2, labels=format(RANGE2, "%b %Y"), las=1, tick=F, cex.axis=1.5)
for(i in (1:length(CH))){
j = o[i]
# Thin line:
segments(T1a[CHEF==CH[i]],j, T1c[CHEF==CH[i]],j, col="black")
# Thick line:
segments(T1a[CHEF==CH[i]],j, T1b[CHEF==CH[i]],j, col="black", lwd=6)
# Red line:
segments(Ra[CHEF==CH[i]] ,j+up, Rb[CHEF==CH[i]],j+up, col="red", lwd=3)
text(min(RANGE)-lshift,j, CH[i], pos=4, cex=1.3)
#output figure to .pdf
pdf(file=paste0(output_folder, "/Fig2_Timeline.pdf"), width=13, height=15)
## png
## 2
Script plots main results.
#rescale inequality of private benefits
res_main_table <- main_table
v <- which(rownames(main_table) %in% c("ineq_benef"))
res_main_table[v, ] <- res_main_table[v, ]/10
#rescale large mechanism vars
v <- which(rownames(mechanisms_table) %in% c("part", "corr", "accep", "male_d","inter"))
v2 <- which(rownames(mechanisms_table) %in% c("part"))
res_mechanisms_table <- mechanisms_table
res_mechanisms_table[v, ] <- res_mechanisms_table[v, ]/10
res_mechanisms_table[v2, ] <- res_mechanisms_table[v2, ]/10
plot_main <- function(b, se, rnames, title, side = 2){
xlimit <- max(abs(c(b-1.96*se, b+1.96*se)))
plot(x = b,
y = 1:length(b), xlim = c(-xlimit-.2, xlimit+.2),
xlab = "", pch = 19, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(.5,length(b)+.5),
ylab = "", main = title)
# text(x = min(b-1.96*se)-.8, y = 1:nrow(main_table), labels = rev(capture_var_names), pos = 4, cex = .8)
axis(2, at = 1:length(b), labels = rnames, las = 1, tick = FALSE, side = side)
segments(x0 = b-1.96*se, y0=1:length(b), x1 = b+1.96*se)
segments(x0 = b-1.96*se, y0=1:length(b), x1 = b+1.96*se)
abline(v=0, col = "grey")
# box()
PARTICIPATION_NAMES <- mech_var_names[1:5]
ACCOUNTABILITY_NAMES <- mech_var_names[6:7]
TRANSPARENCY_NAMES <- mech_var_names[8:10]
fig_mechanisms <- function(){
# ticktextsize=1
mar.default <- c(4,14,4,2) + 0.1
par(mfrow = c(5,2),mar = mar.default + c(0, 2, 0, 0))
layout(matrix(c(1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2,4,4), ncol = 2))
# par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(0,0,0,0))
b <- as.numeric(res_main_table[,"Effect"])
se <- as.numeric(gsub("\\(|\\)", "", res_main_table[,"std_error"]))
se_0 <- as.numeric(res_main_table[,""])
rnames = rev(capture_var_names),
title = "Capture")#, tick=0.4, norm=1, ticktextsize=1)
b <- as.numeric(res_mechanisms_table[ c("part", "inter", "male_d", "sel", "compos"), "Effect" ])
se <- as.numeric(gsub("\\(|\\)", "", res_mechanisms_table[c("part", "inter", "male_d", "sel", "compos"), "std_error"]))
se_0 <- as.numeric(res_mechanisms_table[ c("part", "inter", "male_d", "sel", "compos"), "" ])
title = "Participation")#, tick=.3, norm=1, ticktextsize=1)
b <- as.numeric(res_mechanisms_table[ c("mech", "compl"),"Effect" ])
se <- as.numeric(gsub("\\(|\\)", "", mechanisms_table[c("mech", "compl"), "std_error"]))
se_0 <- as.numeric(res_mechanisms_table[ c("mech", "compl"), "" ])
