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User service app built in Rails for the Software Engineer opportunity at Firstleaf

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Today, we're going to design an application that will function as a user service. Feel free to add or replace gems on the project. This service supports new user creation and returning users that are currently in the system. For the initial release, your task is to build two API endpoints:

GET /api/users

POST /api/users

User Model

The user records must be stored in a database that supports SQL queries. Each user has the following attributes which must conform to the rules described below:

Field Name Properties
id integer, primary key, not null, unique, auto-incrementing
email string, max 200 characters, not null, unique
phone_number string, max 20 characters, not null, unique
full_name string, max 200 characters
password string, max 100 characters, not null
key string, max 100 characters, not null, unique
account_key string, max 100 characters, unique
metadata string, max 2000 characters

GET /api/users

  • Return all current user records, most recently created first.
  • Optional query paramaters to filter results matching email, full_name, and metadata. Return in most recently created first order. Example: /api/users?full_name=Smith&metadata=male.
  • 200 OK Response for all success cases.
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity for malformed query parameters such as unsearchable fields (ie. key) or not existing ones (ie. cellphone).
  • 5xx for server errors.

POST /api/users

  • Create a new user record in the database.
  • On success, return JSON object of user that was just created.
  • On success, return status code 201 Created.
  • On failure, return status code 422 Unprocessable Entity with a list of all the errors.
  • 5xx for server errors.
  • Endpoint can only accept email, phone_number, full_name, password, and metadata fields.
  • key field should be generated server side when user is created.
  • password should be stored hashed with a salt value.
  • account_key field should be generated from Account Key Service.

JSON Specifications

  • On creation of a new user, the response object should be in the following format:
 email: "",
 phone_number: "5551235555",
 full_name: "Joe Smith",
 key: "72ae25495a7981c40622d49f9a52e4f1565c90f048f59027bd9c8c8900d5c3d8",
 account_key: "b97df97988a3832f009e2f18663ac932",
 metadata: "male, age 32, unemployed, college-educated"
  • On returning found users, the response object should be in the following format:
 users: [
     email: "",
     phone_number: "5551235555",
     full_name: "Joe Smith",
     key: "72ae25495a7981c40622d49f9a52e4f1565c90f048f59027bd9c8c8900d5c3d8",
     account_key: "b97df97988a3832f009e2f18663ac932",
     metadata: "male, age 32, unemployed, college-educated"
  • Errors should be returned as:
 errors: [
   "Phone number is too long",
   "Email is missing"

Account Key Service

Account Keys are generated for a user by an external service. This service expects the email and key fields to be POSTed, and in return the service will respond with the appropriate account_key to be saved to the user.

External service:

Example transaction:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"email\":\"\",\"key\":\"72ae25495a7981c40622d49f9a52e4f1565c90f048f59027bd9c8c8900d5c3d8\"}"

Response: {"email":"","account_key":"b97df97988a3832f009e2f18663ac932"}

The service is designed to be somewhat unreliable, so it is important to interact with the service in a background process and then update the user record when that background process is complete. If an error occurs, the application should retry on some reasonable schedule.

  • Create Access Key service library,
  • On user create, trigger Sidekiq job for access Account Key service.
  • Perform retry on failure from Account Key service.
  • Update user model with account_key value.


User Model

  • Verify that all defined columns necessary exist.
  • Verify that columns have proper validation on the model.
  • Coverage should be 100% for app/models/user.rb.

User Service Routing

  • Verify that the GET /api/users endpoint routes to the appropriate method.
  • Verify that the POST /api/users endpoint routes to the appropriate method.

User Controller

  • Verify that a request without a query parameter returns all users in the database using the specified JSON format, ordered by most recently created first.
  • Verify that a request with a query parameter returns all users in the database filtered by the query paramater, using the specified JSON format, ordered by most recently created first.
  • Verify that creating a new user works with unique values specified, and returns a single User JSON object and a 201 Created status header.
  • Verify that creating a new user with non-unique values specified, returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity status, and an array of errors in the specified JSON format.
  • Verify that a new user that is created has a random key generated for it on the server side.
  • Verify that a new user that is created has it's password stored in a hashed manner, with a salt value.
  • Verify that a new user that is created has an access_key created for it by accessing the Account Key service.

Getting Started

What's Provided

  • Rails

  • Postgresql

  • Ensure that docker-compose is installed Docker Compose

  • Start docker containers

    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up
  • Setup test databases (use another bash console)

    docker-compose run web rails db:create
    docker-compose run web rails db:migrate
  • Test site lives at localhost:3005

  • Sidekiq lives at localhost:3005/sidekiq


  • Initial Rails 7.1.3 API application


User service app built in Rails for the Software Engineer opportunity at Firstleaf






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