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218 lines (154 loc) · 7.4 KB

File metadata and controls

218 lines (154 loc) · 7.4 KB



  • scalafix-core/ data structures and algorithms for scalafix rules.
  • scalafix-cli/ command-line interface
  • scalafix-sbt/ SBT plugin
  • scalafix-nsc/ Scalafix compiler plugin for scalac (codename nsc stands for "new Scala compiler")
  • scalafix-tests/ project for running unit and integration tests.
  • readme documentation page

Setting up an IDE

I use IntelliJ myself but run all tests from the SBT console. I've tried to make the project compile from IntelliJ IDEA. If you experience any issues, don't hesitate to ask on Gitter.


Start an sbt shell with $ sbt. The commands below assume you have a running sbt shell.

> unit/test # Fast unit tests for rules, cli, core. Contains a lot
            # of different test suites, so it's recommended to use testOnly.
> unit/testOnly scalafix.tests.rule.* # Only run tests for rules, using scalafix-testkit.
> unit/testOnly scalafix.tests.core.* # Only run tests for core APIs.
> unit/testOnly scalafix.tests.cli.*  # Only run tests for the command line interface.

# SBT plugin
# (recommended) start the sbt shell with a SNAPSHOT scalafix version:
# $ sbt -Dscalafix.version=0.5-SNAPSHOT
> scalafix-sbt/it:test  # publishes modules locally and runs scripted (slow).
                        # Only needed once per changed in core/cli modules.
> scalafix-sbt/scripted # only run scripted tests (still slow, but skips
                        # publishLocal for core/cli modules)

Unit tests for rules are written using scalafix-testkit, read more about it here:

├── input         # Source files to be fixed by default rules
├── input-sbt     # Source files to be fixed by Sbt1 rule
├── output        # Expected output from running default rules
├── output-dotty  # Expected output from running Dotty-specific rules
├── output-sbt    # Expected output from running Sbt1 rule
├── shared        # Source files that are compiled semanticdb, used in BaseSemanticTest.
└── unit          # Unit test suites.


Be sure to run scalafmt (available in the root folder) to ensure code formatting. ./scalafmt --diff formats only the files that have changed from the master branch. You can read more about it at


The scalafix documentation website uses sbt-microsite.

You'll need Jekyll to build the website. You can follow the installation instructions here.

Once you have Jekyll, build the website with:

sbt website/makeMicrosite

To view the website in your browser:

cd website/target/site
jekyll serve
open http://localhost:4000/scalafix/

All documentation is written in markdown, using Liquid templates.

Side menu

If you add/remove/move a docs (sub)section, you may want to edit the side menu. You'll find it here.

Custom tags

We also have a few custom Liquid tags that you can use.

If you need to link to a page in the docs, you can use the doc_ref tag, for example:

{% doc_ref Before your begin %}
// Expands to: /scalafix/docs/creating-your-own-rule/before-you-begin.html

You can also link to a specific section of the page:

{% doc_ref Before your begin, What diff do you want to make %}
// Expands to: /scalafix/docs/creating-your-own-rule/before-you-begin.html#what-diff-you-want-to-make

If you need to link to a vocabulary term you can use the glossary_ref tag, for example:

{% glossary_ref Patch %}
// Expands to: /scalafix/docs/creating-your-own-rule/vocabulary.html#patch

If you need to link to a page in the apidocs you can use the apidocs_ref tag, for example:

{% apidocs_ref scalafix.patch.PatchOps %}
// Expands to: /scalafix/docs/api/scalafix/patch/PatchOps.scala

Binary Compatibility

To avoid breaking binary compatiblity we use the Migration Manage for Scala or Mima for short.

Anything under the package scalafix.internal._ does not have compatibility restrictions.

Run sbt mimaReportBinaryIssues to check for any compatibility issues.

Publish setup

Scalafix is setup to publish automatically when we publish a tag on GitHub. You should not have to worry about this part. For completeness, this is how it was set up:

Register on Sonatype


You now have:


Ask us to be added to the ch.epfl.scala group

Setup gpg

gpg --version # make shure it's 1.X (not 2.X)
gpg --gen-key # with an empty passphrase
gpg --armor --export-secret-keys | base64 -w 0 | xclip -i # This is PGP_SECRET
gpg --list-keys

# For example
# /home/gui/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
# ----------------------------
# pub   2048R/6EBD580D 2017-12-04
# uid                  GMGMGM
# sub   2048R/135A5E9E 2017-12-04

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <YOUR KEY ID>

# For example: gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys 6EBD580D

Setup travis

Setup the project at with



The cache is limited to 1GB. It's not possible to delete the cache via the ui: appveyor/ci#985 To delete via curl, get your token at

export APPVEYOR_TOKEN="<your-api-token>"
curl -vvv -H "Authorization: Bearer $APPVEYOR_TOKEN" -XDELETE


  • Releases > "Draft a new release"

  • Write changelog, linking to each merged PR and attributing contributor, following a similar format as previous release notes.

  • "Publish release", this pushes a tag and triggers the CI to release to sonatype.

  • after CI releases, double check the end of logs of the entry where CI_PUBLISH=true. You have to expand the after_success section.

  • after sonatype release is completed, double check after ~30 minutes that the artifacts have synced to maven by running this command:

        coursier fetch ch.epfl.scala:scalafix-core_2.12:VERSION
  • once the artifacts are synced to maven, go to the scalafix repo and update the scalafix binary with the following command and open a PR to the scalafix repo.

       coursier bootstrap ch.epfl.scala:scalafix-cli_2.12.4:VERSION -f --main scalafix.cli.Cli -o scalafix -f
  • update the scalafix version in this build project/plugins.sbt

If everything went smoothly, congrats!

If something goes wrong for any reason making the artifacts not reach maven, delete the pushed tag with the following command

TAG=??? # for example "v0.5.3"
git tag -d $TAG
git push origin :refs/tags/$TAG

It's important that the latest tag always has an accompanying release on Maven. If there is no release matching the latest tag then the docs will point to scalafix artifacts that cannot be resolved.


If you are unsure about anything, don't hesitate to ask in the gitter channel.