OnePagerCMS (OPCMS) is a Content Management System especially for OnePager-Websites.
Yes. OPCMS is - and will always be - completely free. It's possible that at you will be able to buy special themes or plugins at one point though.
It's as simple as it can be. Just add the files to your webspace, enter your username and email and your installation is done. No need to setup a database or other time consuming actions.
You can log into your backend by opening: http://yourdomain.tld/opcms-login.php
For example the login to the OPCMS demo page can be found here:
Sure. You would help a lot, if you report every possible bug that you find. We would prefer you to create an issue on our GitHub page. But you can also fill out the contact form on
Yes and no. You can buy me a coffee if you want to. :)