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hange cumsum axis = 1 change update_rho -> thetao_new => Restart["tn"]


img1 Add retstart and prepare


Prepare and forecast simulations

The objective is to implement a Gaussian process forecast to forecast yearly simulations of NEMO coupled climate model. For this we need simulations files of the sea surface height (zos or ssh), the salinity (so) and temperature (thetao).

We apply PCA on each simulation to transform those features to time series. And we observe the trend in the first component.


We forecast each component with a Gaussian process with the following kernel.

  • Long term trend : 0.1*DotProduct(sigma_0=0.0)
  • Periodic patterns : 10 * ExpSineSquared(length_scale=5/45, periodicity=5/45)#0.5**2*RationalQuadratic(length_scale=5.0, alpha=1.0) + 10 * ExpSineSquared(length_scale=5.0)
  • White noise : 2*WhiteKernel(noise_level=1)


And we evaluate the RMSE



Update of restart files for NEMO

The objective is to update the last restart file to initialize the jump. For this we need the 340 restarts files of the last simulated year. We also need the predictions of the sea surface height (zos or ssh), the salinity (so) and temperature (thetao). We also need the Mask dataset of the corresponding simulation where several informations are needed.


1 - Predicted features

  • zos : Predicted sea surface height (ssh) - grid T - t,y,x
  • so : Predicted salinity - grid T - t,z,y,x
  • thetao : Predicted temperature - grid T - t,z,y,x

2 - Maskdataset

The Maskdataset contains mask on all grids, vectors and constants

  • dimensions t:1 y:331 x:360 z:75
  • umask : continent mask for u grid (continent : 0, sea : 1)
  • vmask : continent mask for v grid (continent : 0, sea : 1)
  • e3t_0 : initial thickness of cell on z axis on grid T (e:thickness, i:direction, t:grid, 0:initial state / ref) = e3t_ini restart
  • e2t : thickness of cell on y axis on grid T
  • e1t : thickness of cell on y axis on grid T
  • ff_f : corriolis force

3 - Necessary features to update restart

This is the list of features from the source restart file we need to exploit to update restart.

  • e3t : e3t_ini*(1+tmask4Dnp.expand_dims(np.tile(sshssmask/(bathy+(1-ssmask)),(75,1,1)),axis=0))
  • deptht : depth of the z axis - grid T
  • bathy :,axis=1)

4 - Restart file update

The restart files contains all physical and dynamical features of the simulation

There is a total of 340 restart file per year. Each file contains a slice of x and y dimensions. Each files contains 58 data variables which 15 are updates using the predictions

NB : difference between now (n) and before (b) arrays : they represent the same states, in practice the restart file save two successive states. In our code we set the two to the same state to use euler forward for the restart.

  • ssh(n/b) : sea surface height => last prediction of zos
  • s(n/b) : sea salinity => last prediction of so
  • t(n/b) : sea temperature => last prediction of thetao
  • v(n/b) : zonal velocity => The planetary ocean by Michèle Fieux p70 $$V(z)=\frac{g}{p \cdot f} \cdot \int_{z_0}^{Z} \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial x}dz + V_O$$
  • u(n/b) : meridional velocity => The planetary ocean by Michèle Fieux p70 $$U(z)=\frac{g}{p \cdot f} \cdot \int_{z_0}^{Z} \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial y}dz + U_O$$
  • sss_m : sea surface salinity => last prediction of so
  • sst_m : sea surface temperature => last prediction of thetao
  • ssu_m : sea surface u velocity => From new u
  • ssv_m : sea surface v velocity => From new v
  • rhop : Potential density referenced to pressure n*1000dB (kg/m**3) - Equation of state of Sea-water and related utilities by Julien Le Sommer / can be regularized

Grid infos :

img6 img7

Grid T : variables scalaires U V W F


Prepare and forecast simulations and initialize restarts files with one command line

Prepare, forecats and predict NB : En amont code de Guillaume pour obtenir des moyennes annuelles

#python --ye True --start 25 --end 65 --comp 0.9 --steps 30 --path /scratchu/mtissot/SIMUp6Y

  • ye : la simulation est en années
  • start : année de départ pour la selection des données d'entrainement
  • end : année de fin (generalement la dernière année simulée)
  • comp : Nombre/ratio de composantes à accelerer
  • steps : taille du saut (en année si ye = True sinon en mois)
  • path : adresse du fichier de simulations

Steps for running Spin-Up NEMO

  1. Run DINO for 50-100 years. Slurm script has been provided in NEMO notes. If we need to train on more data we then need to concatentate simulation outputs * using ncrcat.

  2. Create a virtual environment, for example, with conda. Then install the requirements within it using pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Run the resampling notebook on (See run_with_DINO_data branch). This is the Notebook This notebook converts DINO 2d monthly SSH output to annual Temperature and salinity (3D) are sampled annually already and are in We can then read these files in the updated notebook for DINO.

  4. Run the updated Jumper.ipynb notebook and to create the projected state.

    1. In the Jumper Notebook set the path to the directory of the NEMO/DINO (Grid) data: image
  5. Prepare restart file:

    Combine mesh_mask_[0000].nc files and DINO_[<time>]_restart_[<process>].nc (last files) using REBUILD_NEMO tools. The command looks something like:

    ./rebuild_nemo -n ./nam_rebuild /path/to/DINO/restart/file/DINO_00576000_restart 36
    ./rebuild_nemo -n ./nam_rebuild /path/to/DINO/mesh_mask 36

    Where 36 in the above corresponds to the number of MPI processes.

  6. In the directory which holds your NEMO data, create a new restart file by running

      --restart_path /path/to/EXP00/
      --radical DINO_[<time>]_restart
      --mask_file /full/path/to/EXP00/
      --prediction_path /full/path/to/directory/simus_predicted/


    --radical : refers to the prefix of the restart file.
    <time> : corresponds to the most recent restart file time.

    The script has been modified to work on DINO data. This is in the run_with_DINO_data branch. It creates an updated restart file with the same names as the original but with 'NEW' prepended to the front.

  7. Within the NEMO repository make a copy of DINO experiment directory. Delete old NEMO output files from the original experiment directory (mesh mask, restart files, grid files etc). The copy serves as a backup as data is overwritten on each run.

  8. Copy mesh_mask_<proc_id>.nc and DINO_[<time>]_restart_<proc_id>.nc to the original experiment directory.

  9. Then modify the namelist_cfg file. Open namelist_cfg and amend the following under namrun:

    • nn_it000 (the first timestep) (The last timestep +1)
    • nn_itend (the final timestep)
    • cn_ocerst_in (the restart name syntax - to coincide with the latest restart file)
    • ln_rstart (start from rest(F) or from a restart file (T) - therefore .true.


  1. Restart DINO with updated restart file.


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