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Astronomical Algorithms Implemented

Astronomical Algorithms Implemented (AAI) is a collection of my implementations of various algorithms I found on line and in books, in particular Astronomical Algorithms by Jean Meeus

I use this to collect what I learned about various programming problems into a coherent whole in service of an application.

I started with some object oriented ideas about using C++ to build a Coordinates library I also used it to learn Scott Meyer's Effective C++ and other programming techniques. I use the operator overloading feature of C++ to abstract away the vector arithmetic and focus on the physics. The other goal is to provide examples of unit testing for C++ and python.

I also saw a natural use operator overloading with of a simple three element vector used in classical physics. I also wrapped these C++ objects in python using Boost, SWIG and also "manually" i.e. using only python. With Python, I can use microframeworks like flask to provide a browser UI. That also opens the door for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, JQuery and Google charts and an AAI REST API.

I found this to be a very flexible development environment.

This last step allows the user's browser to send its location information to AAI for processing. The AAI server will also accept location information entered directly as text.

It is still a work in progress.

-lrm 2019 Jan 18


This section describes how to build the docker container versions of the AAI server. The command line version is described in the www/README. There are also build instructions in the header of the docker files.

I am using regex in c++: the boost version for gcc versions < 4.9 and std::regex for clang++ and gcc 4.9. I haven't got this sorted in PyPI yet, so this build is a little unusual in that it uses git sub-modules to recursively checkout the Coordinates (and googletest) libraries it needs. When CentOSs start shiping with gcc 4.9 I expect this to simplify by using the PyPI coords module.

AAI flask

To build the a flask only version for development and testing

docker build -f Dockerfile.flask -t aai_flask .

Flask configuration is read at run time from the file in the AAI_FLASK_CONFIG environment variable. This should be set to a file in the starbugconfig persistent storage, e.g. /opt/ If this is not set it defaults to config/ see

This sets the google maps key and debug status.

AAI gunicorn

Adds a gunicorn wrapper for deployment.

docker build -f Dockerfile.gunicorn -t aai_gunicorn .

Gunicorn configuration is read at build time from

This has information about which ports are being used and where the log files are written that needs to be coordinated with docker.

TODO read at run time from persistent storage.

AAI docker image

Creates image for deployment

docker build -f -t .

TODO currently this checks out the Coordinates library and
builds it in the container. Future versions should pull this from pypi.
Linux with gcc 4.9 or higher (for std-regex) is required for linking.

# Deploy

## Deploy with docker-compose

Use docker-compose to create the name, network and volumes used.

You will still need to load the keys into starbugconfig described below.

docker-compose -f aai-compose.yaml up -d

docker-compose -f aai-compose.yaml ps

docker-compose -f aai-compose.yaml down

## Deploy with docker cli

To create a deployment with just docker

### starbugnet

Create starbugnet for use with nginx,
if this does not already exist.

This is used by to connect and

docker network create starbugnet

### starbuglogs

Create shared persistent storage for the logs,
if this does not already exist.

docker volume create starbuglogs

### Configure

Create shared persistent storage for the configuation files,
if this does not already exist.

docker volume create starbugconfig

To edit the config, you will need to start the contaier with the default config then
edit it from a shell with the valid keys

$ docker run --net starbugnet --name aai_gunicorn_00 --mount source=starbugconfig,target=/opt/ --mount source=starbuglogs,target=/opt/ -d -p 8080:8080 aai_gunicorn

$ docker exec -it aai_gunicorn_00 bash

In the continer shell

$ cd /opt/

$ cp /opt/

$ vi

Restart the container with the new config passed in as an environment variable,
with the -e option

$ docker stop aai_gunicorn_00

$ docker rm aai_gunicorn_00

$ docker run --net starbugnet --name aai_gunicorn_00 --mount source=starbugconfig,target=/opt/ --mount source=starbuglogs,target=/opt/ -d -e AAI_FLASK_CONFIG='/opt/' -p 8080:8080 aai_gunicorn

## flask

The flask configuration [config/](
It takes the usual [flask configuration
parameters]( and a
The checked in version does not have a valid GOOGLEMAPS_KEY so the map
won't display until it does, but the web page should come up
and the API will function.
A real deployment should include a real GOOGLEMAPS_KEY and
change the flask SECRET_KEY.

Dockerfile.flask copies these configuration files to the
image when it is built.
I use config/ to store my
real keys and exclude it from the repo by including
it in .gitignore

The is include as an example and
can be used with out a valid GOOGLEMAPS_KEY.
It is also the default if the file location is not
overridden by the command line option or by setting
the AAI_FLASK_CONFIG environment variable, e.g.
with -e as the docker run option.

