In this refactor you'll learn about mtl
-style and how it improves code. First, you need to do one test: In module GameState.hs
change GameStep
type for the one below as see what happens when you build
type GameStep a = StateT GameState (Reader BoardInfo) a -- import the necessary stuff
Probably many errors are jumping into your editor! As you can see, all we've done is swapping the order of Reader
and State
monad. This is not a semantic change (changing the order of monads can lead to semantic changes in general, but not for this two monads in particular). In other words, our functions should do exactly the same thing as before, modifying the state as expected and reading the configuration as expected too. So, where do all these errors come from? If you look carefully, it is all related to lift
The reason is that we are working with GameStep
type, which is a concrete type. It is a specific monad, so we are bound to its implementation, therefore changing ReaderT BoardInfo (State GameState) a
by StateT GameState (Reader BoardInfo) a
, does change the underlying monad and propagates that through the code. Instead we'd like to work with an abstract version of this: we would like our functions to run in any monad with state GameState
and with read-only environment BoardInfo
. We don't care which monad it is. Below there are some examples of monads with these capabilities
type GameStep1 a = ReaderT BoardInfo (State GameState) a -- has access to GameState and BoardInfo as updatable state and read-only environ
type GameStep2 a = StateT GameState (Reader BoardInfo) a -- same as above
type GameStepIO a = ReaderT BoardInfo (StateT GameState IO) a -- same as above, but can do IO
type GameStepWriter a = ReaderT BoardInfo (StateT GameState (Writer Text)) a -- same as above, but can write-only into a Text, for example, usefull for logging
type GameStepError a = ReaderT BoardInfo (StateT GameState (Except Text)) a -- same as above, but aborts execution on error.
As you can see, when we stack transformers one on top of each other, we end up with different monads with different capabilities. This is when mtl
comes to rescue. This library defines typeclasses expressing exactly what we want: any monad with having a mutable-like state of type GameState
or any monad with having a read-only environment of type BoardInfo
. These classes are called MonadReader
and MonadState
and they are indexed by the read and state types. Read the documentation of mtl
library to get use to it.
This refactor is divided in two Steps:
- Step 1: Use
constraints to make your code more abstract- Task 1.0: Adequate the
type for better readability - Task 1.1: Define newtypes for
and write monad instances - Task 1.2: Rewrite all functions to work on abstract monads.
- Task 1.0: Adequate the
- Step 2: Glue the
and theGameState
into a single app- Task 2.1: Rewrite functions to work on
-like type classes - Taks 2.2: Change the type of
- Task 2.3: Write an
with all you need. Redefine thegameloop
- Task 2.1: Rewrite functions to work on
This step, you will move from Control.Monad.Trans.XXXX
to Control.Monad.XXXX
. These modules belong to different packages transformers
and mtl
. The later depends on the former. The module hierarchy looks like the follow:
- Modules
have only concrete implementations of monad transformers. For example: moduleControl.Monad.Trans.Reader
type - Modules
have concrete and abstract implementations. For example: moduleControl.Monad.Reader
contains typeReaderT
and type classMonadReader
In general, you want to use modules from mtl
package, hence Control.Monad.XXXX
because it is more abstract. And abstraction is almost always a good idea.
This task is unrelated to mtl
or monads, but it is convenient at this point of development.
- Move
type fromEventQueue.hs
- Fix
staments in all files that aren't compiling and re-build the project - Modify function
:- Add one extra
parameter so now it should have typemove :: Event -> BoardInfo -> GameState -> ([Board.RenderMessage], GameState)
- The logic under the new parameter is currently in
(when pattern matching onevent
). That logic should be moved tomove
- Add one extra
After this change, does the gameloop
function look more similar to the diagram shown in the
This task will expose you to a common pattern which is to define your monad stack within a newtype wrapper which implements only the features you'd like.
(hint: This exercise looks difficult, but is all about wrapping and unwrapping the newtype)
- Modify
fromReaderT BoardInfo (State GameState) a
tonewtype GameStep m a = GameStep {runGameStep :: ReaderT BoardInfo (StateT GameState m) a}
(using the language extensionFlexibleContexts
) - Implement
instance for the newtype - Implement
instance for the newtype - Implement
instance for the newtype - Implement
MonadState GameState
instance for the newtype - Implement
MonadReader BoardInfo
instance for the newtype
Essentially, you are telling the compiler that your GameStep
type has these capabilities. Probably you've found this repetitive. And it is!!, actually the compiler can do this for you.
- In
definenewtype RenderStep m a = RenderStep {runRenderStep :: ReaderT BoardInfo (StateT RenderState m) a}
- Implement
,MonadState RenderState
,MonadReader BoardInfo
In every function using
you should usemtl
constraints. For example: if you have a functionfun :: GameStep a
now it will have typefun :: (MonadState GameState m, MonadReader BoardInfo m) => m a
. This means Don't use GameStep directly, but any monad with State and Read envs -
The functions you should change are:
Change function
to have typeMonad m => Event -> BoardInfo -> GameState -> m ([Board.RenderMessage], GameState)
Change function
to have typeMonad m => [RenderMessage] -> BoardInfo -> RenderState -> m (Builder, RenderState)
fix compiler errors.
The current state of things is satisfactory, as we can change the monad stack and our code will still compile and run with minimum changes. If you don't believe me, try to swap Reader
and State
in monads GameStep
or RenderStep
. Now you should not have the problem of all your functions not compiling.
