A minimal and easy to use Docker image for otrdecoder with less than 11 MB of size.
Please use it to decode video recordings you have made at onlinetvrecorder.com
# specify custom directory for otrkey files
docker container run --rm --user="$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v /your/path/to/otrkeyfiles/:/mnt mgilbert/otrdecoder [-i FILE -e EMAIL -p PASSWORD]
# use current directory for otrkey files
docker container run --rm --user="$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$(pwd)":/mnt mgilbert/otrdecoder [-i FILE -e EMAIL -p PASSWORD]
First you have to install it for example in your personal ~/bin/
wget -O ~/bin/otrdecoder-docker.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ma-gi/docker-otrdecoder/master/otrdecoder-docker.sh
chmod a+x ~/bin/otrdecoder-docker.sh
call it providing your email an password as arguments
otrdecoder-docker.sh -e 'email@example.com' -p 'my#super!secret' *.otrkey
if your email and password settings are specified in your ~/.docker-otrdecoderrc file
otrdecoder-docker.sh *.otrkey
docker container run --rm -it --entrypoint="sh" mgilbert/otrdecoder