Financial Independence Calculator (FIRE Simulator)
The Finanzen Calculator, provides a Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) Simulator. It is a comprehensive tool designed to assist investors in achieving financial independence. By leveraging various features, the application provides a clear view of investment performance, budgeting, and progress towards financial goals.
Watch the demo video |
- Spreadsheet Upload: Investors can upload a spreadsheet containing their investment returns.
- Immediate Indicators: Provides immediate insights into various indicators of monthly returns, annualized measures, and tracks the journey towards financial independence.
- Expense Tracking: Manages and categorizes expenses with detailed reports.
- Monthly Reports: Generates monthly reports indicating spending by categories.
- Financial Independence Calculator: Calculates the progress towards financial independence.
- Inflation History: Tools to verify historical inflation rates.
- Income Deflator: Adjusts income for inflation to present real returns.
- Tax Reports: Detailed reports of taxes paid monthly and in total.
- Investment Management: Classic services for investment tracking and management.
- Budget Monitoring: Tools for monitoring monthly budgets.
- Expense Reports: Monthly expense reports categorized by spending.
- Return Calculations: Calculates the returns on investments.
- Tax Calculations: Computes taxes paid on investments.
- Currency Conversion: Converts between different currencies.
- Inflation Calculation: Calculates inflation impacts on investments.
- Neglected Niches: Offers unique insights not available in competing platforms.
- Real Returns Calculation: Calculates real returns by discounting for inflation.
- Monthly Goal Tracking: Tracks monthly progress towards financial independence.
- Global Inflation API: Provides inflation data for nearly all countries (189 countries).
- Global Currency API: Offers currency data for almost all countries (201 countries).
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:
Clone the Repository
git clone cd financial-independence-calculator
Install Server Dependencies Navigate to the server directory and install the dependencies.
cd server npm install
Configure Environment Variables Create a .env file in the server directory and add the following environment variables:
PORT=5000 MONGO_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/yourdatabase JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret
Start the Server Start the backend server.
npm start
Install Client Dependencies Open a new terminal window, navigate to the client directory and install the dependencies.
cd ../client npm install
Start the Client Start the frontend development server.
npm start
Access the Application Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the Financial Independence Calculator application.
Released in 2022 📕 License
Made with ❤️ by Lucas Breno de Souza Noronha Braga 🚀. This project is under the MIT license.
Lucas Breno de Souza Noronha Braga