title = "Accountability")#, tick=.3, norm=1, ticktextsize=1)
b <- as.numeric(res_mechanisms_table[ c("corr", "accep", "accoun"), "Effect" ])
se <- as.numeric(gsub("\\(|\\)", "", res_mechanisms_table[c("corr", "accep", "accoun" ), "std_error"]))
se_0 <- as.numeric(res_mechanisms_table[ c("corr", "accep", "accoun"), "" ])
title = "Transparency")#, tick=.3, norm=1, ticktextsize=1)
#output figure to .pdf
pdf(paste0(output_folder, "/Fig3_MainResults.pdf"), width = 11, height = 8)
## png
## 2
This figure requires access to GPS data and is only generated if
with_GPS = TRUE
# This defines a "translucent white" and a "translucent black"
colors = c(rgb(1,1,1,.8), rgb(0,0,0,.8))
# Tuungane vs Control
TYPE1 = 1 + 1*(X$TUUNGANE==1)
col = rainbow(2)
# 5km data
TYPE5 =1 + 1*(X5$TUUNGANE==1) + 2*(X5$INDIRECT==1)
col = rainbow(4)
# 20km data
X20 = X20[X20$NOTEXTREME==1,]
TYPE20 =1 + 1*(X20$TUUNGANE==1) + 2*(X20$INDIRECT==1)
col = rainbow(4)
proj4string( <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84")
summary( # This shows you the relevant coordinates to work from
# Plot maps
fig_spillovers <- function(){
# Plot Spillovers for example HK
pointsize = 1.5
plot(, xlim=c(26, 29), ylim=c(-11.8,-10)); title("All Units in Haut Katanga", cex.main=1.6)
for(j in sample(length(X$latitude))) points(X$longitude[j], X$latitude[j], bg=colors[TYPE1[j]], pch = 21, cex=pointsize)
lines(c(26.5,26.9),c(-12.2,-12.2), lwd=2)
lines(c(26.5,26.5),c(-12.15,-12.25), lwd=2, lend=2)
lines(c(26.9,26.9),c(-12.15,-12.25), lwd=2, lend=2)
text(26.9,-12.2, "50 KM", pos=4)
plot(, xlim=c(26, 29), ylim=c(-11.8,-10)); title("5km Spillover Effects Subsample", cex.main=1.6)
for(j in sample(nrow(X5))) {
if(X5$INDIRECT[j]==1) points(X5$longitude[j], X5$latitude[j], pch = 8, cex=pointsize, col = colors[2])
points(X5$longitude[j], X5$latitude[j], bg=colors[X5$TUUNGANE[j]+1], pch = 21, cex=pointsize)}
lines(c(26.5,26.9),c(-12.2,-12.2), lwd=2)
lines(c(26.5,26.5),c(-12.15,-12.25), lwd=2, lend=2)
lines(c(26.9,26.9),c(-12.15,-12.25), lwd=2, lend=2)
text(26.9,-12.2, "50 KM", pos=4)
plot(, xlim=c(26, 29), ylim=c(-11.8,-10)); title("20km Spillover Effects Subsample", cex.main=1.6)
for(j in sample(nrow(X20))) {
if(X20$INDIRECT[j]==1) points(X20$longitude[j], X20$latitude[j], pch = 8, cex=pointsize, col = colors[2])
points(X20$longitude[j], X20$latitude[j], bg=colors[X20$TUUNGANE[j]+1], pch = 21, cex=pointsize)}
lines(c(26.5,26.9),c(-12.2,-12.2), lwd=2)
lines(c(26.5,26.5),c(-12.15,-12.25), lwd=2, lend=2)
lines(c(26.9,26.9),c(-12.15,-12.25), lwd=2, lend=2)
text(26.9,-12.2, "50 KM", pos=4)
pdf(file=paste0(output_folder, "/Fig4_Spillovers.pdf"), width=12, height=4)
Below we calculate power under different absolute value of ATE for
financial irregularities based on a simulation approach using the
package DeclareDesign
. We formally declare our data structure, our
potential outcomes, assignment scheme, our estimand and estimators.
