Program of VSOB-3:
Data storage of VSOB-3:
VSOB-3 Photo:
3) Dr. Deeksha Bhartiya presents "Beyond the Basics: Innovative Applications of RNA Sequencing in Research" (Keynote 1)
Create Galaxy account at
Link for training in Galaxy at
● Quality control - FastQC
● Trimming - qctrimming data
● Mapping
● Mapped post-processing
● Alignment QC
1) Dr. Vo Sy Nam presents "Functional-oriented analysis of multi-omics data in The Vietnam Genome Program: A Perspective"
3) Dr. Luu Phuc Loi, Dr. Vu Minh Thiet, Dr. Do Hoang Dang Khoa and Dao Khuong Duy with hands-on section "RNA-seq: Downstream Analysis Part I"
● Google Colab introduction: go to
● Bulk RNA-seq bam visulization in IGV: IGV Desktop, IGVapp, MCF10A (**.bam, **.bai), MCF7 (**.bam, **.bai)
● Recap DNA-seq
● Gene Counts
4) Dr. Luu Phuc Loi, Dr. Vu Minh Thiet, Dr. Do Hoang Dang Khoa and Dao Khuong Duy with hands-on section "RNA-seq: Downstream Analysis Part II"
● Calling Differential Gene Expression (DGE)
5) Dr. Luu Phuc Loi, Dr. Vu Minh Thiet, Dr. Do Hoang Dang Khoa and Dao Khuong Duy with hands-on section "RNA-seq: Downstream Analysis Part III"
● Gene ontology analysis
● Pathway-based Analysis
2) Dr. Nguyen Thi Lien Hanh presents "Recent Advances and Applications of Single cell RNA-Seq in Infectious Diseases Research"
3) Dr. Luu Phuc Loi, Dr. Vu Minh Thiet, Dr. Do Hoang Dang Khoa and Dao Khuong Duy with hands-on section "RNA-seq: Downstream Analysis Part IV"
● Bulk RNA-seq Database
● Review Bulk RNA-seq
● Group Exam
- Paper
- Paper with solution