A web application for interacting with a nearby Bluetooth device, advertising a custom service.
Like... the one in ../ble/examples/custom-emb.rs
"Bluetooth Web API" (which we'll use) really is a BLE API. It doesn't cover the "classic" side of Bluetooth and we are really, really fine by this (also the Nordic Semiconductor and ESP32 MCUs only provide BLE, not classic Bluetooth).
So.. why didn't they call it BLE Web API?
That choice BLEW! 💥 >-
(optional)If you wish a ready package for these, see
How To Use The Web Bluetooth API (blog; Jan'24)
's write is really concise, diving right into the API without needing any frameworks - bare HTML, CSS and JS.The author claims it would work with the wrist watch you are wearing!! (but this author failed to see his listed).
Hint: Complete repo is at megaconfidence/bt-heart-monitor.
$ npm install
That installs the dependencies.
$ npm run dev
Forced re-optimization of dependencies
VITE v5.4.11 ready in 27092 ms
➜ Local: http://localhost:5173/
➜ Network: use --host to expose
➜ press h + enter to show help
If you are using Multipass for virtualization, that localhost
is within your VM, unreachable. Either:
A. Use your VM's IP
[host]$ mp info {vm-name}
With that IP, open
This approach is easier, but you need to remember to use the VM's IP. Also, the IP is bound to change at times.
B. Port forward
This approach makes the port 5173
usable - as localhost:5173
- from your host. However, it requires you to:
- run
on the host - leave a window open for the duration of the port forward
Follow the instructions within the mp
$ sudo ssh -i /var/root/Library/Application\ Support/multipassd/ssh-keys/id_rsa -L 5173:localhost:5173 ubuntu@
# keep the terminal open
Open localhost:5173
The application is made with deployment to Cloudflare Pages in mind, but you can easily change the SvelteKit adapter to your choosing.
Follow the steps here.
Create an API token for this application
- Set the access rights mentioned on the above linked page
- Set the access rights mentioned on the above linked page
export it as
$ wrangler whoami
⛅️ wrangler 3.87.0 (update available 3.88.0)
Getting User settings...
ℹ️ The API Token is read from the CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN in your environment.
👋 You are logged in with an API Token, associated with the email demo@outstanding.earth.
│ Account Name │ Account ID │
│ Outstanding Earth │ ...8<8<8< snipped 8<8<8<... │
$ npm run deploy
> ble-web-app@0.0.1 deploy
> npm run build && wrangler pages deploy
> ble-web-app@0.0.1 build
> vite build
vite v5.4.11 building SSR bundle for production...
✓ 144 modules transformed.
vite v5.4.11 building for production...
✓ 121 modules transformed.
.svelte-kit/output/client/_app/version.json 0.03 kB │ gzip: 0.04 kB
.svelte-kit/output/client/.vite/manifest.json 2.79 kB │ gzip: 0.52 kB
.svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/legacy.B5bMJODb.js 0.04 kB │ gzip: 0.06 kB
✓ built in 4.11s
.svelte-kit/output/server/.vite/manifest.json 1.65 kB
✓ built in 32.79s
Run npm run preview to preview your production build locally.
> Using @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare
✔ done
? The project you specified does not exist: "ble-web-app". Would you like to create it? › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ Create a new project
[...answer some prompts...]
✨ Successfully created the 'ble-web-app' project.
✨ Success! Uploaded 15 files (2.87 sec)
✨ Uploading _headers
✨ Compiled Worker successfully
✨ Uploading Worker bundle
✨ Uploading _routes.json
🌎 Deploying...
✨ Deployment complete! Take a peek over at https://b66fc1e5.ble-web-app.pages.dev
The URL you get is for the particular deployment.
If you don't need to share these things, nothing prevents you from just copy-pasting that and using it as such.
macOS hint:
Cmd-double-click on such a URL. :)
We can now browse to a website
..that provides a UI
..that can find and control a BLE device in our proximity!
For demo purposes, you can leave the web app unprotected (if there are no secrets in its content itself). In order for anyone to steer the device, they need to both know the URL and be in the proximity of such a device.
If there should be access restrictions, the same authentication mechanisms that you'd use for any web page can be applied (password, social login, corporate login).
But what about the BLE security? Forget about the web page - if the BLE interface is unprotected, people can just use a suitable monitoring software and steer your device.
For pairing, you can require certain numbers to be entered. You can likely hide the device. But this is something the author is only approaching. Browsing the web, you'll likely get answers (after all, BLE is already 14 years old!) - and ideally, you'd write something about it right here. :)
Communicating with Bluetooth devices over JavaScript (blog-like doc; "Last updated 2015-07-21")
Note the date
"Bluetooth Web API Guide Based on Our Experience With BLE Device Connection" (Stormotion, Jul'24)
Web Bluetooth (spec draft, last edit Oct'24)
Mostly on how to implement a User Agent (in a browser); security and such. Can be an interesting read, though. Though it's marked as "Oct'24", some references within the text itself date from 2014.