We calculate residuals from the regression of financial irregularity on the Tuungane treatment with block fixed effects among the control
df = vill
dv = "da109_not_verifiable"
cols <- c("TUUNGANE", "WEIGHT", "LOTT_BIN",
"CHIEF", "qr026i_fund_misuse", "res",
dat <- df[, intersect(names(df), cols)]
dat <- dat %>% arrange(LOTT_BIN)
#residuals of village-level obs in control
dat0 <- dat[dat$TUUNGANE == 0 & ![[dv]]),]
dat0$dv <- dat0[[dv]]
m <- lm(dv ~ TUUNGANE + as.factor(LOTT_BIN), data = dat0, weights = dat0$WEIGHT)
dat0$res <- m$residuals
# Declare Tuungane Design
design_tuungane <- function(ate){
#duplicate control data (note 1/3 outcomes missing for "da109_not_verifiable")
dat01 <- dat0
dat01$IDV <- paste0("dup", dat0$IDV)
dat <- rbind(dat01,dat0)
U <- declare_population(data = dat)
Y <- declare_potential_outcomes(
Y_Z_0 = res,
Y_Z_1 = ate + res
per_block <-$LOTT_BIN))$Freq / 2
Z <- declare_assignment(blocks = LOTT_BIN, block_m = per_block)
R <- declare_reveal(Y, Z)
Q <- declare_estimand(ATE = mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0, na.rm = TRUE))
B <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, #weights = ipw,
estimand = Q,
model = lm_robust,
label = "tuungane_estimator")
design <- U + Y + Z + R + Q + B #get_weights
We then run 500 simulations of this design assuming ATEs ranging [0, 0.2] to estimate statistical power.
d1_fin_irreg <- design_tuungane(ate = 0)
ates = seq(0, .2, length = 7)
d1s <- redesign(d1_fin_irreg, ate = ates)
diagnoses1 <- diagnose_design(d1s, bootstrap_sims = 0)
mde_plot(diagnoses1, "Financial Irregularities", xlim = c(0,.2))
pdf(paste0(output_folder, "/Fig6_MDE_FinIrreg.pdf"), width = 5, height = 4)
mde_plot(diagnoses1, "Financial Irregularities", xlim = c(0,.2))
## png
## 2
We explore the number of LLUs visited and surveys conducted during Steps A and D.
We consider a village as visited if any data was collected during Step A in that village. That is anything from (variable used): Step A enumerator survey (a_3_date_village_entry), Step A chief survey (ac_3_date), Step A village meeting survey (am_3_ag_date), or at least one of Step A’s household surveys (av_10_gender).
#join indiviual and village data
ABD <- left_join(ind, vill, by = intersect(names(ind), names(vill)) )
# household survey to village level
av10<-aggregate(av_10_gender ~ IDV, data=ABD, function(x) {sum(!}, na.action = NULL)
colnames(av10) <- c("IDV","av10")
ABD <- left_join(ABD, av10, by="IDV")
ABD$StepA <- ( !(ABD$a_3_date_village_entry=="") | !(ABD$ac_3_date=="") | !(ABD$am_3_ag_date=="") | ABD$av10>0)
# LLU visited
stepA_Total<-length(ABD$StepA[ABD$StepA==1 & ABD$vill==1])
stepA_Tuungane <-length(ABD$StepA[ABD$StepA==1 & ABD$vill==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==1])
stepA_Control <-length(ABD$StepA[ABD$StepA==1 & ABD$vill==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==0])
How many household surveys were collected during Step A?
