:hv udb-a/b row col bit reg_offset reg_name direction
connect to the UDB block: PLD0 input, PLD0 output, PLD1 output, PLD1 input, datapath, status, control, and clocking/reset.
:hc i/o col row bit reg name
means the hc switch is between udb inputs
means the hc switch is between udb outputs
traverse to another UDB pair horizontally. They are situated between the left and right hv blocks of a pair.
:hs row bit back_reg forw_reg
traverse to another routing pair vertically. They are situated above and below the HV blocks in an interlocking pattern with respect to Pair B's and Pair A's.
:vs col b/a top/bot bit back_reg forw_reg
Routing pairs follow a checkerboard pattern starting with b in the top left corner. This is important for selecting hva or hvb.
:pair_routing row col b/a bank reg name
:pi_udb i/o col u/l bit reg i/o name
:udb col bit 0x80 0x00 IT0
You will notice two registers for each IT. The +0x80 register is for U1 UDB's and the other is for U0 UDB's.
:pi_dsi col (shorted with) reg'bit name
I'm Andreas Wagner, you can email me at andreas.wagner@lowfatcomputing.org or ping me (pointfree) on freenode.