Your task is to build a Node.js command-line application that takes in information about employees on a software engineering team, then generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person. Testing is key to making code maintainable, so you’ll also write a unit test for every part of your code and ensure that it passes each test.
Because this application won’t be deployed, you’ll need to provide a link to a walkthrough video that demonstrates its functionality and all of the tests passing. You’ll need to submit a link to the video AND add it to the readme of your project.
AS A Student
I WANT to generate a webpage that displays my team's basic profile
SO THAT I have quick look at their professional profiles and contact information
In order to use the team-profile generator:
- Use Git Bash or a VS terminal to run the following:
- Run 'npm i' to pull down the npm node package manager
- Run 'npm init -y' to install package.json
- Run 'npm install inquirer' to install the inquirer package
- Run 'npm install --save-dev jest' to install the jest testing package
- Open the index.js file in Git Bash or the VS terminal
- Run 'node index.js' to begin the team-profile generator
- To run a test, open the 'employees.test.js' file in Git Bash or the VS terminal
- Run 'npm run test' to run the tests to see if they all pass.
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