Enketo is another service, used to present Form to users so they can use them. This document explain how to set it up locally and how the connexion between the two works.
git clone git@bitbucket.org:bluesquare_org/enketo-express.git
cd setup/docker
docker-compose up
docker-compose up
docker exec -it iaso_hat_1 bash -c './manage.py seed_test_data --mode=seed --dhis2version=2.31.8'
note that the seeded "json" and "xml" don't match the xlsform So the edit will "work", but the json will dramatically change.
then go to the dashboard, got to the instance details of Quantity PCA form 2.31.8
then in the fab button you can Edit : Modifier les réponses via enketo.
currently everything is in enketo.py and enketo_url.py
the client ask for edit url with the instance we hide in the meta tags the editUserID with it's id the client redirect to enketo
instanceId is the uuid in meta.instanceID xml tag
when the user submit the modifed form in enketo it comes back to iaso with a new meta.instanceID and the meta.deprecateID is filled with the previous uuid we can find back the user based on the editUserId we log modifications and store the new media files
returns myformid qlty_pca_04_partie_financier 201503160816 md5:2eb75f0914a60c97ce471d6da118e42b entites_skv_sante https://iaso/api/enketo/forms/34369/form.xml
the associated code in onadata https://github.com/onaio/onadata/blob/8448894d3a78cb7dc49ef2cc4f89b3b317e0ae4e/onadata/apps/api/viewsets/xform_list_viewset.py
I assume return xml of xlsform from downloadUrl in previous request but the page still says there is an error
/enketo/api/submission should return headers[ 'x-openrosa-accept-content-length' ] ? https://github.com/kobotoolbox/enketo-express/blob/master/app/lib/communicator/communicator.js#L91 https://github.com/kobotoolbox/enketo-express/blob/master/app/lib/communicator/communicator.js#L103
POST /api/enketo/submission : 9241 bytes multipart/form-data; post request.FILES with instance xml and media files
- how to handle media files "upload" before edition