A coronavirus free news source.
It's 2020, and the coronavirus has seemingly affected every aspect of our lives. For those who would like to take a mental break from the virus we created "The Nonviral Times." The Nonviral Times is a news source that is devoid of any coronavirus related news. Showing how the world continues move on outside of this pandemic. It accomplishes this by making a call to the "News API," returning all articles published in the last 48 hours and parses out any articles that mention keywords such as "coronavirus", "COVID-19", "quarantine," or "pandemic." Insuring the user a coranavirus free experience.
Iteration 0 deployed. Visit www.nonviraltimes.com
Built with
- Ruby on Rails
- JavaScript
- Heroku
- CSS3
- Generates up 100 "coronavirus free" articles from various new sources in a user-friendly format.
- Desktop and mobile friendly.
- User can click on source name or article's image to open a new tab with the article.
Visit www.nonviraltimes.com
Navigate to desired filepath for this app in terminal.
Fork and clone down the project frontend by running the line below in terminal:
git clone git@github.com:m-delarosa/nonviral-news-frontend.git
Fork and clone down the project backend by running the line below in terminal:
git clone https://github.com/brandong1/nonviral-news-backend
Project Contributers: Michael De La Rosa, Brandon Green, Josh Couper
Contributions are always welcome! Please message one of the contributers above with any questions or submit a pull request.