Protobufs for micro services used by the M1L0 framework
Current list of protobufs:
Image builder service
Data pipeline service
The python package contains the python client needed to interface with the grpc services.
To use the client:
from m1l0_services.imagebuilder import image_builder_pb2
from m1l0_services.imagebuilder import image_builder_pb2_grpc
The protobufs are packaged into a PyPI package and published at the following location:
# shows which packages will be built; used as debugging
buf build -o -#format=json | jq '.file[] | .package' | sort | uniq | head
buf ls-files
buf lint # apply liniting to protobuf files
- Setup type checking
Compiling grpc_python_plugin
The grpc_python_plugin is required to use buf generate
To build from source:
git clone --recursive cmake . cmake --build . --target plugins
Unable to call buf generate as its failing with following error:
Unknown flag: --descriptor_set_in
Above fixed by updating protoc to 3.18.0