# Take the most complete variable of the Step A household survey: av_10_gender
stepA_HHs <- length(ABD$av_10_gender[!$av_10_gender)])
stepA_HHs_Tuungane <- length(ABD$av_10_gender[!$av_10_gender) & ABD$TUUNGANE==1])
stepA_HHs_Control <- length(ABD$av_10_gender[!$av_10_gender) & ABD$TUUNGANE==0])
## [1] 2214
## [1] 1111
## [1] 1103
We consider a village as visited if any data was collected during Step B in that village.
ABD$StepB <- (!(ABD$b_3_date==""))
ABD %<>% group_by(IDV) %>% mutate(vill = row_number()) %>% ungroup()
# LLU visited
stepB_Total<-length(ABD$StepB[ABD$StepB==1 & ABD$vill==1])
stepB_Tuungane<-length(ABD$StepB[ABD$StepB==1 & ABD$vill==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==1])
stepB_Control<-length(ABD$StepB[ABD$StepB==1 & ABD$vill==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==0])
## [1] 454
## [1] 228
## [1] 226
We consider a village as visited if any data was collected during Step D in that village. That is anything from (variable used): the Step D chief survey (cq007_date), or at least one of Step D’s household surveys (q000_consent_beg).
# household survey to village level
q11<-aggregate(q011_sex ~ IDV, data=ABD, function(x) {sum(!}, na.action = NULL)
colnames(q11) <- c("IDV","q11")
ABD <- merge(ABD, q11, by="IDV", all=TRUE)
ABD$StepD <- (!(ABD$cq007_date=="") | ABD$q11>0)
# Total Step D
stepD_Total<-length(ABD$StepD[ABD$StepD==1 & ABD$vill==1])
stepD_TuuRapid <- length(ABD$StepD[ABD$StepD==1 & ABD$vill==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1])
stepD_TuuNotrapid <- length(ABD$StepD[ABD$StepD==1 & ABD$vill==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0])
stepD_ControlRapid <- length(ABD$StepD[ABD$StepD==1 & ABD$vill==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==0 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1])
stepD_ControlNotrapid <- length(ABD$StepD[ABD$StepD==1 & ABD$vill==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==0 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0])
# Missing LLUs by province
missD_TuuRapid<-table(ABD$StepD[ABD$vill==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==1], ABD$IDS_DISTRICT[ABD$vill==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==1])
missD_TuuNotrapid<-table(ABD$StepD[ABD$vill==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0 & ABD$TUUNGANE==1], ABD$IDS_DISTRICT[ABD$vill==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0 & ABD$TUUNGANE==1])
missD_ControlRapid<-table(ABD$StepD[ABD$vill==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==0], ABD$IDS_DISTRICT[ABD$vill==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1 & ABD$TUUNGANE==0])
missD_ControlNotrapid<-table(ABD$StepD[ABD$vill==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0 & ABD$TUUNGANE==0], ABD$IDS_DISTRICT[ABD$vill==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0 & ABD$TUUNGANE==0])
## [1] 816
## [1] 208
## [1] 200
## [1] 205
## [1] 203
## FALSE 0 65 3 4
## TRUE 74 9 72 53
## FALSE 6 65 2 7
## TRUE 68 9 73 50
## FALSE 1 65 3 6
## TRUE 73 8 71 53
## FALSE 3 64 3 7
## TRUE 71 9 71 52
How many panel household surveys were collected during Step D (RAPID villages only)?
# Take the most complete variable of the Step D household survey: q011_sex
stepD_Panel_Tuungane <- length(ABD$q011_sex[!$q011_sex) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DMC" & ABD$TUUNGANE==1])
stepD_Panel_Control <- length(ABD$q011_sex[!$q011_sex) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DMC" & ABD$TUUNGANE==0])
## [1] 947
## [1] 916
How many additional household surveys were collected during Step D (RAPID and Survey-only villages)?