## gunicorn

The gunicorn config file is here
and supports the usual [gunicorn config settings](

# Run

## flask

Warning: -p ports argument must match what is in the [flask configuration file](

### default (testing) configuration

docker run --name aai_flask_00
--mount source=starbugconfig,target=/opt/
--mount source=starbuglogs,target=/opt/
-d -p 8080:8080 aai_flask

### with a deployment configuration

Set the AAI_FLASK_CONFIG environment variable to the location of the
config file in the container.
for an example of COPY in the docker file, but the file can be
put there by any method, sftp, scp et al.

docker run --name aai_flask_00
--mount source=starbugconfig,target=/opt/
--mount source=starbuglogs,target=/opt/
-d -p 8080:8080 aai_flask

## gunicorn

Warning: -p ports argument must match what is in the flask [flask
For use with nginx, the container name match what is in the [nginx ca

### default (testing) configuration

docker run --name aai_gunicorn_00
--net starbugnet
--mount source=starbugconfig,target=/opt/
--mount source=starbuglogs,target=/opt/
-d -p 8080:8080 aai_gunicorn

### with a deployment configuration

Set the AAI_FLASK_CONFIG environment variable to the location of the
config file in the container.
for an example of COPY in the docker file, but the file can be
put there by any method, sftp, scp et al.

docker run --net starbugnet
--name aai_gunicorn_00
--mount source=starbugconfig,target=/opt/
--mount source=starbuglogs,target=/opt/
-d -p 8080:8080 aai_gunicorn


The server supports an AAI REST API to process AAI requests, like
like converting degree:minutes:seconds into
decimal degrees.

$ curl {"dec":"12.75","errors":[]}

Or converting RA/Dec coordinates to azimuth/altitude ones given
the observer's location and time.

$ curl\&longitude=-122.08225404051541\&date=2017-12-11\&time=21%3A42%3A05\&timezone=-8\&dst=false\&ra=0\&dec=0

{ "altitude": 34.91958722761523, "azimuth": 237.74055887676423, "datetime": "2017-12-11T21:42:05-08", "observer": "152.5999-122.082" }

and the reverse

$ curl\&longitude=-122.08225404051541\&date=2017-12-11\&time=21%3A42%3A05\&timezone=-8\&dst=false\&azimuth=237.74055887676423\&altitude=34.91958722761523 { "datetime": "2017-12-11T21:42:05-08", "dec": 1.4210854715202004e-14, "observer": "152.5999-122.082", "ra": 24.0 }

It also returns more complex data objects like the [sun's position
over a
sun given the observer's location on earth
in latitude, longitude and date-time.


{ "altitude_data_24h": [ [ 0, -53.12289141057474, -29.529772137731925, -52.545518554707144, -76.3762556772508, -75.96224706420884 ],


], "datetime": "2017-12-11T14:37:54-08", "observer": "153-122", "rising": "2017-12-11T07:12:13.2009-08", "setting": "2017-12-11T16:52:24.806-08", "sun_date_label": [ "2017-12-11" ], "sun_marker_altitude": "19:33:0.925497 (19.5502570824)", "sun_marker_azimuth": "218:05:11.8683 (218.086630087)", "sun_marker_time": 14.631666675209999, "transit": "2017-12-11T12:02:19.0035-08" }

This is still changing frequently.
Use the [ source]( for the latest.

# log files

## AAI flask

Use docker logs aai_flask_00 to see what is happening.
At this time I haven't configured logging to persistent storage like AAI gunicorn.

## AAI gunicorn

In addition to the docker logs, aai_gunicorn log files are available
persistent storage.  The gunicorn files are written to the location
given in the gunicorn config file

Use docker exec bash to access the logs in the running container

$ docker exec -it aai_gunicorn_00 bash

[starbug@c0d26b279a07 www]$ tail /opt/ [2019-01-17 06:17:45 +0000] [10] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.9.0 [2019-01-17 06:17:45 +0000] [10] [INFO] Listening at: (10) [2019-01-17 06:17:45 +0000] [10] [INFO] Using worker: sync [2019-01-17 06:17:45 +0000] [15] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 15 [2019-01-17 06:17:45 +0000] [20] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 20 WARNING:root:Using AAI flask test configuration. [2019-01-17 06:17:45 +0000] [21] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 21 [2019-01-17 06:17:45 +0000] [22] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 22 WARNING:root:Using AAI flask test configuration. WARNING:root:Using AAI flask test configuration. WARNING:root:Using AAI flask test configuration.

or one that just runs the shell

$ docker run -it --rm --mount source=starbuglogs,target=/opt/ --user root --entrypoint /bin/bash aai_gunicorn

# Troubleshooting

## build branch

The docker build checks out the AAI source from github.
Check that the docker build branch is correct in the docker file if it
is not master.
With out this, your changes will not show up in the container.
See [Dockerfile.flask](
or [Dockerfile.gunicorn](
just before <i>git submodule update</i>.

## no such file or directory

The build fails at

COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder394900186/www/config/ no such file or directory

Provide a deployment file or comment out this line.

## IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/'

Chown or delete the file as needed.

# Under development.

## [Equation of Time](

![Equation of Time](

## [Analemma](


## Lunar Altitude

![Lunar Altitude](


Astronomical Algorithms Implemented in C++ and Python







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