SLAM problems arise when the robot does not have access to a map of the environment, nor does it know its own pose. Instead, all it is given are measurements
online SLAM problem: It involves estimating the posterior over the momentary pose along with the map $$ p(x,m|z_{1:t},u_{1:t}) $$
full SLAM problem: we seek to calculate a posterior over the entire path
$x_{1:t}$ along with the map, instead of just the current pose$x_t$ $$ p(x_{1:t},m|z_{1:t},u_{1:t}) $$
In particular, the online SLAM problem is the result of integrating out past poses from full SLAM problem $$ p(x_t,m|z_{1:t},u_{1:t}) = \int\int\cdots\int p(x_{1:t},m|z_{1:t},u_{1:t})dx_1dx_2\ldots dx_{t-1} $$
SLAM problems possess a continuous and a discrete component.
- The continuous estimation problem pertains to the location of the objects in the map and the robot's own pose variables.
- The discrete nature has to do with correspondence: When an object is detected, a SLAM problem must reason about the relation of this object to previously detected objects
The online SLAM posterior is then given by $$ p(x_t,m,c_t|z_{1:t},u_{1:t}) $$ and the full SLAM posterior by $$ p(x_{1:t},m,c_{1:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t}) $$ The online posterior is obtained from the full posterior by integrating out past robot poses and summing over all past correspondences $$ p(x_t,m,c_t|z_{1:t},u_{1:t})=\int\int\cdots\int\sum_{c_1}\sum_{c_2}\cdots\sum_{c_{t-1}}p(x_{1:t},m,c_{1:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t})dx_1dx_2\ldots dx_{t-1} $$
Calculating a full posterior is usually infeasible. Problems arise from two sources
- the high dimensionality of the continuous parameter space
- the large number of discrete correspondence variables
In the EKF localization algorithm, it only estimates the robot pose with map as prior. In EKF SLAM with known correspondence, in addition to estimating the tobot pose
For convenience, let us call the state vector comprising robot pose and the map the combined state vector, and denote this vector
As the robot moves, the state vector changes according to the standard noise velocity model. We do not decompose the into motion $[v_t, \omega_t]^T$ and noise $\mathcal{N}(0,M_t)$ . We directly treat it as a random variable
\hat{v}_t\ \hat{\omega}_t
\begin{bmatrix} v_t \ \omega_t \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon_{\alpha_1 v_t^2+\alpha_2\omega_t^2}\ \varepsilon_{\alpha_3 v_t^2+\alpha_4\omega_t^2}\ \end{bmatrix}
\begin{bmatrix} v_t \ \omega_t \end{bmatrix} + \mathcal{N}(0,M_t) $$
In SLAM, this motion model is extended to the augmented state vector $$ y_t = \underbrace{ y_{t-1}+\begin{bmatrix} -\frac{\hat{v}_t}{\hat{\omega_t}}\sin\theta+\frac{\hat{v}_t}{\hat{\omega}_t}\sin(\theta+\hat{\omega}_t\Delta t)\ \frac{\hat{v}_t}{\hat{\omega}t}\cos\theta-\frac{\hat{v}t}{\hat{\omega}t}\cos(\theta+\hat{\omega}t\Delta t)\ \hat{\omega}t\Delta t\ 0\ \vdots \ 0 \end{bmatrix} }{g(u_t,x{t-1})} = \underbrace{ y{t-1}+ F_x^T \begin{bmatrix} -\frac{\hat{v}t}{\hat{\omega_t}}\sin\theta+\frac{\hat{v}t}{\hat{\omega}t}\sin(\theta+\hat{\omega}t\Delta t)\ \frac{\hat{v}t}{\hat{\omega}t}\cos\theta-\frac{\hat{v}t}{\hat{\omega}t}\cos(\theta+\hat{\omega}t\Delta t)\ \hat{\omega}t\Delta t \end{bmatrix} }{g(u_t,x{t-1})} $$ Here $F_x$ is a matrix that maps the 3-dimensional state vector into a vector of dimension $3N+3$ $$ F_x=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \cdots 0\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \cdots 0\ 0 & 0 & 1 & \underbrace{0 \cdots 0}{3N \space columns}\ \end{bmatrix} $$ Approximate the motion function $g$ using a first degree Taylor expansion $$ g(u_t,y{t-1})\approx g(u_t,\mu{t-1})+\underbrace{\frac{\partial g}{\partial