UIFLOW2 Release 2.2.1 based on Micropython v1.24.0 - feature(Advanced): Add USB Devices support. - perfect(Board/PaperS3): Increase the refresh rate from 5MHZ to 20MHZ. - fix(Board/PaperS3): Fixed the issue of failing to display account avatar. - fix(Board/PaperS3): Fixed the issue of failing to display jpg. - feature(Unit): Add ByteSwitch support. - feature(Unit): Add LoRaWAN-x Unit support. - perfect(Unit): Some methods to modify AIN4-20MA Unit. - perfect(Unit): optimize Unit RS485. - fix(Unit): Fixed the CO2 Unit initialization exception. - fix(Unit): Fix ADC Unit return value error. - feature(Module): Add GPSV2 Module support. - feature(Module): Add PwrCAN Module support. - feature(Module): Add USB Module support. - perfect(Module): Modify the initialization method of display devices. - fix(Module): Fixed some issues with LLM Module. - fix(Module): Unable to import Goplus2 Module. - feature(Base): Add Atomic Echo Base support. - feature(Base): Add Atomic Speaker Base support. - feature(Hat): Add Speaker Hat support. - fix(Docs): Add some api docs