# Take the most complete variable of the Step D household survey: q011_sex
stepD_HH_TuuRap <- length(ABD$q011_sex[!$q011_sex) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DML" & ABD$TUUNGANE==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1])
stepD_HH_TuuNotrapid <- length(ABD$q011_sex[!$q011_sex) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DML" & ABD$TUUNGANE==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0])
stepD_HH_ControlRap <- length(ABD$q011_sex[!$q011_sex) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DML" & ABD$TUUNGANE==0 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1])
stepD_HH_ControlNotrapid <- length(ABD$q011_sex[!$q011_sex) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DML" & ABD$TUUNGANE==0 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0])
## [1] 981
## [1] 946
## [1] 971
## [1] 983
How many willingness to collect information surveys were collected during Step D (RAPID and Survey-only villages)?
# Take the most complete variable of the Step D household survey: q011_sex
info_TuuRap <- length(ABD$qi003_accept[!$qi003_accept) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DML" & ABD$TUUNGANE==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1])
info_TuuNotrapid <- length(ABD$qi003_accept[!$qi003_accept) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DML" & ABD$TUUNGANE==1 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0])
info_ControlRap <- length(ABD$qi003_accept[!$qi003_accept) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DML" & ABD$TUUNGANE==0 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==1])
info_ControlNotrapid <- length(ABD$qi003_accept[!$qi003_accept) & ABD$IDS_TYPES=="DML" & ABD$TUUNGANE==0 & ABD$IDS_RAPID==0])
## [1] 352
## [1] 340
## [1] 349
## [1] 366
The paper quotes additional statistics derived from these datasets. These numbers are reproduced below.
#Average share of women in committee in control and treatment
vill %>% group_by(TUUNGANE) %>% summarize(share = mean(SHARE, na.rm = TRUE))
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## TUUNGANE share
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0 0.171
## 2 1 0.201
#External accountability mechanism present
## [1] 12.5
#External accountability mechanism present and required to report to community
## [1] 11.11111
#Accounting form present upon arrival of enumerators team
mean(vill$da027_got_accounting_form, na.rm=T)
## [1] 0.831202
#Funds accounted for RAPID committee
mean(vill$ACCOUNTED_COMM, na.rm=T)
## [1] 80.50629
#Funds accounted for adit teams
mean(vill$ACCOUNTED_EVAL, na.rm=T)
## [1] 80.84911
#Share of funds justified
mean(vill$PART_JUSTIFIED, na.rm=T)
## [1] 0.5769439
#Share of funds credibly justified
## [1] 46.74077
#General pop guessed correct grant amount
mean(ind$qr002CORRECT[!ind$CHIEF & ind$TUUNGANE==1], na.rm=TRUE)
## [1] 38.05405
#Willing to seek information among control
## 0 100
## 435 280
#Why refused to seek information
## Husband refuses
## 29 9
## I do not have time It is inappropriate to ask
## 90 75
## Other reason Strange game and I doubt
## 192 40
#Committed elected
## [1] 35.35714
#Committee elected, lott or concensus
mean(vill$ELECTIONS_LOTT_CON1[vill$TUUNGANE==1], na.rm=TRUE)
## [1] 77.33333
#Project through election
## [1] 25.35714
mean(vill$ELECTIONS_LOTT_CON2[vill$TUUNGANE==1], na.rm=TRUE)
## [1] 75.55556
#Spillover 5km
table(gps$TUUNGANE, gps$indirect05)
## 0 1
## 0 269 235
## 1 301 215
v <- !$gps_weight05); sum(v)
## [1] 364
table(gps$TUUNGANE[v], gps$indirect05[v])
## 0 1
## 0 49 129
## 1 74 112
#Spillover 20km
table(gps$TUUNGANE, gps$indirect20)
## 0 1
## 0 68 436
## 1 78 438
v <- !$gps_weight20); sum(v)
## [1] 316
table(gps$TUUNGANE[v], gps$indirect20[v])
## 0 1
## 0 25 127
## 1 41 123
#Spillover both
## [1] 104
This concludes the replication file.