A template to quickly get up and running with a TypeScript project.
Template repository. Uses nodejs + typescript. Also express and a quick front-end app build. Now featuring simple Docker support as well.
npm install -g gulp-cli
git clone git@github.com:lzilioli/lz-ts-template.git && cd $_
npm install
gulp install-githooks
npm run dev
# in another tab
npm run dev-serve
App settings are defined in settings.ts. Here, you will find the SiteConfig
interface, which
defines all of the top-level settings your app can use. Right below that is the defaultSettings
which declares default settings for the app, when none other are defined.
export interface SiteConfig {
analyticsEnabled: boolean;
const defaultSettings: SiteConfig = {
analyticsEnabled: false,
There are two ways to define settings yor your app:
To override any config, simply specify the snake case, upper case version of the argument as an environment variable.
e.g. to override the analyticsEnabled
config, run the app with ANALYTICS_ENABLED=true npm start
It is convenient to not have to define all of the app's settings as environment variables when the app runs.
As an alternative, you can declare any environment you'd like in ConfigOverridesByEnv
, and utilize those
settings when you run the app with CONFIG_ENV=<env key>
At present, there is one env override provided, production
const ConfigOverridesByEnv: {
[key: string]: Partial<SiteConfig>;
} = {
production: {
host: 'www.example.com',
protocol: 'https',
port: 5050,
To run the app using these configs, we would
use the command CONFIG_ENV=production npm start
To load and use app settings in your app:s
import { SiteConfig, loadAppSettings } from '@server/settings';
const siteConfig: SiteConfig = loadAppSettings();
docker build -t lz-ts-template --build-arg GITHUB_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN=<github npm token> .
# watch static assets
npm run docker-watch
# serve
npm run docker-start-dev
# –or–
npm run docker-start
- stands up an express app with handlebars partials directories
- stands up webpack build for client, server, requirable library, (TODO bin) and tests
- includes mocha tests
- includes gulp
- includes package scripts