Railplot is a library and command line tool for converting railway infrastructure data into a visual representation. It can read tracks and trackside equipment from railML 2.x and write results as a graphics file or as JSON data.
Binary packages for Windows, Linux, and OS X can be downloaded from the releases page. After unpacking the archive, you should be able to plot the example input files, for example:
> railplot example-twotrack.railml.xml twotrack-output.svg --title "railplot example"
Which outputs into twotrack-output.svg
Further command line usage is presented in the help output:
> railplot --help
railplot 0.3.1
Bjørnar Luteberget <luteberget@gmail.com>
Linear schematic railway drawings.
See manual at https://github.com/luteberget/railplot/.
railplot [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS]
-d, --dump-script Dump the default script file (see the --script flag)
--help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv, etc.)
-f, --from <input_format> Input format: railml or sgraph
-t, --to <output_format> Output format: json, svg, tikz, or pdf
-s, --script <script> Use a custom script file instead of the default
-c, --style <style> Symbol style: simple or ertms
-h, --title <title> Title to be written on the output graphic.
<input> Input file
<output> Output file
The railplot program has a default presentation style which can be configured to show simple or ERTMS-like symbols.
For more advanced applications, the built in styles and output formats can be insufficient, and you may choose to instead use the JSON output mode and produce drawings from that data in some other way, or the railplot scripting interface can be used to extend the symbol appearances, supported object types, and output formats. See the custom script section below.
The railplot program is driven by a Lua script,
which may be replaced by using the --script
command line option.
The script will be executed as a Lua program with some built-in functions exposed
for finding and optimizing a railway track layout.
To get the default script, run railplot with the --dump-script
and modify it to suit your use case.