A module that offers text similarity tools.
- similarity: Rates from 0.0 to 1.0 the similarity between a string and a list of strings.
- matrix similarity: Rates from 0.0 to 1.0 the similarity between a string and a matrix of strings.
- most similar: Returns the most similar text after using similarity or matrix similarity methods.
- Jaro Jaro Winkler formula.
import textsim
txtsim = textsim.text_similarity.TextSim('jaro_winkler')
texts = ['My dog barked to my neighbour', 'My cat seems to like it', 'I run everyday']
txtsim.similarity('My dog barks', texts)
# output: [1.0, 0.7700483092, 0.6428571429]
# output: (['My dog barked to my neighbour'], [1.0])
* It is updated according personal needs.