y{t-1}}}{G_t}(y{t-1}-\mu{t-1})+\underbrace{\frac{\partial g}{\partial u_t}}{V_t}(u_t-\begin{bmatrix}v_t\ \omega_t\end{bmatrix}) $$ the additive form enables us to decompose this Jacobian into an identity matrix of dimension $(3N+3)\times(3N+3)$ plus a low-dimensional Jacobian $g_t$ that characterizes the change of the robot pose. The identity matrix is the derivative of $y{t-1}$ $$ G_t = I+F^T_xg_tF_x $$ with $$ g_t = \frac{\partial}{\partial y{t-1}}\begin{bmatrix} -\frac{\hat{v}_t}{\hat{\omega_t}}\sin\theta+\frac{\hat{v}_t}{\hat{\omega}_t}\sin(\theta+\hat{\omega}_t\Delta t)\ \frac{\hat{v}_t}{\hat{\omega}_t}\cos\theta-\frac{\hat{v}_t}{\hat{\omega}_t}\cos(\theta+\hat{\omega}_t\Delta t)\ \hat{\omega}_t\Delta t \end{bmatrix}
1 & 0 & \frac{v_t}{\omega_t}(-\cos\mu_{t-1,\theta}+\cos(\mu_{t-1,\theta}+\omega_t\Delta t))\
0 & 1 & \frac{v_t}{\omega_t}(-\sin\mu_{t-1,\theta}+\sin(\mu_{t-1,\theta}+\omega_t\Delta t))\
0 & 0 & 1
\hat{v}t\ \hat{\omega}t
\mathcal{N}(\begin{bmatrix} v_t\ \omega_t\end{bmatrix},M_t)
(u_t-\begin{bmatrix}v_t\ \omega_t\end{bmatrix})\sim \mathcal{N}(0,M_t)
we can rewrite the approximation
g(u_t,y{t-1})&\approx g(u_t,\mu{t-1})+\underbrace{\frac{\partial g}{\partial y_{t-1}}}{G_t}(y{t-1}-\mu_{t-1})+\underbrace{\frac{\partial g}{\partial u_t}}{V_t}(u_t-\begin{bmatrix}v_t\ \omega_t\end{bmatrix})\
&= g(u_t,\mu{t-1})+(I+F_x^Tg_tF_x)(y_{t-1}-\mu_{t-1})+\mathcal{N}(0,F_x^TV_tM_tV_t^TF_x)
then linearize the observation and calculate the Kalman gain
h(y_t,j)\approx h(\bar{\mu}t,j)+H_t^i(y_t-\bar{\mu}t)\
\frac{\bar{\mu}{t,x}-\bar{\mu}{j,x}}{\sqrt{q_t}} & \frac{\bar{\mu}{t,y}-\bar{\mu}{j,y}}{\sqrt{q_t}} & 0 &\frac{\bar{\mu}{j,x}-\bar{\mu}{t,x}}{\sqrt{q_t}} & \frac{\bar{\mu}{j,y}-\bar{\mu}{t,y}}{\sqrt{q_t}} & 0\
\frac{\bar{\mu}{j,y}-\bar{\mu}{t,y}}{\sqrt{q_t}} & \frac{\bar{\mu}{t,x}-\bar{\mu}{j,x}}{\sqrt{q_t}} & -1 &\frac{\bar{\mu}{t,y}-\bar{\mu}{j,y}}{\sqrt{q_t}} & \frac{\bar{\mu}{j,x}-\bar{\mu}{t,x}}{\sqrt{q_t}} & 0\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1
and $F{x,j}$ is of dimension
Use ML estimator to determine the correspondence
- provisional landmark list : Instead of augmenting the map by a new landmark once a measurement indicates the existence of a new landmark, such a new landmark is first added to a provisional list of landmarks, This list is just like a map, but landmarks on this list are not used to adjust the robot pose. Once a landmark has consistently been observed and its uncertainty ellipse has shrunk, it is transitioned into the regular map.
landmark existence probability: Such a posterior probability may be implemented as log odds ratio and be denoted
$o_j$ for the$j$ -th landmark in the map. Whenever the$j$ -th landmark$m_j$ is observed,$o_j$ is incremented by a fixed value. Not observing$m_j$ when it would be in the perceptual range of the robot's sensors leads to a decrement of$o_j$ . Landmarks are removed from the map when the value$o_j$ drops below a threshold.
Instead of maintaining a joint posterior over augmented states and data associations, the maximum likelihood approach reduces the data association problem to a deterministic determination, which is treated as if the maximum likelihood association was always correct. This limitation makes EKF brittle with regards to landmark confusion, which in turn can lead to wrong results. In practice, researchers often remedy the problem by choosing one of the following two methods, both of which reduce the chances of confusing landmarks:
- Spatial arrangement: The further apart landmarks are, the smaller the chance to accidentally confuse them.
- Signatures: When selecting appropriate landmarks, it is essential to maximize the perceptual distinctiveness of landmarks.