This is a Next.js template repository that includes various scripts and dependencies for building a modern web application. It's designed to kickstart your project development with Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS.
Next.js: A popular React framework for building web applications.
React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for building custom designs quickly.
TypeScript: A statically-typed superset of JavaScript for enhanced code quality.
Jest & Playwright: Testing libraries for unit and end-to-end testing.
Before you begin, ensure you have Node.js and pnpm installed.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone cd template-next
Install project dependencies:
pnpm install
In the project directory, you can run the following scripts:
Development Server:
pnpm dev
Starts the development server.
pnpm build
Builds the production-ready application.
pnpm lint
Runs linting checks.
Unit Tests:
pnpm test:unit
Runs unit tests.
End-to-End Tests:
pnpm test:e2e
Runs end-to-end tests using Playwright.
Bundle Analyzer:
pnpm analyze
Analyzes your bundle size.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Inspired by modern web development practices.