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jQuery Pagination Plugin

This is a highly configurable jQuery plugin for paginating items and lists with JavaScript.

It also supports HTML5 pushstate, which means, when you navigate to a page then hit the back button, the page you were on will be restored automatically, sweet!

Default Usage

    $(function() {

<div class="paginate">
    <ul class="page_content">
        <li>Item 1</li>
        <li>Item 2</li>
        <li>Item 3</li>
        <li>Item 4</li>
        <li>Item 5</li>
        <li>Item 6</li>
    <div class="page_navigation"></div>

The plugin will generate pagination buttons, within the .page_navigation element, in the following format:

<div class="page_navigation">
    <span class="page_link first"><a href="#">First</a></span>
    <span class="page_link prev"><a href="#">Previous</a></span>
    <span class="ellipse less">...</span>
    <span class="page_link active" data-page="1"><a href="#">1</a></span>
    <span class="page_link" data-page="2"><a href="#">2</a></span>
    <span class="page_link" data-page="3"><a href="#">3</a></span>
    <span class="ellipse more">...</span>
    <span class="page_link next"><a href="#">Next</a></span>
    <span class="page_link last"><a href="#">Last</a></span>



first_label: The label to use for the "First" link. Defaults to "First".
last_label: The label to use for the "Last" link. Defaults to "Last".
prev_label: The label to use for the "Previous" link. Defaults to "Previous".
next_label: The label to use for the "Next" link. Defaults to "Next".
ellipse_label: The label to use when there are more pages than can be displayed. Defaults to "...".

$(function() {
        first_label: "<< First",
        last_label: "Last >>",
        prev_label: "< Prev",
        next_label: "Next >"
        ellipse_label: "more..."

You could also disabled to labels completely.

show_first: If set to false, the "First" link will not be rendered. Defaults to true.
show_last: If set to false, the "Last" link will not be rendered. Defaults to true.
show_prev: If set to false, the "Previous" link will not be rendered. Defaults to true.
show_next: If set to false, the "Next" link will not be rendered. Defaults to true.
show_ellipse: If set to false, the "..." link will not be rendered. Defaults to true.


content: A jQuery selector to select the content within the containing element. Defaults to '.page_content'.
navigation: A jQuery selector to select the page navigation container. Defaults to '.page_navigation'.


items_per_page: The number of items per page to display. Defaults to 5.
abort_on_small_lists: If set to true and items_per_page is less than the total number of items, the plugin will not paginate the elements. Defaults to false.
num_page_links: The number of page links to show in the page navigation area. Defaults to 5. Using an odd number will generally look better.


afterPage: Fires after navigating to a new page.

Running The Tests

To run the specs with selenium and firefox:

$ rake

To run the specs with headless webkit:

$ rake jasmine:headless