Nevertheless, we have a little problem still. Take a look to Main.gameloop
function. This function is very error prone, because we need to take care of manually passing updated state to the next execution of the loop. Also, it is on charge of pulling event, updating state and putting the render into the console. Just to reminder. This is how our architecture looks like:
It makes little sense that the main loop explicitly has to care about the updated states. This should be done implicitly when calling move
and render
during the gameloop
. In other words, we would like the implementation of gameloop
to look like:
-- Ideal implementation og gameloop.
gameloop :: (MonadState GameState, MonadState RenderState, MonadReader BoardInfo) => IO ()
gameloop = forever $ do
event <- readEvent queue
messages <- move event
render messages
This is impossible to define in Haskell
with mtl
-style code. Think what would get
return? the GameState
or the RenderState
? By the way mtl
classes are implemented, this code can't be implemented. What we can do is to define a common state called AppState
which has both the GameState
and the RenderState
. But, now we would run into a problem. Our functions are defined for MonadState GameState
and MonadState RenderState
- Copy this typeclass in
-- This is the class of type which you can access a field of type GameState.
class HasGameState state where
getGameState :: state -> GameState
setGameState :: state -> GameState -> state
- Copy this typeclass in
-- This is the class of type which you can access a field of type RenderState.
class HasRenderState state where
getRenderState :: state -> RenderState
setRenderState :: state -> RenderState -> state
- Modify all functions with the constraint
MonadState GameState m
to have this constraintMonadState s m, HasGameState s
- Modify all functions with the constraint
MonadState RenderState m
to have this constraintMonadState s m, HasRenderState s
Do you understand what are we doing? Instead of saying function f works on a RenderState, we are saying function f works on some state which has access to a RenderState.
- modify function
to have typemove :: (MonadReader BoardInfo m, MonadState state m, HasGameState state) => Event -> m [Board.RenderMessage]
- notice that
should not callrunReaderT
any more.
- notice that
- modify function
to have typerender :: (MonadReader BoardInfo m, MonadState state m, HasRenderState state, MonadIO m) => [RenderMessage] -> m ()
.- Notice that
should not callrunReaderT
any more. render
has a new functionality as you can see now it has aMonadIO
constraint. That means, that we expectrender
to do something in theIO
should callputStr
the same wayMain.gameloop
now does.
- Notice that
- Change
by removinggameloop
. This should be the newMain.hs
. Copy paste it.
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent (
import EventQueue (
import Initialization (gameInitialization)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (BufferMode (NoBuffering), hSetBinaryMode, hSetBuffering, hSetEcho, stdin, stdout)
import App (AppState (AppState), run)
-- | main.
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- enable reading key strokes
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
hSetBinaryMode stdout True
-- Game Initializacion
[h, w, fps] <- fmap read <$> getArgs
let timeSpeed = 1_000_000 `div` fps -- One second is 1_000_000 microseconds, which is the unit used by GHC internally.
(binf, gameState, renderState, eventQueue) <- gameInitialization h w timeSpeed
-- Game Loop. We run two different threads, one for the gameloop (main) and one for user inputs.
_ <- forkIO $ writeUserInput eventQueue
let initialState = AppState gameState renderState
run binf initialState eventQueue
- Create a new module call
and copy paste the template below
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module App where
import GameState (GameState, move, HasGameState (getGameState, setGameState))
import RenderState (RenderState (score), BoardInfo, render, HasRenderState (getRenderState, setRenderState))
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader (ask), asks, ReaderT (runReaderT))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (get), gets, StateT (runStateT), evalStateT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import EventQueue (EventQueue, readEvent, setSpeed)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (unless)
-- This is the new state, which glue together Game and Render states.
data AppState = AppState GameState RenderState
-- Our application is a readerT with and AppState and IO capabilities.
newtype App m a = App {runApp :: ReaderT BoardInfo (StateT AppState m) a}
deriving (Functor , Applicative, Monad, MonadState AppState, MonadReader BoardInfo, MonadIO)
-- We need to make AppState and instance of HasGameState so we can use it with functions from `GameState.hs`
instance HasGameState AppState where
getGameState = undefined
setGameState = undefined
-- We need to make AppState and instance of HasRenderState so we can use it with functions from `RenderState.hs`
instance HasRenderState AppState where
getRenderState = undefined
setRenderState = undefined
-- This function should read an event from the queue, move the snake and render.
-- Notice the constraints.
gameStep :: (MonadReader BoardInfo m, MonadState state m, HasGameState state, HasRenderState state, MonadIO m) => EventQueue -> m ()
gameStep = undefined -- try implement this function without do-notation. Using just >>= operator.
-- The gameloop is easy as hell. Read the score and wait the requiered time. Then run the gameStep.
-- This function is implemented for easiness.
gameloop :: (MonadReader BoardInfo m, MonadState state m, HasGameState state, HasRenderState state, MonadIO m) => EventQueue -> m ()
gameloop queue = do
s <- gets (score . getRenderState)
new_speed <- liftIO $ setSpeed s queue
liftIO $ threadDelay new_speed
gameStep queue
game_over <- gets (gameOver . getRenderState)
unless game_over (gameloop queue)
-- This function runs the gameloop.
run :: BoardInfo -> AppState -> EventQueue -> IO ()
run binf app queue = gameloop queue `evalStateT` app `runReaderT` binf