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ESPHome component to monitor and control KingSong EUC

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ESPHome component to monitor and control KingSong EUCs

Denial of Responsibility

Disclaimer: Messing up with parameters could lead to EUC failure. Please make sure you understand what you are doing. This project is provided "as-is" without any warranty or support of any kind. By using this software, you agree that:

  1. No Warranty: The project is provided without any warranty, expressed or implied. The entire risk of using the project is assumed by you, the user.
  2. No Support: The author(s) of this project are under no obligation to provide support, updates, or maintenance. Issues and pull requests may be addressed at the sole discretion of the project contributors.
  3. Use at Your Own Risk: The project may involve experimental features or third-party dependencies, and the user is responsible for ensuring its compatibility with their system. The author(s) are not responsible for any damage, data loss, or other consequences that may arise from the use of this project.
  4. No Guarantee of Compatibility: The project may not be compatible with all environments, hardware, or software configurations. It is the user's responsibility to verify compatibility before use.
  5. Security Considerations: The project may not have undergone a comprehensive security review. Users are advised to exercise caution and not use this project in critical or security-sensitive applications.
  6. Third-Party Dependencies: This project may rely on third-party libraries, frameworks, or tools. The user is responsible for complying with the licenses and terms associated with these dependencies.

By using this project, you acknowledge and agree to these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, do not use or contribute to this project.

Important note

This project is still in progress, there are some minor issues and bugs. Right now I was only able to test it with my S22 Pro Plus EUC, witch has only part of exposed features this component capable.

Make sure you are not overloading your configuration with redundant entities as it can lead to lack of memory, especially if you add additional components to your project. You can use free sensor of debug component to check free memory. I recommend to disable components like ota, captive_portal, logger, etc on production.

Please note that for some reason my setup (ESP32-C3 super mini) doesn't connect with EUC directly. I'm using BT proxy feature of eucWatch. I believe this feature is also available in some custom EUC apps. I'm trying to solve this issue, maybe that is due to hardware that I use, I already ordered another ESP32 dev board to check.

If you have solution or further investigation on this, please create PR or contact me.

Minimal configuration

  source: github://lufton/esphome-kingsong-euc@main

  - id: euc_client
    mac_address: 00:00:00:00:00:00

  ble_client_id: euc_client

  - platform: kingsong_euc
      name: Current
      name: Odometer
      name: Speed
      name: Voltage

Entity parameters


bms_count platform parameter defines how many BMSs does EUC have. That will automatically populate relevant sensors (bms_cell_voltage, bms_current, bms_factory_capacity, bms_full_cycles, bms_mosfet_temperature, bms_remaining_capacity, bms_soc, bms_temperature_1, bms_temperature_2, bms_temperature_3, bms_temperature_4, bms_temperature_5, bms_temperature_6, bms_voltage) and text sensors (bms_firmware, bms_manufacture_date, bms_serial) for all of your BMSs. Can be 1 or 2. Defaults to: 1.

  - platform: kingsong_euc
    bms_count: 2
      name: BMS SoC # will create bms_1_soc and bms_2_soc sensors


cell_count platform parameter defines how many cell in series does each of BMSs have. That will automatically populate relevant sensors (bms_cell_voltage) for each of BMS's cells. Can be 16, 20 or 30. Defaults to: 16.

  - platform: kingsong_euc
    bms_count: 2
    cell_count: 30
      name: BMS cell voltage # will create bms_1_cell_1_voltage, bms_2_cell_1_voltage, ... bms_1_cell_30_voltage and bms_2_cell_30_voltage


report_interval entity parameter defines how often component is going to report entity's state downstream even if state has not changed. Changing entity's state immediately reports new state downstream (see hysteresis). Defaults to: 10s.

  - platform: kingsong_euc
      name: Uptime
      report_interval: 1m


update_interval entity parameter defines how often component is going to poll entity's state from EUC. This parameter is only relevant to entities that receive their state via response for special state request that is performed once when EUC is connected and then every update_interval. Note that every time state for such entities is requested EUC will do a beep. So when EUC is connected you may here these beep several times depending on number of entities. Defaults to: never.

