Releases: lpfann/fri
Releases · lpfann/fri
Python 3.9 support and new dependencies
Patch: New cvxpy version 1.1 support and other refreshed dependencies.
Update dependencies and bump version to 8.0.2 Update dependencies
Fix missing version Bump
8.0.1post Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Small dependency updates
Merge pull request #38 from lpfann/dev Update dependencies
Fork of Data generation
This release was focused on forking out the data generation methods which are now found in
- some changes in the API for more consistent names.
- handled warnings coming from sklearn
- updated dependencies
Backend: New publishing workflow
7.2.3 Add deploy when editing releases
Python 3.8 compatibility
This release includes newer dependencies which enable compatibility for the new Python version 3.8.
Feature Statistics and Bugfixes
This releases adds the possibility to read out the feature statistics created during computation.
Also several bugfixes.
Code Rewrite and Lupi Feature
This release features a complete rewrite and integration of models which allow learning with privileged information.
New feature selection based on more robust statistics
As mentioned in 2.A.3 in