This is the wgpu implentation of my bachelor thesis about polynomial optics for physically based lens flare rendering.
Contact: or
This uses the polynomial_optics library for the CPU implementation of dense and sparse polynomials. Polynomial_optics also contains the CPU code for raytracing though the lens system and fitting a dense polynomial to it and selecting a sparse one from that.
All the GPU code is in the gpu crate.
The thesis is available here.
You'll need Rust and some additional dependencies on Linux, which could be installed by running
apt install libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libx11-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxi-dev -y
apt install libvulkan1 libvulkan-dev mesa-vulkan-drivers vulkan-utils -y
There is a shell.nix for those using Nix
There is also a Dockerfile which is semi-working
To run the gpu crate just run
cargo run --release -p gpu
If needed you can add the arguments by running
cargo run --release -p gpu -- [arguments]
-l or --low_requirements: lower minimum requirements
-b or --backend [backend]: select the backend from ["all", , "opengl", "gl", "vulkan", "dx", "dx12", "dx11", "metal", "all"]
-v or --disable_vsync: disable waiting for next blanking interval