  - platform: kingsong_euc
      name: Uptime
      hysteresis: 60
      report_interval: 1m


hysteresis sensor parameter defines how much new value should be different for the new state to be reported downstream. This parameter is helpful for entities that change their state to often and therefor generate noise. Change that is smaller than hysteresis is ignored and does not trigger actual state change. Defaults to: 4294967295.

Available entities

Binary sensors

ID Description Requestable
charging whether UEC is currently charging (see charging_status text sensor) no
fan whether fan is currently working no
gyroscope_error whether there is a gyroscope error no
hall_sensor_error whether there is a hall sensor error no
phase_short_circuit whether there is phase short circuit detected no


ID Description
beep beeps
horn horns
power_off powers off EUC


ID Description Requestable
lock EUC lock yes


ID Description Min Max Unit Requestable
alarm_1 speed for first alarm beep 0 70 km/h yes
alarm_2 speed for second alarm beep 0 70 km/h yes
alarm_3 speed for third alarm beep 0 70 km/h yes
command manual command request 0 255 N/A yes
standby_delay delay before EUC turns off after being inactive 0 14400 sec yes
tilt_back speed for tilt back 0 70 km/h yes


ID Description Options Requestable
magic_light_mode magic light mode Annular 1, Annular 2, Annular 3, Annular 4 yes
main_light_mode main light mode On, Off, Auto no
ride_mode ride mode Hard, Medium, Soft no
spectrum_light_mode spectrum light mode Automatic, Beating, Flashing, Alternate yes
voice_language voice language English, Chinese yes


ID Description Units Requestable
bms_cell_voltage voltage of each cell of each BMS V no
bms_current current of each BMS A no
bms_factory_capacity factory battery capacity of each BMS mAh no
bms_full_cycles number of full charging cycles of each BMS N/A no
bms_mosfet_temperature MOSFET temperature of each BMS °C no
bms_remaining_capacity remaining battery capacity of each BMS mAh no
bms_soc state of charge of each BMS, calculated as bms_remaining_capacity / bms_factory_capacity * 100 % no
bms_temperature_1 value of temperature sensor 1 of each BMS °C no
bms_temperature_2 value of temperature sensor 2 of each BMS °C no
bms_temperature_3 value of temperature sensor 3 of each BMS °C no
bms_temperature_4 value of temperature sensor 4 of each BMS °C no
bms_temperature_5 value of temperature sensor 5 of each BMS °C no
bms_temperature_6 value of temperature sensor 6 of each BMS °C no
bms_voltage voltage of each BMS V no
cpu_load CPU load % no
error_code error code (see error_description text sensor) N/A no
current discharging current (negative when charging) A no
mosfet_temperature MOSFET temperature °C no
motor_temperature motor temperature °C no
odometer odometer (total distance) km no
power discharging power, calculated as voltage * current (negative when charging) W no
pwm PWM % no
ride_time total ride time sec no
speed speed km/h no
speed_limit current speed limit km/h no
trip_distance current trip distance km no
trip_max_speed current trip maximum speed km/h no
uptime time since EUC was turned on sec no
voltage battery voltage V no


ID Description Requestable
circle_light circle light switch yes
lift_sensor lift sensor switch yes
music_bluetooth music bluetooth switch yes
spectrum_light spectrum light switch yes
strobe strobe switch yes
voice voice switch yes

Text sensors

ID Description Requestable
bms_firmware firmware version of each BMS yes
bms_manufacture_date firmware version of each BMS yes
bms_serial firmware version of each BMS yes
charging_status charging status (Not charging, Charging, Discharged, Overcharged (charger), Overcharged (regeneration) no
error_description error description (taken from no
model EUC model yes
serial UEC serial number yes


Please feel free to contribute. If you have improvement ideas, bug-fixes or even confirmation that this project worked for you, please create relevant issue.

I spent almost a month developing just a proof of concept of this project, if you appreciate my work please consider donating or subscribe via PayPal.


ESPHome component to monitor and control KingSong EUC






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