This module setups a VPN server for a VPC to connect to instances.
Before you start to use the module you have to make sure you've created resources below
After provisioning, don't forget to run commands below:
- Pritunl setup
sudo pritunl setup-key
- aws_key_name: SSH Key pair for VPN instance
- vpc_id: The VPC id
- public_subnet_id: One of the public subnets to create the instance
- ami_id: Amazon Linux AMI ID
- instance_type: Instance type of the VPN box (t2.small is mostly enough)
- whitelist: List of office IP addresses that you can SSH and non-VPN connected users can reach temporary profile download pages
- whitelist_http: List of IP addresses that you can allow HTTP connections.
- internal_cidrs: List of CIDRs that will be whitelisted to access the VPN server internally.
- tags: Map of AWS Tag key and values
- resource_name_prefix: All the resources will be prefixed with the value of this variable
- s3_bucket_name: Optional bucket name for Pritunl backups
- vpn_instance_private_ip_address: Private IP address of the instance
- vpn_public_ip_address: EIP of the VPN box
- vpn_management_ui: URL for the management UI
provider "aws" {
region = "eu-west-2"
module "app_pritunl" {
source = ""
aws_key_name = "org-eu-west-2"
vpc_id = "${module.vpc.vpc_id}"
public_subnet_id = "${module.vpc.public_subnets[1]}"
ami_id = "ami-403e2524"
instance_type = "t2.nano"
resource_name_prefix = "opsgang-pritunl"
s3_bucket_name = "i-want-to-override-generated-bucket-name"
whitelist = [
tags {
"role" = "vpn"
"env" = "prod"
P.S. : Yes, AMI id is hardcoded! This module meant to be used in your VPC template. Presumably, no one wants to destroy the VPN instance and restore the configuration after terraform apply
against to VPC. There is no harm to manage that manually and keep people working during the day.
There will be wiki link about initial setup of Pritunl