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Luis Llamas edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 8 revisions

Aggregates operators are Hot observers, they emit as soon as a new item is received.

If you want to apply to the whole sequence, consider combine with Last() operator.

Aggregate Count

Count the items received.


Aggregate Sum

Sum the items received.


Aggregate Min

Minimium of the items received.


Aggregate Max

Maximum of the items received.


Aggregate Average

Average of the items received.


Aggregate Any

Return true if any of the received items satisfy a condition.

Any(ReactiveCondition<T> condition)

Aggregate All

Return true if all of the received items satisfy a condition.

All(ReactiveCondition<T> condition)

Aggregate None

Return true if none of the received items satisfy a condition.

None(ReactiveCondition<T> condition)
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