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Machine learning for light curves.

Currently focusing on broad classification of astronomical objects. Project in hibernation as of May 2018. Like a bear.


  • Python 3
  • SQLite command line tool (optional)

Local install

  • Set LCML environment variable to repo checkout's path (e.g., export LCML=/Users/*/code/light_curve_ml)
  • cd $LCML && pip install -e . --user

AWS Ubuntu install

See instructions in conf/dev/ubuntu_install.txt

Running ML pipeline

Supervised and unsupervised machine learning pipelines are run via the entry point. It expects the path to a job (config) file and file name for logger output. For example:

python3 lcml/pipeline/ --path conf/local/supervised/macho.json --logFileName super_macho.log

Job File

The pipeline expects a job file (macho.json in above example) specifying the configuration of the pipeline and detailed declaration of experiment parameters.

The specified job file supercedes and overrides the default job file (conf/common/pipeline.json) on a per field basis recursively. So any, or none, of the default fields may be overridden. The default settings are located at conf/common/pipeline.json.


Job files have the following structure:

  • globalParams - Parameters used across multiple pipeline stages
  • database - All db config and table names
  • loadData - Stage coverting raw data into coherent light curves
  • preprocessData - Stage cleaning and preprocessing light curves
  • extractFeatures - Stage extracting features from cleaned light curves
  • postprocessFeatures - Stage further processing extracted features
  • modelSearch - Stage testing several ML models with differing hyperparameters
    • function - search function name
    • model - ML model spec including non-searched parameters
    • params - parameters controlling the model search
  • serialization - Stage persisting ML model and metadata to disk

Pipeline 'stages' are customizable processors. Each stage definition has the following components:

  • skip - Boolean determining whether stage should execute
  • params - stage-specific parameters
  • writeTable - name of db table to which output is written

Example Jobs

Some representative job files provided in this repo include:

  • local/supervised/fast_macho.json - Runs tiny portion of MACHO dataset through all supervised stages. Useful for pipeline debugging and for integration testing.
  • local/supervised/macho.json - Full supervised learning pipeline for MACHO dataset. Uses feets library for feature extraction and random forests for classification.
  • local/supervised/ogle3.json - Ditto for OGLE3
  • local/unsupervised/macho.json - Unsupervised learning pipeline for MACHO focused on Mini-batch KMeans and Agglomerative clustering

Other Scripts

  • - Scripts used to acquire and/or process various datasets including MACHO, OGLE3, Catalina, and Gaia
  • lcml.poc - One-off proof-of-concept scripts for various libaries

Logging Config

The LoggingManager class allows for convenient customization of Python Logger objects. The default Logging config is specified conf/common/logging.json. This config should contain the following main keys:

  • basicConfig - values passed to logging.basicConfig
  • handlers - handler definitions with a type attribute, which may be either stream or file
  • modules - list of module specific logger level settings

Main modules should initialize the manager by invoking LoggingManager.initLogging at the start of execution before logger objects have been created.